hahahaha.............fucking predictable...............
Wellendowed appeals for compromise....then doesn't.
In less than 24 hours you offered Keystone as one issue ready for compromise, and within 24 hours you reverse course and tell us Keystone hasn't gotten complete "proper analysis" so it really isn't an issue Obama should compromise.
Make up your mind Obama lackey.
Whirlaway please quote me correctly here is what I stated and note what I have highlighted in RED :I am pretty confident that this will be signed into law by obama- I personally don't think the pipeline would be a bad idea if all the proper analysis has been completed.
Whirlaway only a fool would propose and agree to a plan like the Keystone Pipeline and not look at the possible downfall. If the bad outweighs the good then the plan needs to be dismantled. WW I assume you test drive a car before you purchase one or inspect a house before you purchase a home? I Never stated the Keystone Pipeline was a bad bill- I merely stated that it has to be properly analyzed and make sure that it doesn't have a negative affect on gas prices or the economy. The report I posted showed that it indeed will destroy the ecosystem and eventually be bad for the economy. Can you please show me a reliable recent report where it states the opposite?
Whirlaway you should be familiar with Fracking in Denton county- yes it's good that it can be produce record amounts of natural gas- but do we dismiss the idea that studies have shown that Fracking has lead to numerous of earth trmeors in that region?
Originally Posted by wellendowed1911