That's very interesting, and thanks for the peek. I try to be very conscious of the provider as I'm grateful for the services they provide and hope to leave a positive impression. I appreciate any feedback, or 'peeks' you guys can provide. :-) Originally Posted by gregaustinThe difficulty is you have guys who honestly want feedback, you have guys who say they do but really only want their ego stroked, you have guys who truly don't care about feedback, and you have guys who don't want feedback because they know it would paint them as mysoginists.
I have asked a few ladies whose opinions I trust for some honest feedback. Some have provided useful information I have used to improve future encounters, but some have been uncomfortable with even private feedback. These aren't ladies I have only seen once or twice, and it puzzlese why they are uncomfortable. One in particular, with whom I have had a long, ongoing history seems uncomfortable talking about her pleasure at all. Body language provides a lot of clues, but verbal expression would make things much easier to interpret.