llubder's Avatar
New Orleans has been run by Democrats= Liberals = Progressives = COMMIES, for 70 + years now. Get ready for the next wave of " What you can and can not do with your own life."
trekker's Avatar
Yes there are. Originally Posted by David-Louisiana
"Smoke Free" is a powerful enough selling point that any such places can prosper. It is intolerable to forcibly eliminate the property owner's option to allow smoking.
Smoking ban is a joke. It won't be enforced. Tired of these feel good laws that they can't enforce. Don't we have a curfew that isn't enforced? How many idiotic laws are on the books that we can't or won't enforce. Such a damn joke.
Here we go. More intolerance by the people claiming they want tolerance.

I don't believe the government should have any role in choosing a lover.

I also don't believe marriage laws should exist in general. They just propagate more laws.

But i also don't believe the government should make me sell you a cake.



My father died of lung cancer, from smoking when I was 19. I rode to church every Sunday with two chimneys in the front seat, windows up. Had to get the puffs in before we rolled out. Like cheech and chong, but without any fun.

I can't stand smoking. I always confront smokers. Well, almost always. I"m obnoxious that way.

I won't go to smokey bars. I won't go to a strip club if its too smokey.

I DO smoke a cigar. Nice ones. About 2 a year.

All that said - I can't stand this ban. Its silly in a city that can't stop people from shooting each other to make more laws to waste our time on.

I BET YOU that there is a nice $250 fine or so that will be a huge source of revenue for the City. That, or the ban will be ignored.

Or used to target "unwanted" businesses.

Really - if people demand smoke free bars - they will get them. But, face it, how many of you looked for a smoke free bar? Or supported those that opened and failed?

Government is not the solution, Government is the PROBLEM.
BR-8's Avatar
  • BR-8
  • 02-12-2015, 12:58 AM
You "White Knights" are going to have hard time justifying yourself on this one!! I am all for personal rights; less government regulations... Legalize and regulate prostitution, STAFF EDIT - PD; just as we have historically done with alcohol and prescription drugs.
The problem is that you are blowing your nasty cigarette smoke into MY LUNGS... and scientific studies and a little bit of common sense will tell you that the third hand smoke you are spewing into my face is more harmful than the shit that you are actually inhaling!!!
It's an addiction and most people with addictions do not make very good decisions regarding their problem. Studies in state legislations regarding this matter have shown the businesses that questioned their profit / loss in regards to banning smoking in their establishments have actually been positive. More non-smokers than smokers. GO OUTSIDE AND PUFF IF YOU HAVE TO!!!!
The next thing they ban will be forting in public.
trekker's Avatar
... and scientific studies and a little bit of common sense will tell you that the third hand smoke you are spewing into my face is more harmful than the shit that you are actually inhaling!!! Originally Posted by BR-8
So, smoke that has already deposited a payload in one person and is now diluted with hundreds of cubic feet of air is more dangerous than what the first person inhaled at full strength?

a scientific study commissioned with the desired conclusions already in mind can be made to produce those desired conclusions by manipulating the criteria for the compiling of the data. In other words, you can make a study say what you want it to say.

Establishments that believe a smoking ban will benefit their business can impose their own bans on their own property without a law telling all the other property owners/lessees what they have to do.

It would actually be more appropriate from a property rights viewpoint to ban smoking on sidewalks (city property) than IN bars and restaurants (private property).
Old Horn Dog's Avatar
I don't know how old the other people posting here are: but does anyone remember? Wayyyyy back when: "ALLLLL we want to do is ban smoking in ELEVATORS. Really--how common-sense & non-invasive is that? JUST ELEVATORS." But once you start banning, it's never enough; you have an organization. Organizations are living creatures--they desire to continue to live. Ergo... mission-creep, whether it's a govt. agency or do-gooders; they have to find a reason to keep on going. Which means to keep doing what they were doing before.

It's sick. Sometimes I really despise people--there must be something, deep in our horrible little brains, that, like an overwhelming urge to eat, drink, find shelter & procreate, also makes us want to tell other people what to do.
trekker's Avatar
OHD, I wish I could "unlike" your post so I could "like" it again.
You "White Knights" are going to have hard time justifying yourself on this one!! I am all for personal rights; less government regulations... Legalize and regulate prostitution, STAFF EDIT - PD; just as we have historically done with alcohol and prescription drugs.
The problem is that you are blowing your nasty cigarette smoke into MY LUNGS... and scientific studies and a little bit of common sense will tell you that the third hand smoke you are spewing into my face is more harmful than the shit that you are actually inhaling!!!
It's an addiction and most people with addictions do not make very good decisions regarding their problem. Studies in state legislations regarding this matter have shown the businesses that questioned their profit / loss in regards to banning smoking in their establishments have actually been positive. More non-smokers than smokers. GO OUTSIDE AND PUFF IF YOU HAVE TO!!!! Originally Posted by BR-8
It is interesting that you say this because the link to cigarettes and lung cancer came from statistical analysis of families with smokers and nonsmokers. The nonsmokers didn't get cancer, while the smokers did.
JohnnyCap's Avatar
The dangers of second/third hand smoke is a greatly exaggerated myth.

Nothing makes a punk look more like a pansy than an e-cig.

Common courtesy would dictate that a smoker distance themselves from non-smokers, especially in a poorly ventilated area. Businesses should make this easier. But common courtesy does not require legislation.

Most persons screaming from the pulpit against tobacco probably have no problem with the poisons of coca-cola and Monsanto corn, and they probably owned a few shares of Altria at some point. It's all bullshit.
and now we find that after several decades of nonsense, eggs and butter are actually good for you.
You "White Knights" are going to have hard time justifying yourself on this one!! I am all for personal rights; less government regulations... Legalize and regulate prostitution, STAFF EDIT - PD; just as we have historically done with alcohol and prescription drugs.
The problem is that you are blowing your nasty cigarette smoke into MY LUNGS... and scientific studies and a little bit of common sense will tell you that the third hand smoke you are spewing into my face is more harmful than the shit that you are actually inhaling!!!
It's an addiction and most people with addictions do not make very good decisions regarding their problem. Studies in state legislations regarding this matter have shown the businesses that questioned their profit / loss in regards to banning smoking in their establishments have actually been positive. More non-smokers than smokers. GO OUTSIDE AND PUFF IF YOU HAVE TO!!!! Originally Posted by BR-8
Let's blow up that lie
Cooter Browns went smoke free. I used to work there (bouncer/doorman) and hated the smoke, the ventilation system wasn't very good. I was happy when I walked in on a recent visit and it was.....well not smoky. Still wasn't fresh clean air...but you get my point.

However, I noticed that the place was almost empty. Even on week nights Cooters used to be packed full.

I never went back again so don't know if it was just an off night. The price of a pint and of a burger were too high, so I crossed it off the list. Plus the service has always sucked, read the yelp page for the place.

So.....what caused the drop in popularity?
Was it going smoke free?
People get tired of the prices?
People get tired of the service?

Also, several other bars in the vicinity have also suffered huge drop offs in popularity.

Too many conflating variables for me to tell. Which is why it is so hard to point to any one thing in any situation to determine causation beyond a doubt.

I am allergic to smoke, so glad to not have to smell like an ashtray anymore when I go to places (in the future when this takes effect), but like many others I don't like the gov't telling people what to do. Next it will be something that I like that they will be saying we can't do.

Strips clubs especially are bad for the smoke. The fancier ones have good ventilation and smoke eaters, but still when a strippers lights up next to you, no way to not have it in your clothes for the rest of the night.

I suppose I like the result, but do not like how we got there. I am not an ends justifies the means type of guy.