King Hussein is pissed

LexusLover's Avatar
The Jordanians are some of our staunchest allies in that region; second only to the Israelis. The Jordanians served alongside of us in Afghanistan: very reliable. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Correct. But like the sand over there, the winds shift rapidly. The government and the military may be with us, but they have to have their people with them.

When things start looking up over there is when they stand with the Israelis for their common security and stability in the region as one.
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  • 02-05-2015, 03:18 PM
He has NO strategy to destroy ISIS; because his strategy is to strike a deal with Iran. In essence, let Iran be the regional power broker, have nukes, and keep the region quiet. The problem with Obama's Iran strategy is you can't trust Iran and you can't trust Obama to negotiate a good deal for US interests. Also, if Iran goes nuclear, so will others in the region. Obama thinks he is the smartest guy in the room; that is why he ignores the advice of his advisors.

When has Obama gotten anything right with regard to domestic or foreign initiatives? Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Maybe Obama can get GWB to look our potential enemies in the eye to get a feel for how we should act.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
France....and now Jordan are taking the lead?

What's this world coming too?
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  • 02-05-2015, 04:22 PM
France....and now Jordan are taking the lead?

What's this world coming too? Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
The Muslim world will have to lead the fight on radical Muslims.
The Muslim world will have to lead the fight on radical Muslims. Originally Posted by WTF
That's not going to happen.

I like him. He's smooth, smart and comfortable in his own skin. Sandhurst-educated, like his father. Can anyone imagine our C-in-C dressed in fatigues? It would look worse than Dukakis riding a tank. Even if we supply Abdullah with what he needs (and Odumbo won't), Jordan is a small country and can hardly do this alone. He needs to be helped. We rely heavily on his intelligence services to know what is going on. He has taken in 2 million Syrian refugees, which doesn't exactly enhance stability. But he knows the pulse of the "street".

. Originally Posted by lustylad

+1 "Can anyone imagine our C-in-C dressed in fatigues?" NO!
The ISIS totally miss played their hand. They did not get anything they wanted. They have no more hostages and they pissed off all the countries around them. Originally Posted by BigLouie
Did they kill the American woman? Sure they have hostages. If they run out they'll just invade a neighborhood town and round up some more.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
The Jordanians are some of our staunchest allies in that region; second only to the Israelis. The Jordanians served alongside of us in Afghanistan: very reliable. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
For once I agree- I think ISIS made a huge mistake that will backfire- burning someone alive is considered to be a huge NO NO even amongst the most devout muslims. If you recall during the Iraqi war- Al-Queada was just setting off car bombs everywhere - even at Mosques- in which the Iraqis pretty much said enough is enough these bastards(Al-Queada) must go. Although, I give effort for Jordanians being pissed- I think muslims as a whole should have been pissed a long time ago- burning someone who is locked in a cage is a horrific act that only scum of the earth can perform, but ISIS have been killing innocent people- mostly muslims way before the pilot got killed. Hopefully,the other muslim countries would unite and destroy ISIS.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Because Obama has NO strategy; he has no plan to destroy ISIS. As evidenced by his own Defense Nominee (Carter) who couldn't tell the Senate what the Obama strategy for defeating ISIS was.

Obama is running out the clock; but more importantly, he is working hard to hand the keys to the region over to a nuclear capable Iran and their mullahs.

It is part of his strategy to fundamentally transform Amerika. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
WW can you blame Iran for wanting to go nuclear? Put yourself in Iran's shoes- it's surrounded by enemies- Iran is the only Shiite country in the middle east. For the most part Shiites and Sunnis- don't get a long. Most Sunni radical groups like Al-Queada and ISIS don't consider Shiites real muslims and see them as infidels.
Iran has a neighbor of Afghanistan that has a pro-american govt installed- although when the Taliban were in power- Iran was the biggest supporter to the Northern Alliance in overthrowing the Taliban. Iran also borders Iraq- in which they had a long not so good history and not Iraq has ISIS- which Iran doesn't want to spread to their country.
Also, I said it a million times- Iran even if they had a nuke would never be stupid enough to attack Israel. At what city would Iran send a nuke too w/o causing major collateral damage. Keep in mind Jerusalem is the 2nd holiest city in Islam- and keep in mind Israel land wise is not very big- a nuclear strike would kill thousand of muslims as well.
Pakistan has nukes and I would fear one of those radicals getting a hold of the nukes more than I fear Iraq. Also, Iran has no ties to al-Queada or ISIS so why the big fear?
For once I agree- I think ISIS made a huge mistake that will backfire- burning someone alive is considered to be a huge NO NO even amongst the most devout muslims. If you recall during the Iraqi war- Al-Queada was just setting off car bombs everywhere - even at Mosques- in which the Iraqis pretty much said enough is enough these bastards(Al-Queada) must go. Although, I give effort for Jordanians being pissed- I think muslims as a whole should have been pissed a long time ago- burning someone who is locked in a cage is a horrific act that only scum of the earth can perform, but ISIS have been killing innocent people- mostly muslims way before the pilot got killed. Hopefully,the other muslim countries would unite and destroy ISIS. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911

I'm sure "IS" is "amongst the most devout muslims". I hope all "IS" creatures in every country in the world get martyred tomorrow!
wellendowed1911's Avatar
I'm sure "IS" is "amongst the most devout muslims". I hope all "IS" creatures in every country in the world get martyred tomorrow! Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
I stand corrected- any normal person with a soul- or even some belief in God- should find no pleasure in burning a man to death inside a cage- unless that man was Satan, but I was thinking that perhaps most radicals would even think that is going so far. I have read somewhere have to find the source that some Al-queada members have stated that ISIS tactics have gone too far.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
For once I agree- I think ISIS made a huge mistake that will backfire- burning someone alive is considered to be a huge NO NO even amongst the most devout muslims. If you recall during the Iraqi war- Al-Queada was just setting off car bombs everywhere - even at Mosques- in which the Iraqis pretty much said enough is enough these bastards(Al-Queada) must go. Although, I give effort for Jordanians being pissed- I think muslims as a whole should have been pissed a long time ago- burning someone who is locked in a cage is a horrific act that only scum of the earth can perform, but ISIS have been killing innocent people- mostly muslims way before the pilot got killed. Hopefully,the other muslim countries would unite and destroy ISIS. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Yes I believe you are correct. If this serves as a catalyst for other Muslims to fight these assholes, that will be great.
Without US leadership (and military aid); none of these countries will fight the fight and see it to a finish.

And Obama doesn't have it in him to lead................

For once I agree- I think ISIS made a huge mistake that will backfire- burning someone alive is considered to be a huge NO NO even amongst the most devout muslims. If you recall during the Iraqi war- Al-Queada was just setting off car bombs everywhere - even at Mosques- in which the Iraqis pretty much said enough is enough these bastards(Al-Queada) must go. Although, I give effort for Jordanians being pissed- I think muslims as a whole should have been pissed a long time ago- burning someone who is locked in a cage is a horrific act that only scum of the earth can perform, but ISIS have been killing innocent people- mostly muslims way before the pilot got killed. Hopefully,the other muslim countries would unite and destroy ISIS. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Yssup Rider's Avatar
+1 "Can anyone imagine our C-in-C dressed in fatigues?" NO! Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Yes I believe you are correct. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer