Big lips and large clits

soxfan's Avatar
now if dallas would send pics oh my
tuckahoe's Avatar
I have actually looked at getting my clit cut down to a smaller size but it costs more than implants.... I hate the way it looks plus they get in my way and I am always turned on which sucks cause my panties are always wet lol Originally Posted by CeCiLiA88
Just let me eat some every day and see it it gets any smaller!! lol
I bet most men think your pussy is wonderful. Big lips and clits are just more to kiss and lick and suck on. They feel feel super against the man's groin when he is pushed deep inside you. Wet panties are a good thing as is being turned on all the time. You are lucky you are not like a lot of women who seldom get turned on. Learn to see the beauty in the way you are created, instead of being critical of yourself. Take a mirror and closely examine your pussy and the rest of your body. See how much beauty you can find in each and every part.
Seems strange that women think their breasts are too small and their pussies to large. Just wish women would accept themselves as they are created. Your female body is wonderful and beautiful and sexy!!!!!!!!
burkalini's Avatar
I have actually looked at getting my clit cut down to a smaller size but it costs more than implants.... I hate the way it looks plus they get in my way and I am always turned on which sucks cause my panties are always wet lol Originally Posted by CeCiLiA88

OK lets make one of your hottest assets go away? No surgery please. A nice hot thick pussy thats wet? Don't change a thing.
DallasRain's Avatar
mmmmmm Lea smooches back sexy!!

Soxfan..ya gotta look at my website private me for password
am-a-pleaser's Avatar
I love a big clit. The way it feels as I dine. Mmmmmm
burkalini's Avatar
Meaty beaty big and bouncy. That's my motto
Guest042413's Avatar
Thanks for all your thoughts I try to see the beauty but often I fine it hard but I will take the suggestion of looking in the mirror....Kisses CeCe
If your mirror ever fails to let you know how beautiful you are, just come back here; we'll be happy to remind you and your mirror.

If/when I have the fortune to make it to Houston(or you make it to Dallas), perhaps we can get acquainted. Then I'll be able to tell you in person.

Merry Christmas, Love!


I apologize if this is a "bump"...I don't get on as much as I'd like...
John Bull's Avatar
Like big clits but not big lips - unless they are on the face.
burkalini's Avatar
Big and fat. Small and skinny. As long as it's clean and willing. I lovem all
DallasRain's Avatar
lol--good answer BURK!!
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
I have talked to some ladies that are a little bit ashamed of having big pussy lips or large clits. To me thats a meal I just can't resist.

What do you think??? Originally Posted by burkalini

Couldn't lick a clit that looks like a mini-prick but big lips are alright with me.
DallasRain's Avatar
I am NOT ashamed of my big!!
a kitty that is all wrapped up like a nice little taco lol. I like a decent sized clit, but the outer lips I like a bit fluffy...inner lips I like to stay in. Originally Posted by London Rayne
This is exactly what I am looking for so if anybody knows of a provider in El Paso, Tx that has a kitty like this please let me know so I can have an hour long session of DATY...
Dallas...Can't wait to lick..I mean, see them in person next time you are in the Dallas area!