go back to the FIRST POST and read where it says,
"Scientific evidence demonstrates that individuals vaccinated with live virus vaccines such as MMR (measles, mumps and rubella), rotavirus, chicken pox, shingles and influenza can shed the virus for many weeks or months afterwards and infect the vaccinated and unvaccinated alike.1,2 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10
Furthermore, vaccine recipients can carry diseases in the back of their throat and infect others while displaying no symptoms of a disease.11,12,13
so even though you are vaccinated, you are still a carrier for the dz.
Originally Posted by bigcockpussylicker
Irrelevant bullshit even if it is true.
You need to learn the difference between "can" and "probably".
Assuming that you CAN shed the virus for weeks and that it CAN live for some short period of time in your throat (I assume from kissing a sick person), that still lasts for only a much shorter period of sickness that if you got the disease.
"Herd immunity" is a FACT, not fiction. If you could so easily be a carrier your whole life even if you are vaccinated, then herd immunity would not work.
Vaccinations work because when the virus invades your body and multiples, your immune system kicks in and attacks and kills the viruses before they can make you sick. You may briefly have an elevated level of the virus, but your chances of spreading it are much less because your are not heavily infected and it doesn't last very long.
It is a game of odds. That is why herd immunity works.
so you saying that you are not allowed to control what happens to your own body
that's a retarded view, or is are you just being a retard in real life?
please go on the record.
Originally Posted by bigcockpussylicker
You can control what happens to YOUR body, but the rest of us can control what happens to OUR bodies.
So, if you or your children don't get vaccinated, your kids can't attend school.
If you don't get vaccinated, you can get fired from work.
If you don't get vaccinated, you either don't get treated for the disease or you are forced to pay for your treatment out of pocket.
If you don't get vaccinated, you can be banned from flying, barred from entering a hospital, barred from entering any facility where large numbers of people are in attendance.
So, enjoy your absolute autonomy over your body. But you will be broke and lonely.