Is going bushless a fetish or a choice?

Not adverse to a personal shave by you AND then fun time Originally Posted by Chloe
Shaving on the menu? Wow I've never done that before.
JohnnyCap's Avatar
I prefer hair on a female AND most important, on a man. I can understand why now, being shaved, is more the norm.

It's taken some years, but hair WILL be the new cool. I feel that it never went out of style.

I prefer men to be natural down there. It probably has something to do with my age, I'll admit.

I don't see having pubic hair as being a fetish at all, though. More like a cultural preference. It's a style thing. Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
I remember a southern lady seeing my trimmed junk and finding it quite effeminate, in a bad way. Now, every six months or so I knock the forest back a bit, if only to make sure I didn't lose anything in there.

Not adverse to a personal shave by you AND then fun time Originally Posted by Chloe
Or we could hole up in a cabin and grow some hair.
Not adverse to a personal shave by you AND then fun time Originally Posted by Chloe
^^^^ agree with blthzr ^^^^^ that is def a fun thing to do, maybe I'll have to help you out with that one day also
SweetElizabeth's Avatar
Shaving a man for me has always been off limits and only for LTR. Real Life stuff..

I may someday make an exception, but doubtful someone would travel that far emotionally...

I think my last experience was 2009 or so. It was awesome
Tetas's Avatar
  • Tetas
  • 03-04-2015, 05:59 PM
I really don't care what a woman does up on the pubis (do prefer it at least be groomed though)...but PLEASE shave, wax, sugar, laser that area I'm licking! And OFTEN!
Nothing much worse than feeling like you're macheteing your way through the jungle with your tongue OR licking 60 grit sandpaper!!!!
I really don't care what a woman does up on the pubis (do prefer it at least be groomed though)...but PLEASE shave, wax, sugar, laser that area I'm licking! And OFTEN!
Nothing much worse than feeling like you're macheteing your way through the jungle with your tongue OR licking 60 grit sandpaper!!!! Originally Posted by riday

Thanks for visiting Upset.
And nice post.
Feel free to visit anytime... It's nice to get a fresh perspective sometimes....
doctorisin's Avatar
I don't care what the beaver looks like so long as she can do this:

offshoredrilling's Avatar
I really don't care what a woman does up on the pubis (do prefer it at least be groomed though)...but PLEASE shave, wax, sugar, laser that area I'm licking! And OFTEN!
Nothing much worse than feeling like you're macheteing your way through the jungle with your tongue OR licking 60 grit sandpaper!!!! Originally Posted by riday
how about braided pubic hair?
KaylaRyder's Avatar
I started a thread on this topic last September. Lots of good responses. One provider I saw a few weeks later said she remembered this thread and grew her hair in just for me! Originally Posted by woodywouldpekher
That's me a pleaser : ) and i do hope u were pleased ; ) But now u started my hair dilemma lol
Amber Does's Avatar
Oh I posted in the wrong bush thread lol.

I did it!! Pic in other thread
That's me a pleaser : ) and i do hope u were pleased ; ) But now u started my hair dilemma lol Originally Posted by .countrygirl
Just keep it nice and clean and there is no dilemma!
Trish, I'm surprised you remembered. I wanted to be respectful and not name drop you. But it was a nice surprise when you came here that night! (it added to the passion)
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
I began shaving about 2.5/3 yrs before becoming a provider. I saw the shaven look in a porn (the lady had a landing strip actually) and decided to try it. I liked how it looked and felt and kept it going. I was totally hairless for a long time but i've been partially shaved for about closed to 2 yrs (mound has hair that's super closely trimmed and my lips all the way back to my taint are smooth/bare).

Just curious......and I don't want to hijack the other thread!

As a woman, would you go bushless by choice, or do you do so because you are a provider?

As a man, is your desire for hairless ladies a kink or not? And does it really matter how much bush is there?

In JB's words.......discuss.......

elg........ Originally Posted by elghund