If the global warming crowd has lost Walter Cronkite then they've lost the war

Oh is that right? because if I remember, you were the idiot who said "who's talking science?" like a fucktard in response to a comment I made. Or was that your unmedicated, delusional psychosis talking?

I wasn't arguing with you

That's right. Sit down little boy. Originally Posted by shanm
im remaining calm so don't fear

your attacks are truly puzzling...I wasn't talking science I was talking marilyn monroe and the op was talking about the ups and downs of those making claims

then you come out with everyone who has made comments are idiots and don't have science degrees..a guarantee...I think you said

I do have a geology degree so I said that, and then I said I wasn't talking science either

so you stepped on it a bit, lil fella...in all your comments, you can retract them, or remain outside the fellowship of decency
  • shanm
  • 03-05-2015, 03:27 PM
im remaining calm so don't fear

your attacks are truly puzzling...I wasn't talking science I was talking marilyn monroe and the op was talking about the ups and downs of those making claims

then you come out with everyone who has made comments are idiots and don't have science degrees..a guarantee...I think you said

I do have a geology degree so I said that, and then I said I wasn't talking science either

so you stepped on it a bit, lil fella...in all your comments, you can retract them, or remain outside the fellowship of decency Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Point taken, I apologize. I assumed you were a foul-mouthing tard who like the rest of your buddies on here, and I ignorantly treated you like one. That was on me.
Point taken, I apologize. I assumed you were a foul-mouthing tard who like the rest of your buddies on here, and I ignorantly treated you like one. That was on me. Originally Posted by shanm
I accept

and the other guys?
they aren't retarded in the least

well we all have opinions and people we place trust in, in varying degrees, and those we don't, in varying degrees
conservatism is populated by logical people
  • shanm
  • 03-05-2015, 03:42 PM
I accept

and the other guys?
hey aren't retarded in the least

well we all have opinions and people we place trust in, in varying degrees, and those we don't, in varying degrees
conservatism is populated by logical people Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
conservatism is populated by logical people
Then how do you explain that our top 10 dumbest states are dominated by republicans(conservatives). Actual conservatism might be, what you and your political parties promote is far from it.

Video from the 1970s with "the most trusted man in America" informing the public that a global ice age was coming....in about 10,000 years. He may have been off by a millenium or two but he was more correct that the global warming priests. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Yeah, that's about as scientific an argument as the rest of the bullshit you idiots throw up on the issue.

95% of the world's climatologists are in agreement on the issue. But, Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity know better......fuuuuuck you.
^guaranteed that none of these idiots commenting on climate change have a scientific background whatsoever Originally Posted by shanm
Exactly, that's why it helps to educate yourself.

And Jackie, for every one that is receiving aid to spread environmental propaganda, there are ten that are being funded by Oil companies and the politicians(repubtards) vested in them. Think of who benefits more from us being silent on this issue? The oil companies whose profits will inevitably suffer if we stopped using their products OR the environmental activists who will.......(uhhh can't even finish this sentence) be proven wrong, I suppose.
Originally Posted by shanm
Those same evil oil companies that furnish millions of jobs and help hard working people enjoy the fruits of living in a free society.
No I am not. Climate may not be the same as weather but it influences the pattern of weather. So there is a direct relationship.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
If you think because we've had a cold winter that somehow that nullifies climate change, you most definitely have the two confused. You obviously didn't watch the video I was so nice to provide. Climate is measured over the long haul. Weather is erratic and can change based on very minor factors.
Winter + spring + summer + fall = climate change
Oh you're right Mojo Risin. I should spend my entire day trying to educate you in something that is widely available in every corner of the internet, and something that 95% of all scientists agree on. Sorry.

BTW, I never said that I have experience in studying climate change. When I said I shouldn't spill my life's work onto this board it was in direct response to your attempt at outing me. Everyone knows that personal info about posters is frowned upon in these forums. However, I'll humor you just this one time. I majored in Chemistry, that's about as far as you get from climate change in the scientific field. However, your ability to educate yourself should take precedence over whatever you major in in college. Originally Posted by shanm
I don't need you to educate me on any subject. Nobody is trying to "out you".

  • shanm
  • 03-05-2015, 07:44 PM
I don't need you to educate me on any subject, and your "life's work" what was that community organizer.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Hah! MojoIdiot says he needs no education!

isnt that what you said when you dropped out in the third grade? MojoIdiot!

I can point to your billion useless posts per day that say you DO need "an education"!

And are you attempting to out me again, shitnickel? Dont learn very well do you? what is your obsession with knowing all about me idiot? my dick is good but I dont swing that way. Go suck a cock off the street like youre used to!
If you think because we've had a cold winter that somehow that nullifies climate change, you most definitely have the two confused. You obviously didn't watch the video I was so nice to provide. Climate is measured over the long haul. Weather is erratic and can change based on very minor factors. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
No that's not what I think. What you and others are trying to imply is that there is this catastrophic inevitability associated with "Climate Change" because of man's intervention with the burning of Fossil Fuels. All I hear is people talking about how all these Scientist are in agreement that it's a big problem, so we need to do something about it. I've read more on the implementation of a Carbon Tax than a real viable plan to tackle the problem. I am in agreement with anyone that we need to conduct safe practices to safeguard the environment. The arguments on Climate Change may have some valid points but a great deal of it still over exaggerated and highly politicized.

No that's not what I think. What you and others are trying to imply is that there is this catastrophic inevitability associated with "Climate Change" because of man's intervention with the burning of Fossil Fuels. All I hear is people talking about how all these Scientist are in agreement that it's a big problem, so we need to do something about it. I've read more on the implementation of a Carbon Tax than a real viable plan to tackle the problem. I am in agreement with anyone that we need to conduct safe practices to safeguard the environment. The arguments on Climate Change may have some valid points but a great deal of it still over exaggerated and highly politicized.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
It is definitely politicized but that doesn't mean we don't need to do something about it. At least we are in agreement that we should be doing something. We can debate what that is but that's a good starting point.
Hah! MojoIdiot says he needs no education!

isnt that what you said when you dropped out in the third grade? MojoIdiot!

I can point to your billion useless posts per day that say you DO need "an education"!

And are you attempting to out me again, shitnickel? Dont learn very well do you? what is your obsession with knowing all about me idiot? my dick is good but I dont swing that way. Go suck a cock off the street like youre used to! Originally Posted by shanm
Ok, What kind of bullshit are you trying start? Nobody gives a shit about you, who you are, or who's dick you're sucking. You're obviously just another flame artist.

I B Hankering's Avatar
No that's not what I think. What you and others are trying to imply is that there is this catastrophic inevitability associated with "Climate Change" because of man's intervention with the burning of Fossil Fuels. All I hear is people talking about how all these Scientist are in agreement that it's a big problem, so we need to do something about it. I've read more on the implementation of a Carbon Tax than a real viable plan to tackle the problem. I am in agreement with anyone that we need to conduct safe practices to safeguard the environment. The arguments on Climate Change may have some valid points but a great deal of it still over exaggerated and highly politicized.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Ducbutter's Avatar
No serious scientists deny the fact that CO2 is a greenhouse gas or that it contributes to some warming of the atmosphere but there is disagreement on how much it contributes and how much any warming that occurred can be attributed to man's activity. There is robust debate about that, as there should be. Climate is complex and sometimes chaotic and is nowhere near being completely understood.
The biggest issue involves the sensitivity of the climate to CO2. Every GCM out there overestimates the effect by a factor between 1 1/2 to 4 times. The predictions of the models do not reflect real world observations. They all say we should be hotter than we are. None of those models predicted nor explains the "pause" that's been going on for 18+ years now. The pause that folks like Gavin Schmidt at first denied, can't explain and who now claim will continue for another 5 to 10 years. Then there are alarmists like Mann and Trenberth who don't even seem to understand basic meteorology. Those two claim that the reason the northeast is experiencing record snowfall is because of greater than average moisture in the atmosphere caused by warm water off the coast. Utter horse shit! The atmosphere has been drier than normal in New England. It's just been so bloody cold it has jacked up the ratio of precip/snowfall to super high levels of as much as 1/20. Not only that but that warm water offshore (which is nothing more than a loop in the gulf stream) is about 1000 miles east of the coast. Too far away to be feeding those storms and it would be positioned in the wrong place to feed into them even if it were farther west. It would be positioned on the outflow side of the storm, not the inflow side. The fact that these otherwise smart guys can get these things so wrong should be cause for concern to any fair minded person. They are either not as smart as we think or they are purposefully misleading.
And anyone who throws out that "95 or 97% of all scientists" line has clearly not read anything more in depth on the subject than some article in USA today. It's been completely debunked.