Safe and Provider Friendly Hotels in SA

I honestly think Cutiepie is just trolling. There is no way a hoogar exists dumb enough to announce where they are staying.

Also, who the hell works out of a hojo? Motels, where random people in a parking lot can watch the parade of men zipping in and out of one room just seems like a bad idea to me...especially when the monetary gain isn't that much compared to an actual hotel.

Or maybe I'm just paranoid.
watch here goes round 2 popcorn
Chincho's Avatar
This is not a fair fight.

Best I can figure Asians are about 35 IQ points smarter than white folks and white folks are about 20 IQ points smarter than Mexicans and Mexicans are about 40 IQ points smarter than the Native American prairie Edit Racial Slur - VS then there's black people and I don't speculate on them I will just say watch pastor manning on you tube.
Chincho's Avatar
I'm thinking this place lost it's marbles, fuck I ain't been pointed or warned!
Chincho's Avatar
Slow service is bad for business
I had a nap. Sorry to keep you waiting. Points issued.
Chincho's Avatar
Not one you had the balls to call me out publicly for writing such a hideous post, yet you love to type tough!
tpepsi's Avatar
It's not a matter of balls.

Why wrestle with a pig? You're both gonna get dirty, but the pig likes it.
tpepsi's Avatar
It's not a matter of balls.

Why wrestle with a pig? You're both gonna get dirty, but the pig likes it.
Chincho's Avatar
Selective apathy, that's a great execuse!!
Misty S's Avatar