I would never advocate.....

Killersalt's Avatar
I don't get people who have multiple handles. If you not dare to say something with current secret identity, why do you think you would dare to say with another secret identity? Originally Posted by futile
Maybe because their other identities are banned and they can't say it with their "known" handle. Just my thought.

This thread is beyond the point of being hijacked, right?
boardman's Avatar
Seems to me that it is right on topic.
Wayward's Avatar
Oh wait a darn minute we can hijack anything, wasn't the point of this forum just to keep us out of coed?
I so wanted to reg as drawyaw on the P, but I had the other handle working and no one would ever ban it, well ck1942 did after reading something on the Y. But then his battleship was torpedoed and all was forgiven.

Who can guess my HD handle? Originally Posted by Wayward
Just one, somehow I am disappointed.
Wayward's Avatar
Oh no, I posted under Jack of Hearts for years, had backups for that: Phaedrus and Go Go Yubari, but never got to use them. They never thought that the Padre would register a new handle before he was banned. Just wanted to post reviews give something back, still have a soft spot for those early days on the P. It did kind of suck that we lost our Life Time BCD, but like some other perks we picked up along the way it came back.

This should keep the Corny Dogs busy for a few minutes.
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
Lifetime BCD? What's that?