Annnnd, thanck you for that wonderful fucking buzz-kill, KKA!
Instead of busting our buzz with that idiots nonsense, please take it up directly with said idiot. There actually *are* a few of us who don't need the "wash your ass", "scrub your dick and balls" lectures. No, seriously. Some of us actually get it, or should I say, "got it" right from the get go.
So while I can understand your disgust, Please address it to those people directly. I mean, shit, you've only got that scribed on each and every freaking webpage and for them to still show up in that 'not-so-fresh-at-freaking-all condition, leads me to believe that perhaps those idiots won't EVER get it, so piling it all on those of us that actually DO, get it, gets to be a little tiresome...
Respectfully submitted,
SofaKingFun-Freshest Sack In The Hobby®
Originally Posted by SofaKingFun
My Dear SKF,
Perhaps I do go a tad overboard but as does my postings on said subject get a bit old so too does the fact that most dont truly get it. And honestly, those who boast the most about how they would never show up to meet a whore less than immaculately scrubbed are the ones almost always lacking. Not to impune your work in that area, of course, Im just saying. LOL. Nevertheless, of ALL the mundane and repetitive posts on the board I find this is one that can help and inform and I will continue to include it when the opportunity presents. New people come here daily and the world is bigger than just the inner herd. Mayhaps, you could be contructive and offer your sofa up for some "come learn proper hygiene skills" so everyone can be a squeaky clean pot of fun such as yourself.