The stink of death and decay...

How fitting!

The same Idiot who was so concerned about "insults" being hurled from "lefties," continues to spew "insults" from "righties."

"There is no defense" for the Idiot named JDIdiot. Originally Posted by bigtex
Most are concerned with the speck in their neighbor's eye while ignoring the sequoia they have lodged in their own. It's all he has. He rarely makes a salient point. It's got to be taxing to keep searching under all those shrubs for that fucking plane. I'm sure it'll turn up...
My earlier postings prove that you lie and why are you lurking in the weeds again. Joyce? When you have an entire world to choose from and you choose Joyce. I expected Harold Robbins from you.

Me, I like Twain, Turtledove, Roosevelt, Mamet, Clancy, Dumas, and so many others. No wonder you're feeble minded.

Look out! It's Baby Killer... Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
No one even knows what you're talking about anymore. Go ask any literary person worth their salt and they'll tell you that Joyce has some of the finest prose every committed to paper by a human being. Why is what someone enjoys reading now fodder for fools like you? Keep doing your mad libs and leave the rest of us to our books.
  • shanm
  • 05-03-2015, 12:13 PM
No one even knows what you're talking about anymore. Go ask any literary person worth their salt and they'll tell you that Joyce has some of the finest prose every committed to paper by a human being. Why is what someone enjoys reading now fodder for fools like you? Keep doing your mad libs and leave the rest of us to our books. Originally Posted by WombRaider
He's a retard. Trying to sound more cosmopolitan than he actually is.
He's a retard. Trying to sound more cosmopolitan than he actually is. Originally Posted by shanm
He illustrates it perfectly by sandwiching Clancy between Mamet and Dumas.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
To quote Mark Twain (an American writer of some note); My books are like water, those of the great geniuses are wine, everyone drinks water.
Comment about what admiral? Your pointless post? Nobody is commenting because it's a waste of time and bandwidth, like 95% of what you post. Originally Posted by timpage