Sue_Nami says guys like stuff shoved up thier asses. I never new that this was so popular! Lets find out how popular shall we?

A little something for the butt pirates to ponder.
Will you be happy when you look like this?

I think your sexuality will be fully explored when you can't even sit. lol
Gotta love the 3rd option. "Why would I pay someone to be soldomized me?"

Literacy at it's finest. Must be a new form of Billy Bob ebonics.
It looks like the OP's plan backfired because the Poll is an even tie between those who enjoy pegging with a women those who don't (Or haven't tried it yet).

Correction! Now actually it appears the peggers outnumber the homophobes/closet mongers. Originally Posted by Windinhishair
Oh what a difference a couple more hours make there Windoutofwherever

Never make snap judgements about public opinion, you could look foolish.....
AlienLifeForm's Avatar
For the same reason I didn't list a French Fry, Lip Stick, Popsicle Stick or Tree Branch. Like many providers it's either open or closed!

Originally Posted by Still Looking
She makes a good point. Your poll only offers black and white options because those are the only options that exist for you. So you aren't looking to poll other hobbyists here you're looking only for hobbyists who think like you do. And your use of the term "fudge-packer" shows your bigotry.

I don't fault you for your viewpoints or opinions but all you're doing here is being an asshole for the sake of being an asshole. I've read many posts and reviews by you SL and they've been very helpful to me in restarting my hobbying. They gave me the impression you were better man than this.

Fire at will...
HunterGrace's Avatar
Stupid thread alert. Yawn.
Still Looking's Avatar
Stupid thread alert. Yawn. Originally Posted by HunterGrace
Thanks for sharing Hunter! Nice of you to grace us with your presence here in COED. I know you don't work as much any more but hell once I'm old enough to draw social security neither will I.
Damn nursing home left the door open again.
I hope they catch the escapee quick, otherwise it'll piddle on the floor, and the whole place will smell like old person.
Still Looking's Avatar
Damn nursing home left the door open again.
I hope they catch the escapee quick, otherwise it'll piddle on the floor, and the whole place will smell like old person. Originally Posted by rockerrick
Pardon me, gentlemen...

Being new, please forgive the intrusion.. Before entering this weird and wonderful world of the Hobby, I had never really considered the whole idea of pegging. You would probably be VERY much surprised about the amount of Hobbyists that inquire on this fetish or ask if I am willing to honor such a request. And, from the reviews they have done and referrals from other providers, I can only surmise that they are, indeed, straight. They simply enjoy the sensation that it gives them.

Having been in the massage industry for WAY longer than I will admit here, I am quite familiar with the desire for a 'prostate' massage among my male clients. It was a VERY common subject for clients to mention.

I am sad no one has asked for kielbasa or something equally as interesting.

Again.. Please forgive the intrusion...
We're not delusional about that, hell there are guys that like guys pretending to be girls. I'm not going to say that the provider in that instance is gay because of possible gender identity issues. But the guy who seeks that out is definitely at least bi, if not gay.
Just because a lot of people do it doesn't negate that fact.
I blame MTV.
oh should have said "Ah blamez tha MTV".
Miss Valentina's Avatar
Hey, you guys know by now that I love annihilating assholes as much as the back door pirate experiences in the reviews of which many of you are so fond. As a consequence of seeming to like putting my Gucci shod foot square up the asses of many here, I get pegging requests from hombres All. The. Time. Unfortunately for them, my ass eviscerating proclivities are limited to the clean and sanitary distance a verbal ass-reaming provides.

I have seen skin tags on the upper legs and perineum of many dudes so prolific and hideous they look as if a hoard of writhing mythical sea creatures have made a home in the dank crevasses. I don't want to open that area up for fear it would release the Kraken.

Some dude's assholes look like some demented exploding Vesuvius or worse yet, a puckered skin version of fucking Mordor.

Nope!!! Noooo boys... I wouldn't poke around that crevasse with RockerRick's dick duct taped to a ten foot pole. No way. No how. More power to ladies who do. You're the bravest of the brave.
Miss Valentina's Avatar
Haha RR!!!
Still Looking's Avatar
Hey, you guys know by now that I love annihilating assholes as much as the back door pirate experiences in the reviews of which many of you are so fond. As a consequence of seeming to like putting my Gucci shod foot square up the asses of many here, I get pegging requests from hombres All. The. Time. Unfortunately for them, my ass eviscerating proclivities are limited to the clean and sanitary distance a verbal ass-reaming provides.

I have seen skin tags on the upper legs and perineum of many dudes so prolific and hideous they look as if a hoard of writhing mythical sea creatures have made a home in the dank crevasses. I don't want to open that area up for fear it would release the Kraken.

Some dude's assholes look like some demented exploding Vesuvius or worse yet, a puckered skin version of fucking Mordor.

Nope!!! Noooo boys... I wouldn't poke around that crevasse with RockerRick's dick duct taped to a ten foot pole. No way. No how. More power to ladies who do. You're the bravest of the brave. Originally Posted by Miss Valentina

Just curious... when you meet people do you go to a level of communication that is not offensive those not sporting an English degree?
fun2come's Avatar
You'd think so.. the universal language of
If not then this will do it:
But you knew that