I don't mind texts from gents who know me and were provided my number, by me, after being screened and setting an appointment. Brightens my day to hear from them even if they're not asking for an appointment......
Participation in this, as well as any other, hobby requires certain things take place in order to participate or play and receive a certain satisfaction from it.
Originally Posted by MaxiMilyen
Can I buy you a virtual drink, Maxi?
I wish MORE providers felt this way!!
I attempt to be very straightforward, and follow instructions for engagements (and don't send stupid texts) but there are some ladies I see on a regular basis, and it brightens my day to hear from them occasionally, if they have free time, an Incall for a few days, or even just to check in occasionally with a great customer.
And - I give more business to those that do that, as It's part of a good relationship, and I foster and welcome the engagement, same as in any relationship or business.
Example: As I posted earlier today - one of my ATF ladies NCNS me THREE (3) times, won't respond to my Texts whatsoever, even though I made it perfectly clear I wanted to see her again both in person and via text.
WTF? I'm unclear what drives that type of odd behavior (NCNS, Ghosting, unusual texts), but a friendly touch base with someone you see a lot is a nice touch, and I'll make extra efforts to see those who do, and respond to mine as well.