Someone has the handle "DarkeyKong"

Did I say anyone was less evil? I don't recall saying that. Then, of course you like to put things in people's mouths... so. Originally Posted by WombRaider
And you like to have things forcibly SHOVED into YOUR mouth !! Thus your "position" by the dumpsters out in back of Talleywackers !
The KING of bukake, the voice of experience when it comes to sugging cocks, SPEAKS !! Way to demonstrate, ONCE AGAIN, your flaming homosexuality ! Nice to see that you're finally embracing it and "out" with it !!! Do you book your "clients" at Talleywackers under just one of your names, or all three there woomby / undercunt / rusty balloon knot ?
I'm not sure what you mean by "strange fruit".

My contention that libs feel they are the arbiter of all things racist is spot on. Libs look for any reason, whether it's legitimate or not, to label all conservatives racist. However, when a lib makes a blatant racist comment they all come to his/her defense saying that's not what was meant. Your buddy Sham?? did the exact thing when you made a racist comment. You defended yourself by saying it wasn't racist because you're not racist. The hypocrisy on the left is staggering. Originally Posted by Budman
The fact that you have no idea what 'strange fruit' means, let's me know just about all I need to about you. As for me being racist, I'm a minority. I get to say things you can't. If you don't like it, tough shit, because with the ability to say those things comes a host of other bullshit that isn't so pleasant and I doubt you would want to deal with. When a situation is dealt with differently because the participants are a different color, what else are we supposed to think?
The comment wasn't even directed at you. You must be the "strange fruit" WR was referring to. Fucking idiot. Originally Posted by Budman
You mentioned his name in your comment. Should he stand by and let you denigrate him? I doubt you would. Look, you claim that conservatives are labeled racists unfairly. Have you ever read a single post on here by anyone who calls themselves a conservative? Do that and then try and tell me they aren't racist. You're nuts. You don't want conservatives labeled racist, quit doing racist shit.
  • shanm
  • 06-09-2015, 03:09 PM
The comment wasn't even directed at you. You must be the "strange fruit" WR was referring to. Fucking idiot. Originally Posted by Budman
I'm not sure what you mean by "strange fruit".

My contention that libs feel they are the arbiter of all things racist is spot on. Libs look for any reason, whether it's legitimate or not, to label all conservatives racist. However, when a lib makes a blatant racist comment they all come to his/her defense saying that's not what was meant. Your buddy Sham?? did the exact thing when you made a racist comment. You defended yourself by saying it wasn't racist because you're not racist. The hypocrisy on the left is staggering. Originally Posted by Budman
Why mention me at all? Might wanna look in the mirror for that "fucking idiot"
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The fact that you have no idea what 'strange fruit' means, let's me know just about all I need to about you. As for me being racist, I'm a minority. I get to say things you can't. If you don't like it, tough shit, because with the ability to say those things comes a host of other bullshit that isn't so pleasant and I doubt you would want to deal with. When a situation is dealt with differently because the participants are a different color, what else are we supposed to think? Originally Posted by WombRaider
So minorities can't be racist? That tells me all I need to know about you. Quit fucking whining about how hard you and other minorities have it. Jesus fucking Christ dude take a little responsibility for yourself and stop blaming the evil white man.
So minorities can't be racist? That tells me all I need to know about you. Quit fucking whining about how hard you and other minorities have it. Jesus fucking Christ dude take a little responsibility for yourself and stop blaming the evil white man. Originally Posted by Budman
Says the evil white man...

And no, not like the majority can. It's the ONE thing you don't get, does that make you butthurt?
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You mentioned his name in your comment. Should he stand by and let you denigrate him? I doubt you would. Look, you claim that conservatives are labeled racists unfairly. Have you ever read a single post on here by anyone who calls themselves a conservative? Do that and then try and tell me they aren't racist. You're nuts. You don't want conservatives labeled racist, quit doing racist shit. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Because I mentioned him in the post doesn't mean I was addressing him. I was pointing out how he was a prime example of how the left acts. You may not like it but you, Sham and your ilk are all fucking hypocrites.

And that's the Troof.
Because I mentioned him in the post doesn't mean I was addressing him. I was pointing out how he was a prime example of how the left acts. You may not like it but you, Sham and your ilk are all fucking hypocrites.

And that's the Troof. Originally Posted by Budman
You're right, conservatives are racist and they don't care who knows it.
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Why mention me at all? Might wanna look in the mirror for that "fucking idiot" Originally Posted by shanm
Because you are a prime example of a hypocrite. It's only racist if a conservative says it. If a liberal says it then you must understand where they are coming from.

You are the perfect example of the last line in my signature. Fuck off moron.
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You're right, conservatives are racist and they don't care who knows it. Originally Posted by WombRaider
That's the difference in us. I don't hate anyone because of their skin color. I fucking hate you because you are stupid. Stupid people piss me off.
Because you are a prime example of a hypocrite. It's only racist if a conservative says it. If a liberal says it then you must understand where they are coming from.

You are the perfect example of the last line in my signature. Fuck off moron. Originally Posted by Budman
No, it's not ok regardless of who says it. There's no 'understanding' anything.
That's the difference in us. I don't hate anyone because of their skin color. I fucking hate you because you are stupid. Stupid people piss me off. Originally Posted by Budman
Oh, I'm sure we could come up with some other differences...

Hating people you don't even know. Thank Zeus for the internet.
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No, it's not ok regardless of who says it. There's no 'understanding' anything. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Then try and explain your "and that's the troof" comment in the other thread. You know damn well that it was made because of the way many blacks pronounce truth. There is no other way to spin it but in your mind you aren't racist because you say so but I am because you say so. Honestly I don't think you are racist because of the comment but I do believe you are a hypocrite. When I used the words "nikes and hennessy" in the other thread was absolutely no different regardless of what you and Sham say. You two are fucking cry babies that are looking for a reason to be offended.
Then try and explain your "and that's the troof" comment in the other thread. You know damn well that it was made because of the way many blacks pronounce truth. There is no other way to spin it but in your mind you aren't racist because you say so but I am because you say so. Honestly I don't think you are racist because of the comment but I do believe you are a hypocrite. When I used the words "nikes and hennessy" in the other thread was absolutely no different regardless of what you and Sham say. You two are fucking cry babies that are looking for a reason to be offended. Originally Posted by Budman
Can't be explained. You're right, it's hypocritical.