"If they wanted me to be myself, they wouldn't be paying me."

Most of the beautiful ladies in the hobby live fantasy lives..fake name,fake persona,dressed sexy and have a smile on their faces at all times.
Happiness consultants......
What men are willing to pay for is something different than what they have; but
we do like to see the real side of each woman because thats what makes her different from all the others.
Somewhere during our time together a personality comes out that is actually you in a way and thats what attracts us to certain providers. Of course lets not forget the actual deed that is done is a major factor too and thats why we have reviews on here.
It has to be the hardest thing in the world for all of you to put on that smile and have that GFE attitude to all of us old fat ugly guys but sometimes you get to see the real side of us and find out some of us are caring polite thankful men and not just some asshole wanting a good lay.
Hopefully in the long run we all enjoy each other !!
Naomi4u's Avatar
Most of the beautiful ladies in the hobby live fantasy lives..fake name,fake persona,dressed sexy and have a smile on their faces at all times.
Happiness consultants......
What men are willing to pay for is something different than what they have; but
we do like to see the real side of each woman because thats what makes her different from all the others.
Somewhere during our time together a personality comes out that is actually you in a way and thats what attracts us to certain providers. Of course lets not forget the actual deed that is done is a major factor too and thats why we have reviews on here.
It has to be the hardest thing in the world for all of you to put on that smile and have that GFE attitude to all of us old fat ugly guys but sometimes you get to see the real side of us and find out some of us are caring polite thankful men and not just some asshole wanting a good lay.
Hopefully in the long run we all enjoy each other !!
THANKS FOR BEING WHO YOU ARE!! Originally Posted by wildwooly1
Hehehe I heart you for this!
My disagreement with the statement is qualified. That is, I do not believe the statement to be universally applicable.

I know of a provider who is a lesbian. NOT a bisexual, but a lesbian. She simply does not find men sexually attractive. You could put the sexiest man alive in front of her and it would elicit nothing. But for PAY -- she will pretend to dig guys. Her clients, obviously, are unaware that she is a lesbian.

Clearly, in such a case, she is being paid to be something other than what she actually is.

Some cases are much less extreme; but I think there is a substantial element in the hobby of ladies who are getting paid to act in a fashion in which they would not otherwise behave.

However -- there also exist ... other ... ladies. I really don't know how they do it. A great deal of sociological science says they shouldn't be able to; just like a bumblebee shouldn't be able to fly. So clearly there is much still to be learned. But somehow ... it's real.

I'm pretty sharp at spotting fakes and frauds. Having studied body language,. establishing rapport and how to read the limbic mind indirectly while interrogating people; it is really hard for people to fool me in spite of the fact I'm a pretty trusting guy. That knowledge is simply always there -- it can't be selectively turned off.

While I NEVER reveal to an individual woman if I know she is (or isn't) faking something -- and sometimes that is certainly going on -- what amazes me more is the women who are NOT faking. I'm not talking about orgasms here -- I'm talking about genuine human warmth and genuinely being themselves.

Obviously, we all only display a subset of our individual totality at any given point in time; so they don't display ALL of themselves. But they certainly show a lot, and what they show is real.

Of course, I am, in some ways, pretty naive.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
Most of the beautiful ladies in the hobby live fantasy lives..fake name,fake persona,dressed sexy and have a smile on their faces at all times.
Happiness consultants......
What men are willing to pay for is something different than what they have; but
we do like to see the real side of each woman because thats what makes her different from all the others.
Somewhere during our time together a personality comes out that is actually you in a way and thats what attracts us to certain providers. Of course lets not forget the actual deed that is done is a major factor too and thats why we have reviews on here.
It has to be the hardest thing in the world for all of you to put on that smile and have that GFE attitude to all of us old fat ugly guys but sometimes you get to see the real side of us and find out some of us are caring polite thankful men and not just some asshole wanting a good lay.
Hopefully in the long run we all enjoy each other !!
THANKS FOR BEING WHO YOU ARE!! Originally Posted by wildwooly1
Hehehe I heart you for this!
Me too! And btw....I didn't realize there were that many old fat ugly guys out there. Mostly, what I actually "see" is the thoughtful, intelligent, and good hearted individuals that many of my male "friends" are.
Naomi4u's Avatar
It's funny most people think we see fat guys all day long. That is so far from the truth.. LOL! Most of my clients are fit not all but most of them. I have also had some very very handsome clients that I would do for free in my personal life but.... of course... I won't tell them that.

Don't you just love my honesty? LOL!
We all wear different personas. "Amanda" is one of my personas... but she's still part of "me". I'm pretty sure, though, that most wouldn't pay to be with my most frequent persona, who I am when I'm alone (which is often- I'm an introvert)... unless you'd just like to just revel in my sheer presence as I troll and debate online and play MMORPGs, and if you would I've got a great discount for you. :P Originally Posted by gfeamanda

Ha ha ha! Yes, this is exactly why I am the more outgoing, girly part of me when I'm working. Unless you are also a gamer, listening to how I punched Deathwing in the face (IN THE FACE!) and pwnt some stupid pally 9 levels over me when he was trying to gank is not interesting and probably doesn't make much sense lol.
It's funny most people think we see fat guys all day long. That is so far from the truth.. LOL! Most of my clients are fit not all but most of them. I have also had some very very handsome clients that I would do for free in my personal life but.... of course... I won't tell them that.

Don't you just love my honesty? LOL! Originally Posted by Naomi4u
Hey!! Hold on a second! You mean, all this time I have been eating 15 Big Macs a day to try to get up to "hobbying weight" when all along it's just normal guys? Say it isn't so!
Naomi4u's Avatar
Hey!! Hold on a second! You mean, all this time I have been eating 15 Big Macs a day to try to get up to "hobbying weight" when all along it's just normal guys? Say it isn't so! Originally Posted by Laurentius