Distractions During a Appointment

She yells,,,deeper,deeper cuz yo dick is little.

Rushing is a distraction,,,cum baby, cum.
I want to hear,,,enjoy that pussy.

Savor that pussy.
Take yo time trick,,,
Moonlight Graham's Avatar
Once upon a time an English Lady Friend thought we could get in the mood by running a repeat of a Cowboys game in the background on her tellie. Not even the Tottenham Hotspurs. On a Wednesday. Goddamn Cowboys.
A few years back, I had one answer the phone at least twice while I was busy pumping away. No need to stop or anything....lol... for a moment I thought about getting pissed ...but the novelty of it was kinda amusing.

Especially the 2nd call when I didnt even slow down to help her talk better. I can still remember her giving instructions/directions to the guy that undoubtedly was her next visitor. Normally I'd be pissed, but at least this time it wad fun and memorable.
Sexy Katrina's Avatar
I want to hear,,,enjoy that pussy.

Savor that pussy.
Take yo time trick,,, Originally Posted by Lorde
That last line though
Or Daddy,,,they call me pimp mostly.
LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
guys who don't shower when they been at work all day sitting in the same dirty undies=)) and what you to go face first into the balls ,,

but my phone is not hooked to me it can wait till he's gone out the door with a huge smile on his face ,,,,,
pyramider's Avatar
Long ago I discovered I was smarter than a third grader. The lady had stashed her kid in another room. I had no idea the kid was in the apartment. My 1.3" of dangling death was in full throttle mode and there was a knock on the door asking homework questions. Without breaking stride I started answering the questions ... correctly, too. It was faster with me answering the questions than her having to thinck about them.
One of the rudest things a provider can do is check her phone during a session....ijs Originally Posted by SNL9933
This happens frequently especially with BP girls.