Once upon a time an English Lady Friend thought we could get in the mood by running a repeat of a Cowboys game in the background on her tellie. Not even the Tottenham Hotspurs. On a Wednesday. Goddamn Cowboys.
A few years back, I had one answer the phone at least twice while I was busy pumping away. No need to stop or anything....lol... for a moment I thought about getting pissed ...but the novelty of it was kinda amusing.
Especially the 2nd call when I didnt even slow down to help her talk better. I can still remember her giving instructions/directions to the guy that undoubtedly was her next visitor. Normally I'd be pissed, but at least this time it wad fun and memorable.
Long ago I discovered I was smarter than a third grader. The lady had stashed her kid in another room. I had no idea the kid was in the apartment. My 1.3" of dangling death was in full throttle mode and there was a knock on the door asking homework questions. Without breaking stride I started answering the questions ... correctly, too. It was faster with me answering the questions than her having to thinck about them.