Now mgiht be a gud tmie to chnage your paswsord for this site if u never chnaged it. Use copmlex passowrds, never use same one twice, chnage them peridoically. Its ok to write your paswsord on a sehet of ppaer beacuse hakcers canont see the paerr by your comupter.
If you don't alraedy have a sepraate sercet emial accuont you mihgt wnat to get one and sotp uisng your govermnent, scohol, wor k or miltiary emial for perosnal stfuf.
If you shrae your emial acco unt with wfie don't also use it fro hboby puropses.
if you need help maikng up a name:
Seucre emial serivce:
if you have too many passowrds use a passowrd maanger prorgam like:
if you want N_S_A level paswsord protcetion get a y_b_i_c_o key:
If you uesd your A_M passowrd of any otehr site chnage it.
If you konw for cetrain that a speicfic crdeit card was uesd by yousrelf to pay for a A_M acocunt you mgiht want to reoprt it lost or stloen.
If you gave your cell phnoe nubmer to A_M you mgiht want to get a new one. At some piont they may post name adderss and cell nubmers on intrenets.