AM hacking.. Victims thread...

Years ago I worked for a company that promised 'fire and brimstone' for anyone that would cruise to a bad site...Some guy got fired and I told him "didn't you know the administrators can see everything that you do?"
There were so many specific E mail accounts where it can be traced back to real world info such as .mil or .gov, university or even companies. Anybody that is too stupid to get a gmail account deserves to get 're-educated'
This might work with the SO or boss (emphasis added), "First of all, apparently Ashley Madison didn't verify email addresses (you know, that thing where a website sends you an email after you sign up for an account to make sure it's actually you). That means a decent number of the people who will pop up in searches may very well have been victims of a prank or mix-up of some sort."
Sugardaddy's Avatar
Now mgiht be a gud tmie to chnage your paswsord for this site if u never chnaged it. Use copmlex passowrds, never use same one twice, chnage them peridoically. Its ok to write your paswsord on a sehet of ppaer beacuse hakcers canont see the paerr by your comupter.

If you don't alraedy have a sepraate sercet emial accuont you mihgt wnat to get one and sotp uisng your govermnent, scohol, wor k or miltiary emial for perosnal stfuf.

If you shrae your emial acco unt with wfie don't also use it fro hboby puropses.

if you need help maikng up a name:

Seucre emial serivce:

if you have too many passowrds use a passowrd maanger prorgam like:

if you want N_S_A level paswsord protcetion get a y_b_i_c_o key:

If you uesd your A_M passowrd of any otehr site chnage it.

If you konw for cetrain that a speicfic crdeit card was uesd by yousrelf to pay for a A_M acocunt you mgiht want to reoprt it lost or stloen.

If you gave your cell phnoe nubmer to A_M you mgiht want to get a new one. At some piont they may post name adderss and cell nubmers on intrenets.
phaedrus's Avatar
I downloaded the hacked files.

Because I use a hobby-name and hobby email, searches on all the online search tools I've seen so far can't be easily linked to my real identity. If you search for my hobby email I'm there and if you search for my personal email I'm not there.

HOWEVER... the credit card records include every credit card purchase going back to 2008. In 2011 I used a hobby-only credit card with online only statements. I have since then cancelled the card and assumed all traces were gone. Imagine my horror when I see my real name and real address in the credit card transaction list. Only the last 4 digits of the credit card are there and it doesn't say which account is mine, but it lists my hobby email address in the transaction and that or the IP address can be used to link back to my account.

God Damn you Ashley Madison. Why the fuck would you keep credit card records for so long!!

I have another problem - my name is unusual. There are only a few dozen people with my last name in the whole world, and my first name - last name combination is unique. All I can hope is that AM succeeds in their take-down requests for every online search tool and that my friends either don't search or keep it to themselves if they do.

The only good news is that so far every online search site I've seen for this data only searches the email addresses and not the credit card names. My hope is that these search sites will satisfy the mildly curious and not lead back to me.
t_pride's Avatar
Where did you go to down load it? Or if you do not mind, I am interested in seeing what info they have on me. I did not use any connecting info between my real and hobby life but I want to be sure.

I am also know a wife (or two) and told them about the hack the day the news broke. They all took it okay. Now they are slight more nervous (one in particular....poor thing used her main email address with first and last name.)
Jannisary's Avatar
I think the media and the general populace will eventually get bored with this story and move on to the latest salacious scandal. That will leave this mess for the divorce attorneys, blackmailers, and scammers to exploit.
I downloaded the hacked files.

Because I use a hobby-name and hobby email, searches on all the online search tools I've seen so far can't be easily linked to my real identity. If you search for my hobby email I'm there and if you search for my personal email I'm not there.

HOWEVER... the credit card records include every credit card purchase going back to 2008. In 2011 I used a hobby-only credit card with online only statements. I have since then cancelled the card and assumed all traces were gone. Imagine my horror when I see my real name and real address in the credit card transaction list. Only the last 4 digits of the credit card are there and it doesn't say which account is mine, but it lists my hobby email address in the transaction and that or the IP address can be used to link back to my account.

God Damn you Ashley Madison. Why the fuck would you keep credit card records for so long!!

I have another problem - my name is unusual. There are only a few dozen people with my last name in the whole world, and my first name - last name combination is unique. All I can hope is that AM succeeds in their take-down requests for every online search tool and that my friends either don't search or keep it to themselves if they do.

The only good news is that so far every online search site I've seen for this data only searches the email addresses and not the credit card names. My hope is that these search sites will satisfy the mildly curious and not lead back to me. Originally Posted by phaedrus
I wish you the best of luck but in my town, the state data was quickly assembled by someone into an excel file, which was passed around town via emails like wildfire. Easliy searchable by name. If you live in a highly populated area, I would think the effect would be much less, but people still have small circles of friends.