Engish is your second langauge? I almost forgot, I'm supposed to be calling you Nazi Baby Killer remember. No, I'm not a bigot. You can be against something without being a bigot if you have reasonable grounds. You just don't like religion and you can't help insulting someone who is religious. That's bigotry. George on the other was convicted of holding a man as a sexual slave against his will. So he is a certified deviant and convicted sexual predator. Originally Posted by JD Barleycornwoomby is SOOO wanting to become a "certified deviant " ! Think what it will do for his 'hole business empire if he advertises that he's certified !! He's sure to ace any exams they might have for the certifications. Maybe he can take shammy and assup down to the testing office and they can get the "certifications" at the same time. All of those certifications along with assup's 3 DOTY awards would look good posted on the side of the dumpsters at Talleywackers !