Is WTF The Cuntiest Bitch In This Forum?

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  • WTF
  • 07-28-2015, 09:35 AM
You're the one prancing about it. I don't give a shit, and no one else does, either. . Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
You do not give a shit and no one else does either? Hmmmmmmmmmmmm, a couple of days ago you and lustyladyboy were crying to have JCM make me tell you how I knew you (COGay) got a warning for changing handles in the title! Next thing you'll tell me is you support Gary Johnson's immigration policy!

So, WPF, who told you I got a warning? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Ok JCM, the ball is in your court....

WTFuckhead is stirring up shit. He is running a victory lap here based on something you told us is supposed to be known only to you and the receiving party. COG didn't disclose anything and you didn't either.

Could you please find out if WTFagboy is hacking into everyone's Private Messages on this board? This is a serious security issue!

He needs to explain himself to a mod and STFU to everyone else. Originally Posted by lustylad

So who told you I received a warning, WPF? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

I'm calling bullshit on WTFuckingliar. He is back-pedaling to cover his gay ass. This is more than just "speculation":

If anyone needs to be reprimanded here, it's WTF!

. Originally Posted by lustylad

You told COG you knew he received a warning. You were definitive and didn't speculate about it. Then after JCM posted, you backpedaled and said you were just speculating. I called bullshit, so now you're back to saying you know again.

If COG didn't get a warning, then you are a liar to say you know he did. If he received a warning and admitted it to you privately, then you are a POS and an immature jackass to proclaim it publicly and rub his nose in it. Either way, you deserve to be reprimanded.

. Originally Posted by lustylad

So, who told you I got a warning, WPF? I will admit only this.
Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

The funny thing is, a previously banned member is attempting to out private communications on a public board. If that communication exists, WPF should be reprimanded. It's really no one's business. . Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

You TWO should hit the Reading Comprehension Button Originally Posted by WTF
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I still want to know who told you. But it's more fun watching you meltdown in denial. I even tell you what I'm doing, and you STILL meltdown! This is funny!
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  • WTF
  • 07-28-2015, 02:37 PM
I still want to know who told you. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
If you guess correctly who it was, i will tell you. You have five guesses. Is that enough?

Meltdown? ... now come on, only two having a meltdown was you and lusty! You two were crying a river... "Reprimand WTF! , Reprimand WTF!..." I told you boys there was no reprimand in my cards but you two kept crying. I suggest you two not play poker for money.

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

WPF should be reprimanded.

Originally Posted by lustylad

If anyone needs to be reprimanded here, it's WTF!

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If you disclosed private info in a public forum, you should be reprimanded. 5 guesses? Play with yourself, shitbrain. You'd lie anyway. But please, continue melting!
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  • WTF
  • 07-28-2015, 03:14 PM
If you disclosed private info in a public forum, you should be reprimanded. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
What private information am I sharing? That you had gotten a warning? That is in fact true. Is that real life information? Homie don't think so! You getting your rules mixed up COGay.

I'm not sure why you care so much that I know.

5 guesses? You'd lie anyway. ! Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
If you can guess who it is, I have their permission to acknowledge it, in fact they will too.

So guess away COGay, guess away.

. But please, continue melting! Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I still want to know who told you. But it's more fun watching you meltdown in denial. I even tell you what I'm doing, and you STILL meltdown! This is funny! Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Probably someone who doesn't like you. This is why you don't make enemies... This is why it doesn't pay to be a fucking asshole ALL the goddamn time.
If you disclosed private info in a public forum, you should be reprimanded. 5 guesses? Play with yourself, shitbrain. You'd lie anyway. But please, continue melting! Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Did you ever think that maybe he wasn't sure, speculated and then your reaction let him know for sure that he'd hit on it? You played right into his hands, you fucking idiot.
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  • WTF
  • 07-28-2015, 05:08 PM
Probably someone who doesn't like you. . Originally Posted by WombRaider
Well that narrows it down by two!

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Did you ever think that maybe he wasn't sure, speculated and then your reaction let him know for sure that he'd hit on it? You played right into his hands, you fucking idiot. Originally Posted by WombRaider
He played into mine. It's been fun watching him meltdown. You don't know how the game is played. That's why you're boring.
He played into mine. It's been fun watching him meltdown. You don't know how the game is played. That's why you're boring. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I know that you sure jumped on it, once he mentioned it. I think you're full of shit and now trying to crawdaddy out of it, you cunt fart motherfucker. I'm a lot of things, boring isn't one of them. Go suck an old bum's dirty asshole.
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  • WTF
  • 07-29-2015, 05:27 AM
He played into mine. It's been fun watching him meltdown. You don't know how the game is played. . Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

So you wanted to get a warning from our Moderator. Interesting. Not sure I believe that...

He played into mine. It's been fun watching him meltdown. You don't know how the game is played. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
So ... the truth finally comes out ... better late than never!

CO The Welshing Idiot brilliantly lured a Moderator into giving him a "warning", with the ultimate goal of trapping WTF in a tangled & deceitful web of Idiotville tom-foolery.

And WTF was foolish enough to get caught up in CO The Welshing Idiots trap!

Now we all know ... the way "the game is played" in Idiotville.

Abso-fuk'n-lutely brilliant!!!!!

A plan this brilliantly developed ... and implemented ... could only happen in Idiotville!!!!!

That's why you're boring. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
And to think ... I was bored until now!!!!!

And while we are on the subject of CO The Welshing Idiot:

PAY UP CHUMP! (CO The Welshing Idiot just doesn't understand "how the game is played.")

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  • WTF
  • 07-29-2015, 12:30 PM

Abso-fuk'n-lutely brilliant!!!!!

A plan this brilliantly developed ... and implemented ... could only happen in Idiotville!!!!!

p: Originally Posted by bigtex
Sounds like COGay gave Nicole Simpson advice on how to get OJ in trouble.
So ... the truth finally comes out ... better late than never!

CO The Welshing Idiot brilliantly lured a Moderator into giving him a "warning", with the ultimate goal of trapping WTF in a tangled & deceitful web of Idiotville tom-foolery.

And WTF was foolish enough to get caught up in CO The Welshing Idiots trap!

Now we all know ... the way "the game is played" in Idiotville.

Abso-fuk'n-lutely brilliant!!!!!

A plan this brilliantly developed ... and implemented ... could only happen in Idiotville!!!!!

And to think ... I was bored until now!!!!!

And while we are on the subject of CO The Welshing Idiot:

PAY UP CHUMP! (CO The Welshing Idiot just doesn't understand "how the game is played.")

Originally Posted by bigtex
Yeah, brilliant plan there, Old Gay Queen. No one believes your bullshit answer and you're fucking boring. And ugly. And your penis no work no good. Go away.
So you wanted to get a warning from our Moderator. Interesting. Not sure I believe that...

Originally Posted by WTF
He's full of shit, but it was his only play. A real man would just say he fucked up, but of course we know what we're dealing with here; a pussified cunt nugget.