Debbie Wasserman Shultz Goes Brain Dead on Hardball

dirty dog's Avatar
The various models of democratic socialism have been well described and explained by men much smarter than I am. I'm not sure why you want it in 'my words', but you're not going to get it, because I don't take orders from you. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Cause you cant, you cant operate unless someone is telling you what to think.
dirty dog's Avatar
See, when you say things like that, it just illustrates that you have no fucking clue what you're talking about. Capitalism is not compatible with freedom and equality. Like most americans, you don't have any idea what socialism really is. It's a dirty word that you immediately equate to communism. This is due to ignorance. Communism doesn't work. Socialism does. The reason that communism doesn't work is the totalitarian nature of it, in the economy as well as the government. Capitalism needs built-in factors in order to survive. Planned obsolescence being one of them. Capitalism needs perpetual demand for product. How do you make sure this happens? You plan for obsolescence and you make people believe they need more than they actually do. You're watching it happen right now. Millions upon millions of people all across this country are in debt up to their goddamn eyeballs because they were convinced, through advertising, that they needed things they didn't actually need. You would rather be part of a system that plays you for a fool than part of a system that produces for use, like socialism. Capitalism creates this fake need to attain more and more shit. And it never ends, because profit drives it all. While you're busy keeping up with the Joneses, the CEOs are busy accumulating more and more wealth. Where does it end... Originally Posted by WombRaider

So basically you want to sit on your ass and have everything given to you.
Cause you cant, you cant operate unless someone is telling you what to think. Originally Posted by dirty dog
You're a fucking cunt. No one told me to say that...
So basically you want to sit on your ass and have everything given to you. Originally Posted by dirty dog
How do you get that out of everything I said? Jesus. I guess if you don't want to understand it, you won't.
dirty dog's Avatar
You're a fucking cunt. No one told me to say that... Originally Posted by WombRaider
You got me on ignore pussy..... oh wait something else you lied about...... Why is it you faggots use the word cunt a lot, do you think that's a big insult or something..... what are you doing up this late anyways, oh shit I am sorry I forgot the gloryhole is open 24 hours a day. I thought you would be getting some rest what with all the lawnwork you got to do everyday.
dirty dog's Avatar
How do you get that out of everything I said? Jesus. I guess if you don't want to understand it, you won't. Originally Posted by WombRaider
See its like this, I subscribe to the country laid out by the constitution. Where all men are created equal (although they don't stay equal based on each individuals hard work and effort), and where they can pursue life, liberty and happiness. These things are not guaranteed but the freedom to pursue them are and it is up to the individual as to what they obtain. I am sure that this concept is foreign to you as with most liberals who think life is a free ride. I always thought you south of the border guys were hard workers, guess some of you border jumpers are just lazy at heart too. I know you cant respond to this because you have me on ignore.
  • DSK
  • 08-01-2015, 12:12 PM
Yup, you want other people's money. Why am I not surprised?

What happens when you run out of it? Originally Posted by ExNYer
You do what the United States government does - you print it/create it.
"I would like to (once again) hear YOUR explanation of" how the Malaysian Airlines 777 ended up parked on a remote island and hidden from view by wilted shrubs and camouflage netting. Originally Posted by bigtex
I'd like to hear what YOUR definition of " is " is !
The various models of democratic socialism have been well described and explained by men much smarter than I am. I'm not sure why you want it in 'my words', but you're not going to get it, because I don't take orders from you. Originally Posted by WombRaider
But you sure take orders from Big Sir and all of those "clients" down at Talleywacker's gloryholes, now don't ya !!! The slurpie special and some packed fudge for ALL of your jalapeno toting mojado friends !!!
But you sure take orders from Big Sir and all of those "clients" down at Talleywacker's gloryholes, now don't ya !!! The slurpie special and some packed fudge for ALL of your jalapeno toting mojado friends !!! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua

well Rey with old womby around we should be able to run are post numbers up enjoy the week end sailor
well Rey with old womby around we should be able to run are post numbers up enjoy the week end sailor Originally Posted by gary5912
Sailor? Like come here and suck my dick, sailor? Watch out rey, I think you just got propositioned. Swishy walker warning. Gary is setting off my gaydar.
See, when you say things like that, it just illustrates that you have no fucking clue what you're talking about. Capitalism is not compatible with freedom and equality. Like most americans, you don't have any idea what socialism really is. It's a dirty word that you immediately equate to communism. This is due to ignorance. Communism doesn't work. Socialism does. The reason that communism doesn't work is the totalitarian nature of it, in the economy as well as the government. Capitalism needs built-in factors in order to survive. Planned obsolescence being one of them. Capitalism needs perpetual demand for product. How do you make sure this happens? You plan for obsolescence and you make people believe they need more than they actually do. You're watching it happen right now. Millions upon millions of people all across this country are in debt up to their goddamn eyeballs because they were convinced, through advertising, that they needed things they didn't actually need. You would rather be part of a system that plays you for a fool than part of a system that produces for use, like socialism. Capitalism creates this fake need to attain more and more shit. And it never ends, because profit drives it all. While you're busy keeping up with the Joneses, the CEOs are busy accumulating more and more wealth. Where does it end... Originally Posted by WombRaider
I don't even know where to start with that stupidity.

Planned obsolescence? Really? Is that your knock against capitalism? You don't think the same thing happens in a socialist economy?

People want stuff CHEAP. In capitalist countries, in socialist countries, and in communist countries. And pursuit of cheapness generally leads to using inferior materials, and as little of it as possible. That leads to products that breakdown sooner.

That is the result of people putting their short term desires ahead of long-term needs. If you want longer lasting products, just pay MORE. But try selling that to the average schmuck.

And then there is this nugget of stupidity:

"Millions upon millions of people all across this country are in debt up to their goddamn eyeballs because they were convinced, through advertising, that they needed things they didn't actually need."

Really, Womby? Are you still regurgitating the same sad argument that John Kenneth Galbraith made in "The Affluent Society"? Essentially, he argued that the lumpen masses cannot withstand the mass hypnosis of advertising and they need the elite intellectuals (like himself, of course) to tell them what they really need. That is the progressive mindset in a nutshell.

I prefer Milton Friedman's response:
"Nobel Memorial Prize-winning economist Milton Friedman in "Friedman on Galbraith, and on curing the British disease" views Galbraith as a 20th-century version of the early-19th-century Tory radical of Great Britain. He asserts that Galbraith believes in the superiority of aristocracy and in its paternalistic authority, that consumers should not be allowed choice, and that all should be determined by those with "higher minds":

"Many reformers – Galbraith is not alone in this – have as their basic objection to a free market that it frustrates them in achieving their reforms, because it enables people to have what they want, not what the reformers want. Hence every reformer has a strong tendency to be averse to a free market."


Yup, that's it in a nutshell. All those damn plebes buying what they want and not what the progressives tell them they need.

Freedom just gets in your way, doesn't it, Womby?

People are in debt up to their eyeballs because it has been government housing policy for decades that everyone should own their own home, regardless of his or her ability to work and to save to buy one.

So government CONSCIOUSLY pressured the banks to lower the requirements for getting a home loan. No money down, ridiculously low proof of income, ultra low rates backed by Fanny Mae and Freddie Mac (i.e., government money).

So, too many people bought more house than they could afford. And when the bubble burst in 2008, they were all upside down on their mortgages. And that, in turn, crashed the ridiculous derivatives markets.

And advertising had nothing to do with it.

Government policy caused it.
I don't even know where to start with that stupidity.

Planned obsolescence? Really? Is that your knock against capitalism? You don't think the same thing happens in a socialist economy?

People want stuff CHEAP. In capitalist countries, in socialist countries, and in communist countries. And pursuit of cheapness generally leads to using inferior materials, and as little of it as possible. That leads to products that breakdown sooner.

That is the result of people putting their short term desires ahead of long-term needs. If you want longer lasting products, just pay MORE. But try selling that to the average schmuck.

And then there is this nugget of stupidity:

"Millions upon millions of people all across this country are in debt up to their goddamn eyeballs because they were convinced, through advertising, that they needed things they didn't actually need."

Really, Womby? Are you still regurgitating the same sad argument that John Kenneth Galbraith made in "The Affluent Society"? Essentially, he argued that the lumpen masses cannot withstand the mass hypnosis of advertising and they need the elite intellectuals (like himself, of course) to tell them what they really need. That is the progressive mindset in a nutshell.

I prefer Milton Friedman's response:
"Nobel Memorial Prize-winning economist Milton Friedman in "Friedman on Galbraith, and on curing the British disease" views Galbraith as a 20th-century version of the early-19th-century Tory radical of Great Britain. He asserts that Galbraith believes in the superiority of aristocracy and in its paternalistic authority, that consumers should not be allowed choice, and that all should be determined by those with "higher minds":

"Many reformers – Galbraith is not alone in this – have as their basic objection to a free market that it frustrates them in achieving their reforms, because it enables people to have what they want, not what the reformers want. Hence every reformer has a strong tendency to be averse to a free market."


Yup, that's it in a nutshell. All those damn plebes buying what they want and not what the progressives tell them they need.

Freedom just gets in your way, doesn't it, Womby?

People are in debt up to their eyeballs because it has been government policy for decades that everybody should have their own, regardless of their ability to work and save to buy one.

So government CONSCIOUSLY pressured the banks to lower the requirements for getting a home loan. No money down, ridiculously low proof of income, ultra low rates backed by Fanny Mae and Freddie Mac (i.e., government money).

So, too many people bought more house than they could afford. And when the bubble burst in 2008, they were all upside down on their mortgages. And that, in turn, crashed the ridiculous derivatives markets.

And advertising had nothing to do with it.

Government policy caused it. Originally Posted by ExNYer
+ 1
Sailor? Like come here and suck my dick, sailor? Watch out rey, I think you just got propositioned. Swishy walker warning. Gary is setting off my gaydar. Originally Posted by WombRaider
You are without doubt the biggest closet case on this board.

I've lost count of the number of posts you've made in which you invite another poster to engage in homosexual behavior with you.

Doing it on rare occasion can be passed off as sarcasm intended to denigrate the other person.

Doing it repeatedly looks like unrequited desire. Quiff.
Sailor? Like come here and suck my dick, sailor? Watch out rey, I think you just got propositioned. Swishy walker warning. Gary is setting off my gaydar. Originally Posted by WombRaider
That thing must be close to melting down with all the time that you spend working the 'holes at Talleywackers and your franchises. How do you keep it "in calibration" with all those "swings" from your swishy walking client brethren ?