Republicans, regarding Bernie Sanders - What would Machiavelli do?

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
McCain would have done better had he not thrown that pass. Palin is a twit. Ignorant of national politics, foreign policy, geography and almost everything else. Attractive? Hell, yes. Someone that ought to be one heartbeat from the presidency? Hell, no.

That said, nobody was going to beat Obama in 2008. Originally Posted by timpage
Yeah. But it seemed like a good idea at the time.
The fuck he would. Originally Posted by timpage
You didn't watch HLN last week and see all his sincere Democratic supporters speak out for Trump. "The Apprentice" isn't watched just by Repulicans. I've never seen an episode.

Bernie had a rally of 20K people a couple of days ago. If he we running as an Republican they Dems would be decrying him as an "Old white guy."

Speaking of Age:

Bernie Sanders: 73
Joe Biden: 72
Donald Trump: 69
Hillary Clinton 67
Jeb Bush 62
Marco Rubio 44