You call that shit last night a debate!i tend to agree with was a moderator gotcha preen
That was a Q&A session where the moderators tried to feel good about themselves. Originally Posted by WTF
I watched most of it. Clown show starting with the absurd FOX "News" talking heads hosting the event. Trump further confirms his status as front-running buffoon. Jeb looking like he was embarrassed to be a part of it and he needs a handler to tell him his glasses sit on his face crooked. Cruz looked like an oily lizard that just slithered out from under a rock. Carson seems like a nice enough guy but completely out of place. And, so on. Overall, I thought it was ridiculous spectacle.Yep Walker and Rubio did the best. Carson's closing statement was epic. I think Trump's ratings will begin to fall and rightly so. In October you'll have a chance to critique the Democratic candidates. I'll predict now that Hillary Clinton will be jumping through hoops trying to validate herself through all her past deception. O'Malley and Webb are the only two worth rallying around.
I also thought the only ones out of the lot that came across as serious and actually ready to talk in some specifics rather than slogans were Rubio and Walker. I thought Walker won it. Rubio needs to slow down and not talk so fast. Obviously way early but I think a Walker/Rubio ticket would be formidable. Young, energetic, Rubio would have a lot of appeal to the Hispanic voters. I think any GOP ticket with Trump at the top is doomed. And, I just don't think Jeb's heart is in it. He looked pretty unhappy up there.
It's also clear that the FOX news tools have been passed the word to get rid of Trump. They were all over him. Originally Posted by timpage
Trump said all government employees are stupid, .... Originally Posted by i'va biggenHow can someone be called "stupid" who has wormed their way into a position in which they do little to nothing for a regular wage with built in raises, and sometimes bonuses, with health care and a retirement program if they manage not to die of boredom before they reach retirement age at 50 to live off the government tit for the next 25-30 years while holding down another do-nothing job.
So they are your favorites to pack your fudge down at Talleywackers woomby ? They get rough with you and "man handle" you ? Does that do it for you, to have to brutes go after your weak lying maricon y mamlon nalgas like that puto ? If they're friends of yours , they can't be too tough !! So do you let them put some " crust " on your sheets woomby ? Do they join Big Sir in giving you your daily "ropey loads" facials and bukkake party ?They're Marines and deserve respect, not that you would know anything about that. You're a disgrace to yourself.![]()
Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
How can someone be called "stupid" who has wormed their way into a position in which they do little to nothing for a regular wage with built in raises, and sometimes bonuses, with health care and a retirement program if they manage not to die of boredom before they reach retirement age at 50 to live off the government tit for the next 25-30 years while holding down another do-nothing job. Originally Posted by LexusLoverYou would have thought the elected officials working for the government standing with Trump would have taken umbrage to that comment lexie. No balls in that crowd?
So they are your favorites to pack your fudge down at Talleywackers woomby ? They get rough with you and "man handle" you ? Does that do it for you, to have to brutes go after your weak lying maricon y mamlon nalgas like that puto ? If they're friends of yours , they can't be too tough !! So do you let them put some " crust " on your sheets woomby ? Do they join Big Sir in giving you your daily "ropey loads" facials and bukkake party ?So a Lady starts this thread and most folks stay within some type of social boundary. You on the other hand go off on the same rant you do about ten times a day that has no point besides insulting the OP and making you look like a child. I know Elizabeth and I know she can stand up for herself but I can not just sit by and watch you be so disrespectful.![]()
Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
So a Lady starts this thread and most folks stay within some type of social boundary. You on the other hand go off on the same rant you do about ten times a day that has no point besides insulting the OP and making you look like a child. I know Elizabeth and I know she can stand up for herself but I can not just sit by and watch you be so disrespectful.He's an absolute disgrace. He's a retrograde retard who cannot articulate anything more than what you see here. Sad, really. He's obviously harboring some sort of homoerotic fantasy regarding gloryholes. He exhibits psychopathic behavior.
Us guys here get what we get, but you owe her an apology.
Maybe you should make it your tagline and save yourself the typing. Originally Posted by slingblade
So a Lady starts this thread and most folks stay within some type of social boundary. You on the other hand go off on the same rant you do about ten times a day that has no point besides insulting the OP and making you look like a child. I know Elizabeth and I know she can stand up for herself but I can not just sit by and watch you be so disrespectful.Well WK, if THE LADY feels in anyway insulted , SHE can address me. As to my response to one of your fellow lying liberals, I don't think I've given up MY first amendment right to you or anyone else.... No, now that I've checked, I HAVEN'T. So go down to Talleywackers for your free BJ from woomby. He'll give you one for your post to me and defending his lying ass.
Us guys here get what we get, but you owe her an apology.
Maybe you should make it your tagline and save yourself the typing. Originally Posted by slingblade