Caterwauling About the N-Word

Wheretonow's Avatar
I think Stormfront is missing one of its keyboard warriors. OP, are you lost? Originally Posted by Hélène Stone
My initial post dealt with the disparate treatment of the word "nigger" when compared to other racial slurs. You might have done some research to make a case that there are good reasons why it should be treated differently.

Instead, like others, you have chosen to make a personal attack, one of the most often used fallacies in logic.

One could infer from your response that you're incapable of doing research, or you're too lazy to do any research, or you hate white people, etc. One could make a case that, since one of your listed dislikes on your Showcase page is "rudeness", that this post seems hypocritical. Or that, since you only list black musicians under music on your SC, you're narrow minded and possibly racist. But since I don't know you, I won't make any of those assumptions.
glade55's Avatar
you just enjoy typing the word niXXer don't you ?
What the fuck am I reading? Originally Posted by Adrienne Baptiste
It's a vortex of fuckery

I think Stormfront is missing one of its keyboard warriors. OP, are you lost? Originally Posted by Hélène Stone
verygood69's Avatar
It's a vortex of fuckery

+1,000 Originally Posted by Lena Duvall

The OP is ignorant!!!!! Simple!!!!
Wheretonow's Avatar
you just enjoy typing the word niXXer don't you ? Originally Posted by glade55
I've never typed the word niXXer (until just now).
Wheretonow's Avatar
Quote from Lena Duvall

Originally Posted by Adrienne Baptiste View Post
What the fuck am I reading?

It's a vortex of fuckery

Originally Posted by Hélène Stone
I think Stormfront is missing one of its keyboard warriors. OP, are you lost?

I was going to write some pissy response, but after looking at your ShowCase I have to say I'm blown away. Great intro! Well written with perfect grammar.

And anyone who lists brisket, ribs, baked macaroni & cheese, fried oysters, home fries, Brussels sprouts, blueberries, butternut squash, sweet potatoes, peaches, gourmet ice cream as their favorite foods, and asks for Jameson as one of their preferred gifts has won me over to the dark side.

Sorry you chose to make a personal attack on me rather than doing some research to refute my assertion. If it was as well done as your ShowCase page, I might have had to admit defeat.
Wheretonow's Avatar
The OP is ignorant!!!!! Simple!!!! Originally Posted by verygood69
If you had actually read the original post with an unbiased mind, you may have found that, although you don't agree with the conclusion, it was well written and researched.

Therefore calling me ignorant (lacking knowledge) would seem inappropriate, especially since you don't know me.

I refrain from making personal attacks, even in response to them. But if I did, I might decide the following applies to you:

"The Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias wherein relatively unskilled individuals suffer from illusory superiority, mistakenly assessing their ability to be much higher than is accurate. The bias was first experimentally observed by David Dunning and Justin Kruger of Cornell University in 1999. Dunning and Kruger attributed the bias to the metacognitive inability of the unskilled to evaluate their own ability level accurately."

But again, I don't know you, so I won't go there.
Nina the Dicknapper's Avatar
Well I say if your not black don't use it around me.

Well I say if your not black don't use it around me. Originally Posted by Ms.Busty_Nina