Crunch mans most sincere apologies

Wow ISO you're really bitter that I didn't get to answer your email in a timely fashion!!
Iso#1gfe's Avatar
Did I hurt your feelings by pointing out that your man crush got benched this week?
The only thing I "handle" is a lot of hot pussy for myself. For free...whenever I want it.
..that's why I don't need a big pay stub like O zone or a big penis (gag her too hard) like Eli's older more retarded brother. Thank you for agreeing that I am indeed a legend ozone. The legend made you drive your legend all the way to shop city lmfao!!! Idiot Originally Posted by sucrunchman
I don't get why your here? If you are getting all this hot free pussy whenever you want it as you claim, why come to a board for sharing information? Doesn't make much sense to me, but what do I know, I'm just a newb who can't see one of your hi dollar for everyone but you girls.
Iso#1gfe's Avatar
Wow ISO you're really bitter that I didn't get to answer your email in a timely fashion!! Originally Posted by sucrunchman
It has nothing to do with that, it's the fact that you didn't answer and made a comment in public. Had you responded to what you said in public in pm, would have shown more class. But seems like you just want to cause a lot of drama and make yourself look like something your not.
So keep enjoying your hi dollar hotties, utr, Mia or whatever you want to call em. Seems like you really don't want to share and just come here to brag.
Task I think you're not really understanding that a legend gets these girls for free and brings them to the boards. All the beautiful ladies I have brought to this board have been either ex girlfriends or just female friends, who I am with for free anytime I want. Now I agree with the above statements of these other gentlemen. You're attempting to gloat about PAYING for Asian hookers! Good for you task! Wow you are a legend lmfao. I mean what was your point? You have to travel to pay for sex, or the fact that you have enough extra money to be able to do so? Either way none of us care...but hey if you're happy doing it then all the more power to you. Personally I like hot little blonde girls that I get for free...that's my thing. That's why they call me LEGEND. Originally Posted by sucrunchman
Reading comprehension not your strong suit? Where did I mention paying. Step up to the big leagues when you get the balls. Oh , and most of my dates are duos with my pussyhound gf who attracts more free girls than we even have time for. True that I'll still sometimes give a gift as that is my nature to treat a lady well.
Did I hurt your feelings by pointing out that your man crush got benched this week? The only thing I "handle" is a lot of hot pussy for myself. For free...whenever I want it...that's why I don't need a big pay stub like O zone or a big penis (gag her too hard) like Eli's older more retarded brother. Thank you for agreeing that I am indeed a legend ozone. The legend made you drive your legend all the way to shop city lmfao!!! Idiot Originally Posted by sucrunchman
Again, no one else is calling you a legend besides yourself. So who is the idiot? And those who brag about free pussy are usually the ones not getting it. Honestly, you hear only what you want to hear, which are the tiny voices in your head.

Funny thing is, I got paid by my employer(you do know what one of those is right?) to make the trip to cuse. You hiding in cyber land and showing you are a little bitch was the icing on the cake.

I get it, pimpin' ain't easy. And if talking like a big shot on an escort board makes you happy, so be it. To each their own.

And yes, I did call you a legend. But I forgot to finish the part of legendary douchebag. My bad. Carry on pimp-boy.
That's why they call me LEGEND. Originally Posted by sucrunchman
Who exactly is "they"? Your mom? Your dad? Your sister? I'm curious.

"They" implies multiple people, plural. Can you please refer to specific instances where on this board people called you "legend"? I must be missing something. Maybe you misinterpret legend for delusional.

How did that Scrunch for Mod thing go? I would assume a legend would have gotten that.

How did your attempt at GOBC go? I've never seen any recaps like paulie's. Guess that was success too.

Well at least you got your pimpin' business. Good job Short Bus!
Ozone I kinda feel bad for you. I can tell you have a lot of pent up frustrations that you're taking out on the local legend. So if you want, I'd be happy to take you under my wing and teach you a few things. Btw when I say "they" I refer to this board calls me a legend. You know it and so do've been with one of the girls I've brought to this board...and she's nowhere near the best! She's just the one who doesn't care about going public. If you ever got some of my UTR girls, you'd be wearing a T-shirt that says "TEAM CRUNCH" instead of your daily apparel that says team toupe
Ozone I kinda feel bad for you. I can tell you have a lot of pent up frustrations that you're taking out on the local legend. So if you want, I'd be happy to take you under my wing and teach you a few things. Btw when I say "they" I refer to this board calls me a legend. You know it and so do've been with one of the girls I've brought to this board...and she's nowhere near the best! She's just the one who doesn't care about going public. If you ever got some of my UTR girls, you'd be wearing a T-shirt that says "TEAM CRUNCH" instead of your daily apparel that says team toupe Originally Posted by sucrunchman
Really? Last I checked no one besides yourself calls you a legend. I've challenged you 3-4 times to show where people call you a legend, and yet, you can't.. And no I don't know, because I haven't seen it. Can you show me where this whole board calls you a legend.

Honestly I'm good mummy's boy. You are nothing but free entertainment for me to be honest. I appreciate you feeling bad for me, but I'll be ok. I don't rely on this board for my only social interaction. Or rely on pimpin' for my finances.

And yes, I did see Taylor, and she was fine. But its not the end all be all of my world or existence, nor is this board. Unlike you. Best of luck with that.

Please feel free to continue to entertain me. I might cancel my cable if you keep this up.
Oh, if you are such a legend, why weren't you discuss at all during your absence from the board in which you claim calls you a legend. You would think people would mention you frequently. Daily. Hourly. Nope. Didn't happen. If you disappeared tomorrow, no one would notice, well they might because your self promoting retarded rhetoric would be gone, but a week, a month, or a year, nope. Forgotten. I don't think that's a legend.

There are legends on this board, but you little man aren't one of them.
Btw when I say "they" I refer to this board calls me a legend Originally Posted by sucrunchman
Still waiting on that linck...
Go ahead... as they say... start anywhere....
Gentlemen sometimes you don't have to actually show someone in print...I keep you morons dancing around like the little puppets in the sound of music. You're my own personal puppets...I'm the legendary puppeteer. I say dance and you dance all the way to shop city! I say a girls name...and u all flock to her. I put up a post...and you all have something to say. Wouldn't you say that qualifies as legendary? There's your link gents!
bustybabygirl's Avatar
The more that someone insists they are a legend the less legendary they become. Often the same with girls who throw around terms like classy, upscale, elite, VIP.
Busty baby girl you're correct in what you say...I think what you're failing to realize along with the others in this thread, is that they don't stop commenting on my posts. They keep it going nonstop. They always want to see the girls I introduce. I do it to rattle their cages. I do it because they're morons and I enjoy pulling their strings. I do it to see just how stupid these guys really are...btw that experiment shocks me more everyday! They're the ones that make me a legend. I don't have to proclaim it.
Well you have to clear his screening process first, and he won't tell you if you pass or not, he will just leave you alone or ignore you until you make a comment in public then he will just say your too new for me to allow her to see you, or what ever excuse he will come up with. Personally, I'd love to bang one of these chicks, I have heard they are hot, but, the "pimp" won't allow it Originally Posted by Iso#1gfe
Oh I've already passed the screening. That or she's working behind his back.... Sucks to be a pimp when ya ho ain't honest.
I don't get why your here? If you are getting all this hot free pussy whenever you want it as you claim, why come to a board for sharing information? Doesn't make much sense to me, but what do I know, I'm just a newb who can't see one of your hi dollar for everyone but you girls. Originally Posted by Iso#1gfe
His mama took her panties back and he's lashing out.