Veterans Day

I won't be doing any appts on Veteran's Day and this may be slightly off topic in regards to the OP- but Denny's is giving away free Grand Slam breakfasts that day to veterans

So are lots of other restaurants-
Hot damn Melannie! If you would do m the ho or of seeing me, I will gladly bring my Marine dress blues for you to model! I may not fit in them but I bet you sure as hell would!
Blurr 7's Avatar
Thank you ladies for the recognition of our service to this great country.
hornsfan4life's Avatar
Just wanted to chime in and say thanks to all that have served! Freedom isn't free and I personally appreciate your service! Happy Veterans Day!
Happy Veterans Day to everyone. Yall are all Heroes.
Mavs fan's Avatar
Nice try Nicholas L there ain't no Marine Academy. That would be The Naval Academy. Some guys will say anything to get a discount. Lol
That made me hard. Maybe the avatar helped a little. Originally Posted by trexxxs

Hey Reese I went to the Marine Military Academy, does that count? Originally Posted by nicholas linnear
Lol....Good try.

Nice try Nicholas L there ain't no Marine Academy. That would be The Naval Academy. Some guys will say anything to get a discount. Lol Originally Posted by Mavs fan
I almost gave him an "A" for effort until you called him out.
Hey guys there is a "Marine academy" it's for merchant marines...NOT USMC Marines!!!
There is only one kind of MARINE and we know who we are....
Hug one today....
plove35's Avatar
Thank you to all for.your service and sacrifice....hope you had some great sessions today
luv2luv's Avatar
In Los Angeles today. Wish I could take advantage. Rain check??
My sincere thanks to all who served, past and present.
Mavs fan's Avatar
I really like Marines. They are almost as tough as Army Infantry. "Infantry, Follow me".
flyboi69's Avatar
Yes, you are correct. If you are a veteran, you will receive a discount every time you see me. Originally Posted by Reese Foster
Godbless you Reese, what a helluva woman. My little Airman salutes you hun!
Godbless you Reese, what a helluva woman. My little Airman salutes you hun! Originally Posted by flyboi69
Thank you and it's certainly my pleasure.
flyboi69's Avatar
Slightly off topic...but for my fellow Vets.

But, burning the calories to get the Veteran's designation on your Driver's License is well worth it.

Many retailers offer discounts...and it has gotten me out of a ticket or two.

Which leaves more $$$ for the hobby!!! Originally Posted by DownForWhatever
Yup! Got me out of a 95 in a 75, no shit. Gave me a written warning and let me go.