Married or engaged providers ruin my fantasy(so do one's with boyfriends)

What about providers in a relationship where the guy is 100% ok? Because you know people do have open relationships and providing is a job. It just pays more than working at Walmart Originally Posted by Danielle Reid
I'm not sure why it matters to you? Like Danielle mentioned some providers are in open relationships and this is just a job after all.

Maybe you should look to dating sites if you want monogamy ?
I wear a ring on my left hand but that ring doesn't mean that I am seeing someone or married.. it means that I lost a son and it's his. Says "love waits" and I won't replace it until I have my best friend and love him. Not all rings mean something like that. Accept what might be go have a gf for a hour or 2 then go home. You're probably not going to keep her for life so just have fun. If you can't you might need to find a different hobby.
gimme_that's Avatar
My post was totally ignored by the original poster and he only chose to respond with info not pertinent at all to the situation.

Providers will just see this and know you will have a tendency to get overly attached and stalkerish. People are simply trying to offer perspective...and when you receive a different opinion on the topic not similar to post flammatory messages back. Your a troll.

Again it comes down to money. If what you are paying doesn't amount anywhere to there monthly expenditures, you little drop in the bucket via your occasional meet won't mean shit. So you can't dictate shit. What you want is control, but you can't afford it.
@Vegas Jen Im not passing judgement on anyone.Just well feelings get involved and you care for them,then boom!# I have someone you were just a pawn.another notch on my belt.Im not mormon you know Originally Posted by kusmaldo
I don't want anyone to take this offensively but I thought not letting feelings get involved and caring to that degree is exactly why people are paying.

I appreciate that the ladies are relieving my sexual tension, but I know in exchange they are being financially compensated. No one should be paying for another persons emotions. That is not healthy.

Are you this attached to your mailman. The garbage collector. They are providing you a service as well. I hope they are at least on your Christmas card list.
pyramider's Avatar
I feel a hobby prayer might be due for the OP. Oh please sweet baby tebow, with his face all blue due to the umbilical cord being wrapped around his neck and eyes bugging out, please give the fucktard OP the sense to thinck, and understand, that a lady's private life is hers to share as she seems fit and please make the fucktard OP not be blowing up a lady's PMs, emails, and whatever else trying to get a date since he seems to not understand that not all money is good money and he is not worth the hassle for the ladies to deal with ... Amen.
kusmaldo's Avatar
@ allegraw i just said if she has a man go on and decline my session.Damn girl you make it seem like this is Pretty Woman
kusmaldo's Avatar
@ horse i have to caution on the side of not getting played and assume it does.Im truly sad for your loss
kusmaldo's Avatar
@gimme talk about stalkerish
JCM800's Avatar
This has all the making of another classic kusmaldo thread ...good luck on your new adventure, lol.
kusmaldo's Avatar
@pyramid well those city services wont take your money and leave you in the gutter
kusmaldo's Avatar
@ pyramid those gypy curses get me all the time
kusmaldo's Avatar
@ JCM yes the kusmeister is back!!!!
inspector farquar's Avatar
Meister mud, I say. Or meister mush brain.
kusmaldo's Avatar
@ inspector how have you been chief? Alive now that Im back? Barely?
albundy's Avatar
It sounds like you want a real relationship with a provider. This can only lead to heartbreak for you. You are not, nor will you ever be, a provider's sole source of sex. If you think a woman, any woman, is going to fall for some guy trying to f-ck her for a few hundred dollars, you are in for a rude awakening. You may find that special provider who makes you feel like you are the man for her, but remember, it's her JOB!!! As soon as you stop paying, you'll see what I mean.

I understand though. It's easy to blur the line between fantasy and reality if you're not careful. But you MUST always remember that no matter how much they may or may not like "providing", it is still primarily a JOB to them.

If you need a real relationship, this most certainly is not the site for you. Try or something. I'm not trying to be a smart-ass. I'm being serious. This is business. They provide a needed service and we hire them for that service.