What ladies see AA Gents?

Anybody know what happened to destinyinkc? Her account was banned and I was trying to see if she was still seeing people.
JRLawrence's Avatar
I don't care age, again if can be screened and respectful and mindful of my rules. If that's the case I've had more butt heads that were Caucasian then any other race...
There's assholes in every race, age group Originally Posted by shayla84
Let's see now. Caucasians outnumber AA by about 10 to 1. So, you should have 10 times more caucasian butt heads than AA butt heads. What if you have only 2 times more Caucasian butt heads than AA but heads?

Well you do the math. Doesn't it mean that you need to be more careful with AA customers?

The review in math may change your thinking.

Let's see now. Caucasians outnumber AA by about 10 to 1. So, you should have 10 times more caucasian butt heads than AA butt heads. What if you have only 2 times more Caucasian butt heads than AA but heads?

Well you do the math. Doesn't it mean that you need to be more careful with AA customers?

The review in math may change your thinking.

JR Originally Posted by JRLawrence
Your math assumes she's seeing 10 times more white men than black men. For all we know she the amount of white men she sees could be roughly equal to the amount of black men she sees and that's when your math falls apart.
bigcockpussylicker's Avatar

The review in math may change your thinking.
Originally Posted by JRLawrence
we are made to win, not " seek truth"
Our Brains Don't Understand Probability

and we are just stupid
I've had great experiences with Kaylen, Shayla, and Kitana...along with others. Regardless of race, there was something that lured me to each. That said, they are still women and I've yet to meet a woman that doesn't want some level of respect and transparency. Treating each other with mutual respect has been paramount and bodes well for repeat visits.

As a minority (and relative newbie still), I've run across the extra scrutiny but found that once I established myself, each treated me based on that merit and color was not in the equation. There are some things I simply won't do as part of a verification process but there's no harm/no foul. Just be cordial and keep it moving.

JRLawrence's Avatar
Your math assumes she's seeing 10 times more white men than black men. For all we know she the amount of white men she sees could be roughly equal to the amount of black men she sees and that's when your math falls apart. Originally Posted by pervysage
Wrong! It does not assume the amount of customers from either race. It asks the question of how much trouble she has with either race. That % is compared to the % population of both races.

It goes to the question of how much trouble a particular group may bring to the table. For example, we know there is a higher rate of crime in the inner city. So, just be more careful when one is in the inner city whether you are black or white. Rejecting thugs from all races, means you evaluate people for your own protection.

Example: she sees 100 white guys and has a problem from 2, and she sees 2 black guys and has a problem from 1. Because it is true that she had twice the problems from white guys than from black guys does not mean that her observation is correct. Neither does it mean that 50% of the AA guys give her problems, nor 2% of the White guys give her problems. I am not taking the calculation to completion here because I mentioned the total population outside of her customers.

Get to know your friends, for who and what they are.
There is nothing wrong in avoiding trouble, just learn to evaluate trouble before it happens.

Remove emotion from your evaluations.

JRLawrence's Avatar
we are made to win, not " seek truth"
Our Brains Don't Understand Probability

and we are just stupid
http://www.cracked.com/article_19468...-think_p2.html Originally Posted by bigcockpussylicker
No one said you were stupid. I love probability theory. Probability affects more areas of our lives than we realize. If one would think about probability the casinos would go out of business when everyone realized that most of the time the odds are stacked against us of making any money gambling.

bigcockpussylicker's Avatar
No one said you were stupid. I love probability theory. Probability affects more areas of our lives than we realize. If one would think about probability the casinos would go out of business when everyone realized that most of the time the odds are stacked against us of making any money gambling.

JR Originally Posted by JRLawrence
or at least people wouldnt play slot machines!
but like most things(texting/driving? or smoking) people think," those numbers don't apply to me!

my favorite is cancer/all-cause mortality where being fat means you have a much higher risk of cancer/CAD/diabetes. but people don't want to prevent disease, they want a cure after they get the disease
Fsn57's Avatar
  • Fsn57
  • 12-30-2015, 01:52 PM
Wrong! It does not assume the amount of customers from either race. It asks the question of how much trouble she has with either race. That % is compared to the % population of both races.

JR Originally Posted by JRLawrence
Your probability numbers however may have no bearing on her experience since you don't know if she sees a representative number of clients from each race. For example she may see twice as many blacks as whites have have half the problem with blacks as she does whites. Thus your numbers would be irrelevant to her experience. Bottom line, your probability numbers are meaningless to her experience since you can't know the population of clients by race and the population of assholes by race that she sees.
JRLawrence's Avatar
[QUOTE=bigcockpussylicker;10576 29453]or at least people wouldnt play slot machines!
but like most things(texting/driving? or smoking) people think," those numbers don't apply to me!

my favorite is cancer/all-cause mortality where being fat means you have a much higher risk of cancer/CAD/diabetes. but people don't want to prevent disease, they want a cure after they get the disease

  1. being fat means you have a much higher risk of cancer/CAD/diabetes.
  2. but people don't want to prevent disease, they want a cure after they get the disease

Does everyone agree that both statements are true?

Does everyone agree that just because #2 is true, it doesn't change the value of #1.

Conclusion. It doesn't matter what you want. If you are fat, you are more likely to get sick. Doesn't matter if you like the results. #1 is still true.

JRLawrence's Avatar
Your probability numbers however may have no bearing on her experience since you don't know if she sees a representative number of clients from each race. For example she may see twice as many blacks as whites have have half the problem with blacks as she does whites. Thus your numbers would be irrelevant to her experience. Bottom line, your probability numbers are meaningless to her experience since you can't know the population of clients by race and the population of assholes by race that she sees. Originally Posted by Fsn57
______________________________ ________

Does everyone agree that there are more white people than black people in the overall population right now? (I know things are changing.)

If so, it is most likely that she will see more white than black clients, and as a result have more problems with whites than black.

Then, it follows that she should be able to say she has more problems with whites than blacks, as expected.

But, it doesn't mean (as implied) that the risk of problems is greater with white than with black clients.
______________________________ ______

Logic is not based on emotion.

Fsn57's Avatar
  • Fsn57
  • 12-30-2015, 03:12 PM
______________________________ ________

Does everyone agree that there are more white people than black people in the overall population right now? (I know things are changing.)

If so, it is most likely that she will see more white than black clients, and as a result have more problems with whites than black.

Then, it follows that she should be able to say she has more problems with whites than blacks, as expected.

But, it doesn't mean (as implied) that the risk of problems is greater with white than with black clients.
______________________________ ______

Logic is not based on emotion.

JR Originally Posted by JRLawrence
Again all assumptions.

Personal likes/dislikes, experiences with populations, etc. can change any of your assumptions. Just because there are more whites than blacks in general population doesn't mean an individual may see more whites than blacks. Your premise is correct, your conclusion is false. Women who have NBA policies see a skewed sample of the general population. Nothing says an individual may have preference for the reverse in which case she would see no whites. SW who work in predominately black neighborhoods may see more black than white clients. I don't know any particular provider's preferences or client list and would guess you don't either.

Logic is not based upon emotion, but emotion can sway your objectivity in setting up your populations, samples, etc, thus altering your conclusions.
JRLawrence's Avatar
Again all assumptions.

Personal likes/dislikes, experiences with populations, etc. can change any of your assumptions. Just because there are more whites than blacks in general population doesn't mean an individual may see more whites than blacks. Your premise is correct, your conclusion is false.

Women who have NBA policies see a skewed sample of the general population.

Now you seem to understand. The purpose of statistical analysis is to intentionally skew the standard distribution curve in your favor, thus altering the outcome. Unless you are an idiot professor who just describes generally what may happen with vast numbers. Make it work for you, not get a Ph.D. to describe a world that we don't need or want.

Nothing says an individual may have preference for the reverse in which case she would see no whites. SW who work in predominately black neighborhoods may see more black than white clients. I don't know any particular provider's preferences or client list and would guess you don't either.

Logic is not based upon emotion,

but emotion can sway your objectivity in setting up your populations, samples, etc, thus altering your conclusions. Originally Posted by Fsn57
Except, that the whole purpose in looking at any problem is to prevent our emotions from blinding our objectivity.

Back to the original statement. She had more problems from whites than blacks. Duh, isn't that expected in a normal population? Unless she only sees blacks.

Behind all of this, more blacks by % go to jail than whites by %. That doesn't mean that we don't find a lot of nice blacks, or asians, or hispanic.

It means don't generalize. Learn to understand the numbers, and don't use the one arm bandits, or play the lottery: in the end you will loose.

bigcockpussylicker's Avatar

It means don't generalize. Learn to understand the numbers, and don't use the one arm bandits, or play the lottery: in the end you will loose.
Originally Posted by JRLawrence
what do you mean "dont generalize"?
generalize a lot, it keeps you safe

generally slots, lottery are losers
do you think blacks are arrested more cause they are black or they commit more crimes?
This is a good thread good to have some options now instead of guessing thanks ladies