Don't we ladies just love no reviews

generalbob's Avatar
ya Its a pain in the ahem ass .
you eat and hope not to get sick. Then hope when you get sick you can tell what did it to ya so not to eat that again. I cut back on some things to loose weight, and have. Active yogurt is to get ya going dumping right again.

so far I can't eat at all
peanuts, can eat very little of most other nuts( like almonds, walnuts.etc before you name nuts that walk two legs only)
whole grain bread
lettuce unless cooked errrr wtf yet coleslaw ok but can have very little
etc list growing as only way to tell is try. Doctors have no idea other wise.

So far I have not gotten sick on pussy
if I have to add that, its time and bye bye time.

But I will try and review before I eat the lead covered with copper Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
Try cutting the yogurt with a touch of vodka(50/50). Enhances flavor and has nice pain reducing ability. Soak popcorn in it also. Softens it up so not to get stuck in those nasty intestinal crevasses. If it ever comes to eating copper coated lead m&m, have fav hook do it as you blow final load. Hope you feel better.
  • XL
  • 12-10-2015, 03:00 PM
Figuring it out like men would imply that you're a man...I see a little boy who doesn't know how to treat people with respect, especially women. Originally Posted by sucrunchman
Give the pimp a prize. You got me.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Try cutting the yogurt with a touch of vodka(50/50). Enhances flavor and has nice pain reducing ability. Soak popcorn in it also. Softens it up so not to get stuck in those nasty intestinal crevasses. If it ever comes to eating copper coated lead m&m, have fav hook do it as you blow final load. Hope you feel better. Originally Posted by generalbob
btw: your review awesome, I think the same provider checked me out for another provider that hopes not in need to cut me open. What he cut out canser free.
My pic's where bad also, this pic is what I cut out that pic if for the other surgeon. All I saw was ass.

will save the vodka for I hope 5 years from now
ps: shhhhhhhh send me the ROS
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Originally Posted by sucrunchman
Figuring it out like men would imply that you're a man...I see a little boy who doesn't know how to treat people with respect, especially women.
Give the pimp a prize. You got me. Originally Posted by XL
pimping out his leftovers is manly & respectful ?????
I so confused now, I'm used to confusing others errr other than who all I pay to confuse me.
OSD do u have brain cancer? You type like you're illiterate or mentally handicapped. I'm not sure which one it is, or if possibly it spread from your intestines up the stem to your brain. Go blow XYL some more and then get the whole GOBC together for a nice circle jerk in your hospital room. You guys can sponge bathe each other it'll be great. Can't wait to see the reviews on that one...but XL may give you a no if you don't let him "fuck your ass like the whore you are" Get it whore? Sorry mods I'm not name calling. It's a noun
offshoredrilling's Avatar
OSD do u have brain cancer? You type like you're illiterate or mentally handicapped. I'm not sure which one it is, or if possibly it spread from your intestines up the stem to your brain. Go blow XYL some more and then get the whole GOBC together for a nice circle jerk in your hospital room. You guys can sponge bathe each other it'll be great. Can't wait to see the reviews on that one...but XL may give you a no if you don't let him "fuck your ass like the whore you are" Get it whore? Sorry mods I'm not name calling. It's a noun Originally Posted by sucrunchman
well maybe you missed the part XL and I only get along so so. We have battled and shared info. But he is much more fun to read. Even if I don't like the game ether of ya play with lady's. He is the legend you the want-ta-be.
  • XL
  • 12-10-2015, 03:38 PM
OSD do u have brain cancer? You type like you're illiterate or mentally handicapped. I'm not sure which one it is, or if possibly it spread from your intestines up the stem to your brain. Go blow XYL some more and then get the whole GOBC together for a nice circle jerk in your hospital room. You guys can sponge bathe each other it'll be great. Can't wait to see the reviews on that one...but XL may give you a no if you don't let him "fuck your ass like the whore you are" Get it whore? Sorry mods I'm not name calling. It's a noun Originally Posted by sucrunchman
That's the spirit!

Yay for crunchy.
So XL has violated many eccie rules..threats of violence..clear name calling... Mods need to step up..who are the moderators here..if it was me speaking this way it would be infraction city...if cryptkicker was the mod here he would be on XL like flies on shit..and that guy Hates me..I'm just saying...I did look up XL..too tired to go laziness my mistake..this XS behavior is my punishment..Hatred of self pours into hatred of others..
offshoredrilling's Avatar
That's the spirit!

Yay for crunchy. Originally Posted by XL

ya both jackass's, but then we all are
offshoredrilling's Avatar
So XL has violated many eccie rules..threats of violence..clear name calling... Mods need to step up..who are the moderators here..if it was me speaking this way it would be infraction city...if cryptkicker was the mod here he would be on XL like flies on shit..and that guy Hates me..I'm just saying...I did look up XL..too tired to go laziness my mistake..this XS behavior is my punishment..Hatred of self pours into hatred of others.. Originally Posted by Lucky Lady
just nail the on every post by XL, crunch, and me. They will get it

btw: I smoke cowboy killers, and you ?????
  • XL
  • 12-10-2015, 03:52 PM
So XL has violated many eccie rules..threats of violence..clear name calling... Mods need to step up..who are the moderators here..if it was me speaking this way it would be infraction city...if cryptkicker was the mod here he would be on XL like flies on shit..and that guy Hates me..I'm just saying...I did look up XL..too tired to go laziness my mistake..this XS behavior is my punishment..Hatred of self pours into hatred of others.. Originally Posted by Lucky Lady
Threats of violence? Where is it? Quote it, show it, back up your statements.

You are in fact a whore; a woman who charges men for sex......right?

Just cause I choose to say whore vs escort, provider, prostitute, hooker, sex worker......all the same.

I'm still waiting for you to post our chat dialogue via text.

BTW, care to show me or tell where you said you would come presenting as gollum from L.O.T.R with no makeup. Please please show me.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Threats of violence? Where is it? Quote it, show it, back up your statements.

You are in fact a whore; a woman who charges men for sex......right? Originally Posted by XL
I'm being retrained
so will go with
Lady of the evening
as I hate term provider, and I'm not a hobbyist. Hate that term also
I hate the newspaper on the snout

btw: can you add crunch handle to that quote of me in sig line please
offshoredrilling's Avatar
OSD do u have brain cancer? You type like you're illiterate or mentally handicapped. I'm not sure which one it is, or if possibly it spread from your intestines up the stem to your brain. Go blow XYL some more and then get the whole GOBC together for a nice circle jerk in your hospital room. You guys can sponge bathe each other it'll be great. Can't wait to see the reviews on that one...but XL may give you a no if you don't let him "fuck your ass like the whore you are" Get it whore? Sorry mods I'm not name calling. It's a noun Originally Posted by sucrunchman
click the blue button
then the like please all

edit: mmmmm like count has not gone up
ahhhh the blue button is in the quote in this post
it will take you to the post I quoted
errrrr WTF
then the like button
I'm partial to the term escort. I do also refer to myself as a sex worker. I love being called a whore, slut, cunt, etc. when done in the right mindset and not done to berate/disrespect. I actually have a new picture with "Daddy's Whore" written across my chest.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
I'm partial to the term escort. I do also refer to myself as a sex worker. I love being called a whore, slut, cunt, etc. when done in the right mindset and not done to berate/disrespect. I actually have a new picture with "Daddy's Whore" written across my chest. Originally Posted by bustybabygirl
really!, going to try and make this thread a threAD for you

your kidding me right?????