The Great American Embarrassment!

dumars's Avatar
Looks like nobody wants to talk about Donny's bull shit, starting with sending investigators to Hawaii . . .

Must be a reason for it . . .
Looks like nobody wants to talk about Donny's bull shit, starting with sending investigators to Hawaii . . .

Must be a reason for it . . . Originally Posted by dumars
Nobody cares. There. Answered it for you.
BigMikeinKC's Avatar
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You know if I asked to see your current driver's license and you pulled out four different ones and told me that they were all real and accurate I'd be very, very suspicious. That is what Obama did and maybe Dumass missed that. Obama has produced four different birth certificates and has claimed that they are all real though they differ slightly from each other. You know, if at first you can't produce a good fake then try, try again.

The laws about citizenship changed in 1967 which is why the Obama camp was in such a tizzy to show that their guy was born in Hawaii. You see, Obama's mother could not give her citizenship to a son born outside the United States because she was not of age or an independent. She was also not married to Barack senior because he already had a wife in Africa that he was still married to. So Barack is a bastard. The difference is the times for Ted Cruz. When Ted was born his mother (women had more rights) could, just because of her American citizenship, grant US citizenship to her infant son. Ann Dunham had a problem so Barack had to be born here (in Hawaii) or he could not be president. You just have to disregard all the evidence to the contrary; claims that he was from Kenya when he enrolled at Occidental College, claims that he was from Kenya when he enrolled at Harvard, claims that he was from Kenya when he wrote his first biography, his trip to Pakistan when Americans were not allowed to travel to Pakistan (he used an Indonesian passport), the fact that he was a citizen of Indonesia for some years (meaning that he had to give up his American citizenship). So there you have it; Barack himself said for many years that he was from Kenya and his actions and travels confirm that for a time he was not an American citizen.
JRLawrence's Avatar
I don't know the legal details. One thing that has been left out that affected a friend from high school who was born in France and returned his senior year of high school. His father was in the US military/diplomatic corps and had been stationed several times in France.

Long story - short. He showed up at my college and became my room mate my freshman year. He had dual citizenship US/France (because of his parents and place of birth).

Anyway, he had to get out fast because he was drafted into the French Army as a citizen. He was not prosecuted because he moved back to the US. He still has dual citizenship.

Just an aside. What does this all mean?

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
A lot of it depends on the year that he was born. In the mid sixties a lot of changes were made including things like birthright citizenship (anchor babies). The rules for Obama are different for people born later in the decade.
You know if I asked to see your current driver's license and you pulled out four different ones and told me that they were all real and accurate I'd be very, very suspicious. That is what Obama did and maybe Dumass missed that. Obama has produced four different birth certificates and has claimed that they are all real though they differ slightly from each other. You know, if at first you can't produce a good fake then try, try again.

The laws about citizenship changed in 1967 which is why the Obama camp was in such a tizzy to show that their guy was born in Hawaii. You see, Obama's mother could not give her citizenship to a son born outside the United States because she was not of age or an independent. She was also not married to Barack senior because he already had a wife in Africa that he was still married to. So Barack is a bastard. The difference is the times for Ted Cruz. When Ted was born his mother (women had more rights) could, just because of her American citizenship, grant US citizenship to her infant son. Ann Dunham had a problem so Barack had to be born here (in Hawaii) or he could not be president. You just have to disregard all the evidence to the contrary; claims that he was from Kenya when he enrolled at Occidental College, claims that he was from Kenya when he enrolled at Harvard, claims that he was from Kenya when he wrote his first biography, his trip to Pakistan when Americans were not allowed to travel to Pakistan (he used an Indonesian passport), the fact that he was a citizen of Indonesia for some years (meaning that he had to give up his American citizenship). So there you have it; Barack himself said for many years that he was from Kenya and his actions and travels confirm that for a time he was not an American citizen. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Your post is total BS.

In 2008 the Obama campaign released both his short and long version of his Hawaii Certificate of Birth.

Obama's mother was 18 when Obama was born but that doesn't matter because since she was a U.S. Citizen, Barack Obama was legally entitled to U.S. citizenship.

Also, Obama NEVER claimed to be born in Kenya when going to Occidental or Harvard. That is simply a lie. Obama ALWAYS documented the fact that his FATHER was from Kenya.

There you have it, your post is filled with lies.

If ANY of your lies were true, Hillary Clinton and Republican candidates would have jumped all over it.

People like you just can't get over the fact a majority of Americans elected a black man as President of the United States.

Here are two websites I quickly found that blow away all of your false claims: