President Obama To Use Executive Orders To Sucure More Gun Controle.

TheDaliLama's Avatar
I wonder what kind of onion BO used to make himself cry during his speech today?

Maybe he used Burt Reynolds trick and pulled a hair out of his nose?
I wonder what kind of onion BO used to make himself cry during his speech today? Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
That was Fukin' nauseating.

To show you how stupid he is concerning guns and licensed dealers, any dealer already has to have the buyer go through the complete check, and fill out the yellow form now. If they do not, they are already breaking a law already on the books.

As I said before. The only "gun show loop hole" is the one that allows two private individules to buy andsell a gun to one another with nothing more than money changing hands.

I go to a lot of gun shows in the Houston area. No dealer will dare sell you a gun at a gun show without a background check. At the big show at the George R Brown, they have multitudes of tables and phones to do just that.
This whole thing boils down to curbing "Gun Violence". Obama's proposal on gun violence will have little impact because we still have guns and we still have people who will posses guns. Not all crazy people are violent and not all violent people are crazy clinically speaking. We have also experienced an overwhelming number of orchestrated mass shootings in this country to give the impression that our gun problem is way out of hand, and the majority of people have fallen for all the media hype of mass shootings. I will still remain a gun owner. I will still train and improve my skills. I can't control what other people will do and either can Obama. We can only control ourselves.

I B Hankering's Avatar
"Bypassing" anybody has yet to be determined in a SCOTUS near you! Did your kindergarten teacher tell you what "usurp" means? Hint, has nothing to do with "executive privilege"!

"Law abiding citizens" like the Planned Parenthood, Charleston, Denver Theater shooters, among soooo many others? Not to mention the IS wannabes!!! All weapons were legally purchased and all the people were "law abiding citizens" until they weren't!!

Your "gubment is out to get us" paranoia is based on what precedent? I'm not going to hold my breath waiting for an answer.

Yep, that means if a gang banger, convicted violent felon or somebody on a terrorist watchlist wants that gun he or she will have trouble getting it, won't they? Damn! Denying guns to crooks, what a concept! We won't talk about a "law abiding citizen" thinking about committing a crime when she/he knows they can be found through a gun purchase, eh?

P.S. I have bought and sold a number of guns over the years. I have not and will never sell to anyone I don't know personally. Otherwise I sell on consignment.
Originally Posted by dumars
Yes, dumb-arse, Odumbo bypassed Congress.

"I believe in the 2nd Amendment," the Odumbo said today. "It’s there written on the paper."
That "paper", as Odumbo so *quaintly called it*, is actually parchment, and it's better known to Americans -- who respect the law -- as the "United States Constitution".

The Constitution states: "Every Bill which shall have passed the House of Representatives and the Senate, shall, before it become a Law, be presented to the President of the United States: If he approve he shall sign it...." (Article I, Section 7, Clause 2: Presentment Clause)

Some of the provisions in Odumbo's order were explicitly rejected by Congress when it rejected the Manchin-Toomey gun bill. So, yes, Congress has spoken on the matter, and Odumbo is clearly usurping Congress' authority by enacting laws that Congress has already explicitly rejected, dumb-arse.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
This is where you separate your liberal from your progressive socialist. Even a hard core liberal knows that ONLY congress can make a law and not the president. A liberal should be shocked that their guy would try something so illegal. A totalitarian progressive/socialist would applaud what Obama is up to.

Who makes laws? Why Burgermeister, the Meisterburger.

"I hate guns and guns hate me. Either they're going or I'm going and I'm not going anywhere."

Did you love the fake tears? Notice how just before he tears up, Obama runs his finger from the outside of his eyes to the inside of his eyes which is not the normal way that anyone does it. I wonder what he applied....maybe it was bullshit in a can!
I wonder what kind of onion BO used to make himself cry during his speech today? Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
off white onion.

That was Fukin' nauseating.

.... Originally Posted by Jackie S
The most nauseating thing was the demonization of his "pro-2nd amendment" opponents. I thought after the Gabby Giffords shooting there was an agreement to stop the use of language like "hostage taking." The White House Press Secretary when asked about it said that it was "appropriate."

One other incredible tactic Obama used was how he painted some folks conjecture of what his speech was about when he gave no details beforehand to what his EO's entailed. Then he blamed his opponents for not knowing!

As I said before. The only "gun show loop hole" is the one that allows two private individules to buy andsell a gun to one another with nothing more than money changing hands.

I go to a lot of gun shows in the Houston area. No dealer will dare sell you a gun at a gun show without a background check. At the big show at the George R Brown, they have multitudes of tables and phones to do just that.
Originally Posted by Jackie S
+1. If the licensed dealer sells you a gun without running a background check he'll lose his license.
And Paul Ryan eagerly gets to work on the Obama-Ryan Gun Control Spending bill to fund all of Obama's new enforcement policies. Obama wins again!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Do you get to keep your guns, dipshit?

Do you get to wave them around in public?

Then quit your mewling.