no AA at acedmy awards

JRLawrence's Avatar
[QUOTE=A2theb2thec;1057760395]Are u calling all of his logic bogus? .........../QUOTE]

Hell yes, didn't I say his logic is bogus. What the hell is the matter with you can't you read? Read it again.

Logic is not based upon emotion or prejudice! No one cares what you think. It is what is. Read the above sentences again.

Now for an explanation; I assume you are able to read this and not just respond. Read it carefully.

It takes many years of preparation to develop your professional talents, in all areas of life. Some have argued that it was overstatement in the book Outliers, (author Malcolm Gladwell) that it takes roughly ten thousand hours of practice to achieve mastery in a field.

That 10000 hours translates into about 5 years of preparation, before one really gets good about what you do. I tend to agree.

Let's; look at this like two different pipelines filled with people who want to arrive at either the academy awards, or graduate from medical schools.

Well, if you don't have any blacks or women entering the medical school pipeline 5 years ago, you won't have any blacks or women coming out of the pipeline when they take the MCAT test and apply for medical school.

If you didn't do the work to get to the point you want to achieve, you will never achieve what you wishie washie think you want. One can not just walk up to the academy awards, or medical school and knock on the door and demand to be admitted, or rewarded based on their color or gender. Life doesn't work that way.

All of this boils down to one thing: GOALS. Some people have goals, and most people don't.

You have to put in the work first, and maybe, just maybe, life won't kick you in the nuts with sickness, car wrecks, injuries, having children, or family problems that interrupt your desire to achieve the goals you have set for yourself. There is nothing wrong with having children, that may be a worthy goal by itself.

If you want to be an artist, you have to practice your art. If you want to be a lawyer, you have to get admitted to law school - and graduate.

There is no logic about this, it is about desire, goals and the persistence to achieve your goals.

The statements about how the population numbers should match up is just pure bogus. Achievement depends on the individual, not the general population.

A2theb2thec's Avatar
Thanks for sharing your bogus logic as well.

I guess we should stop looking at statistics to help solve problems. I don't know where BCPL got his "facts" but his thinking isn't off base if what he said were true. Logic is only as strong as the assumptions it is based upon. Obviously you could have sound logic on fallacies and you'd come up with something so fucking retarted but as long as it makes sense and follows, how can you fucking slam his logic. MOre like you should slam his source of knowledge.
bigcockpussylicker's Avatar
Thanks for sharing your bogus logic as well.

I guess we should stop looking at statistics to help solve problems. I don't know where BCPL got his "facts" but his thinking isn't off base if what he said were true. Logic is only as strong as the assumptions it is based upon. Obviously you could have sound logic on fallacies and you'd come up with something so fucking retarted but as long as it makes sense and follows, how can you fucking slam his logic. MOre like you should slam his source of knowledge. Originally Posted by A2theb2thec
I have a link in my post where i got the "facts"