For myself I prefer to see ladies only if they have show cases and as far as the pics go when I see glamor shots I would shy away just about as much as the photos that are intentionally fuzzy. Sonya Playmate has her photos and they are very nice, and Cristie does most of her own and I like them just as well. I know both ladies and their pics are very accurate and thats what counts with me.
I occasionally look at a providers website only if I cannot find any reviews, other than that I like the showcases. Would add that I have started shying away from provider that do not screen. It actually makes me feel more comfortable, if for nothing else to know the provider will be more comfortable with me. As far as location I am on the far NE side so I do like the north side 1604 area and I do not like hotels.
As far as the ads go I could care less about the bling. I would prefer a couple of nice pics and plenty of info.