This is my reality. Not what Tiny Gambino wants you to think of me.

KittyLamour's Avatar
There appears to be a glitch in the emoji's
Kitty..kitty.....kitty..... *sigh* ..... I really wanted to look for a funny smh pic to attach to this post, but I didn't. I read everyone else's comments instead...and for God sakes I've never seen a thread with so many people in agreement, +10000, what he/she said, echo chamber consensus on a topic before.

You screwed up with this. You are a sensitive type. We know. We get it. It's clear. Prolly makes you a good lover, good with animals, a good friend when your shits together. So take the good with the bad about it.

It's not your past that puts the target on you. It's your sensitivity now. (And I was around for that drama, cars, kenwoods, blah-blah-blah. And it was a disasterpiece of epic proportion.) But you need to learn to quit feeding it. Tiny/Tony is the fire - you are the oxygen. Without you, it fizzles out.

So, you got strong, maybe took a card from THN, and laughed it all off, didn't take it too seriously...which was great. Honestly, and I don't talk this way on a forum like this, but I was proud of you. It was obvious your shit was better together. I don't even know you, and I felt good about it from out here in the peanut gallery.

But now you've opened up a crack and revealed you're hurt again, which will only feed this thing. From the guy's perspective (aka mine), it has that "oh wait, there's that drama realing its little head again" feel. (For God sakes kitty, pics of your horse, car, and house!?! It's not just irresponsible, it's dangerous, and only shows you're desperate to prove something to the very people who don't give a shit! on a fucking whore board!! Argh, make me wanna strangle you. Lol)

The other night I read one of Tiny/Tony's unprovoked spats at you, and I gotta admit, I thought,"fuck this guy has an axe to grind with her," and he trolls like he has nothing better to do. I had my cocktail turned on that night and even considered calling him out on it. He certainly gets up ur ass with all that bullshit, and I don't get it. So I'll give you that much.

But it's time to step away. The best thing for you is to block him, and take an immediate 5 day sabbatical from the boards. Post ads! But not one thread post. And here's another thing: when you take a break don't make a big fucking announcement about it...and if you do, certainly don't post a word (even if you can't help yourself from lurking) before the stated hiatus is up.

Seriously, you should be catching a theme here from everyone. Don't make us redundant. To sum up: This is not a good look for you.

Good luck,
Dorian Gray's Avatar
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
All the people who say negative crap doesn't affect them or the ladies, are seriously out of touch with reality. Kitty is not paranoid in the least concerning this. The "players" who peruse this board all the time may not be affected by the nonsense of trolls, but think again about those who have no time or patience to read between the lines or understand that this is allowed on this board, whether fact or fiction. These gentlemen, do indeed, take more precautions and practice "better safe than sorry". The majority of hobbyists are not participating on boards.

It's a job of moderators to not allow others to insult or be rude. However, apparently one must RTM or tattle. Maybe this is because, so many seem to thoroughly enjoy being nasty and hateful to one another and it's hard for them to decipher who is having fun with it and who is being irreperably harmed by such? Trolling someone for fun or enjoyment, is kinda sociopathic. These folks have little or no compassion for others.

Anyway, these types of trolling behaviors must be too hard to judge or something. The rules are in place to protect. Use the RTM every time some troll does these types of things and there will be less need to defend. State the infraction, rude or insulting remark, anything purposefully meant to harm reputation or you feel might do so. If the mods do nothing after that, their bad. Do what ya gotta do, and in this case her reaction may be over the top to some, but I understand completely why she would.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Toni is the king (jester) of trolls, neck and neck with Wakeup and Lucass McCane. These yahoos don't have a brain between them, and have no other purpose but to stir shit (probably do it with their bare arm than with a stick). Originally Posted by Randall Creed
I thought you were leaving because your wittle feewings were hurt...
thechocolatebanana's Avatar
You could have stopped with just the pic taken in the car. It's great. As stated above, block/ignore is your friend.
KittyLamour's Avatar
Originally Posted by Dorian Gray
If you're going to post on MY THREAD please speak English or I might go full out Spanish Inquisition on you.
KittyLamour's Avatar
You could have stopped with just the pic taken in the car. It's great. As stated above, block/ignore is your friend. Originally Posted by thechocolatebanana
You are right and I'm going to add another one right now. It's like magic... poof they're gone!

Thank you I am glad you liked my pic...
KittyLamour's Avatar
All the people who say negative crap doesn't affect them or the ladies, are seriously out of touch with reality. Kitty is not paranoid in the least concerning this. The "players" who peruse this board all the time may not be affected by the nonsense of trolls, but think again about those who have no time or patience to read between the lines or understand that this is allowed on this board, whether fact or fiction. These gentlemen, do indeed, take more precautions and practice "better safe than sorry". The majority of hobbyists are not participating on boards.

It's a job of moderators to not allow others to insult or be rude. However, apparently one must RTM or tattle. Maybe this is because, so many seem to thoroughly enjoy being nasty and hateful to one another and it's hard for them to decipher who is having fun with it and who is being irreperably harmed by such? Trolling someone for fun or enjoyment, is kinda sociopathic. These folks have little or no compassion for others.

Anyway, these types of trolling behaviors must be too hard to judge or something. The rules are in place to protect. Use the RTM every time some troll does these types of things and there will be less need to defend. State the infraction, rude or insulting remark, anything purposefully meant to harm reputation or you feel might do so. If the mods do nothing after that, their bad. Do what ya gotta do, and in this case her reaction may be over the top to some, but I understand completely why she would. Originally Posted by MaxiMilyen
Thank you so much. You said exactly what needed to be said how I wish I could've said it. It is true... our main bread and butter isn't the guys who post regularly... its the lurkers... the silent witnesses that are booking the most appointments. Clients are scary. They avoid any hint of drama or scandal.
SofaKingFun's Avatar
And she keeps postng...

Kitty, all your posting is doing is giving him more ammunition to use against you.

The best advice has already been given. The fact that you choose not to heed it, speacks volumes.

Two words; Stop posting.



KittyLamour's Avatar
I am not responding to trolls.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
Thank you so much. You said exactly what needed to be said how I wish I could've said it. It is true... our main bread and butter isn't the guys who post regularly... its the lurkers... the silent witnesses that are booking the most appointments. Clients are scary. They avoid any hint of drama or scandal and yes it is a fact that all the bs I've been getting could very very easily keep me shut down for who knows how long.

I have not had a phone call since Fri.

I've had one hh session since Thurs.

I am about to post on BP.

It's wrong that these trolls can devastate someones life so easy with a few cleverly directed lies and inuendos. I know what I'm talking about I really do. I've been in Gentlemen's Entertainment since 1992. No Shit.

If you wonder why I get so nerve wrecked I'm just grateful to have any nerves left after all this time in the hobby. Originally Posted by KittyLamour
You're welcome!. I don't wonder at all. I'm sorry others will be thrilled to know they took part in you feeling bad. It's kind of a creepy feeling to know that of anyone.
TexTushHog's Avatar
I am not responding to trolls. Originally Posted by KittyLamour
All two pages of evidence to the contrary not withstanding.
GingerKatt's Avatar
Little Tony is a nasty troll, who also went off on me last night, attempting to insult me with statements that were no where near the the truth. Not even close. I can't imagine how someone gets joy out of doing this day after day. What a miserable , wasted life.
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
Lovely pics, Miss. I'd absolutely be interested were you in my zip code.

And, you're totally WINNING this thread. Carry on.