Super Awesome News

onehitwonder's Avatar
G' morning, Htowner. How you doin'? Smashing day, don't ya thinCk?
TexasGator's Avatar
Bloody good post, ohw! Bloody fine indeed.

Ya know, this type of obsessive behaviour isn't healthy, I mean you guys really sit in front of your computer all day and talk about the same shit, over and over with each other...sad really...

I posted a thread asking questions and from the get go you were rude. If this is what gets you guys off then keep on with your pathetic little posts, but know this....I'm not going anywhere, I will post on this forum anytime I want and there's not a damn thing any of you can do about it. So sorry you guys didn't get invited to the M&G I'm having, but I prefer to spend my time getting to know people who aren't sadistic narcs...

What some of you fail to realize, or perhaps you simply don't care?...But I post on these boards because I am a provider, I advertise here and there's not anything wrong with that, posting on message boards is how we make our money. Unlike most of you men who just post because you have no lives, I actually do, this is how I provide for my family. I am a single mother with an autistic child, so I will do whatever I need to to ensure bookings. Any of you with children should understand that, especially if they are special needs kids. So while it may be all fun and games for you to continue to write these ridiculous threads, have you ever thought you may be affecting business for a provider? You probably could care less, I like to think there is good in everyone, but the only thing the guys on this thread have shown me is cruelty...Does it make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside to constantly talk shit about me? Someone you know nothing about except that I'm British and speak my mind. I can understand how shocking it may be to you that I actually stand up for myself, because no one else on this board seems to, and that's sad..

I put most of you on ignore for a reason, because I care not for what you have to say. If you don't like my threads, then don't read them, if you don't like my blog, then don't read it either... Just leave me alone, I'm sick of this nonsense.[/QUOTE

Everything I do that makes me happy is unhealthy. Now that being said.....

You're right. There is nothing we can "do" about it. .....but call you on your shit. You showed up in Houston with that nasty GPS attitude. Insulting and berating folks left and right and now shits gone south and you're cryin foul, playing the sympathy card. WAY whatever. See us Texans weren't raised like that. When we " come to visit " we usually wipe our feet on the mat and make an effort to speak to everyone in the room not kick the front door down and then piss all over the Persian rug. See how that works? Im a Texan and I speak MY mind. Also, I would like to take this time to decline your invitation to your M&G as I like to spend my time with folks who know how to behave like mature, respectful, humble adults. You're cute, but so are 99% of our Houston girls but they don't shove it down our throats every single mf'ing time they post. As far as "us" hurting your business you did that all by yourself. Take a bow, girlfriend. Cherrio, Yall....

(*edited for spelling and punctuation*) see, I have a brain Originally Posted by Valerie
onehitwonder's Avatar
(In my very best southern drawl)

Why, thanCk you, Suga! Now, put on your "happy face" and y'all come back now, ya hear?!

Chip,chip, cherrio, and all that good rot, bloody brilliant, blah, blah, blah....*yawn*......
notanewbie's Avatar
ohw, your accents are giving me a boner.
onehitwonder's Avatar
Finally! Woo hoo! Up high! NaN loves ME!!! Damn, there for a minute I thought i was gonna have to act like a Brit to get you to " LOOK AT ME" ......

(Ummm....yeah.... I can uh.... take that "off yer hands" for ya....just sayin *wink*)

See Val, we all want to be seen and acknowledged. Its how you do it is what counts. Ever hear this old country sayin, "You get more with sugar than you do shit" And just one more while I'm at it, and this one is important, "You don't shit where you eat" hopefully you can figure it out......

Please don't hijack my thread about Boardman.
Wayward's Avatar
Ya know, this type of obsessive behaviour isn't healthy, I mean you guys really sit in front of your computer all day and talk about the same shit, over and over with each other...sad really...

I posted a thread asking questions and from the get go you were rude. If this is what gets you guys off then keep on with your pathetic little posts, but know this....I'm not going anywhere, I will post on this forum anytime I want and there's not a damn thing any of you can do about it. So sorry you guys didn't get invited to the M&G I'm having, but I prefer to spend my time getting to know people who aren't sadistic narcs...

What some of you fail to realize, or perhaps you simply don't care?...But I post on these boards because I am a provider, I advertise here and there's not anything wrong with that, posting on message boards is how we make our money. Unlike most of you men who just post because you have no lives, I actually do, this is how I provide for my family. I am a single mother with an autistic child, so I will do whatever I need to to ensure bookings. Any of you with children should understand that, especially if they are special needs kids. So while it may be all fun and games for you to continue to write these ridiculous threads, have you ever thought you may be affecting business for a provider? You probably could care less, I like to think there is good in everyone, but the only thing the guys on this thread have shown me is cruelty...Does it make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside to constantly talk shit about me? Someone you know nothing about except that I'm British and speak my mind. I can understand how shocking it may be to you that I actually stand up for myself, because no one else on this board seems to, and that's sad..

I put most of you on ignore for a reason, because I care not for what you have to say. If you don't like my threads, then don't read them, if you don't like my blog, then don't read it either... Just leave me alone, I'm sick of this nonsense. Originally Posted by Valerie
Valerie I have you on ingnore, but only in Muff's thread about Boardman's awesomeness. Still want to go to your meet & geet, you need to check your PMs. But will answer you publicly anyway because it's funny and that is our nature.

We are very sorry about your special needs child, it breaks our heart. It's a heavy burden being a sadistic narc (WTF? with the narc part?) murdering rat bastard, worse to be one that cares just as much about all the single moms that post, provide or work completely UTR in Houston and the surrounding counties. It is even more heart wrenching that some of them have autistic or other types of special needs children too. As someone that has known that pain we find it stranger still that you would walk in and piss on those other mother's persian rug. Why do you hate persian rugs so much?

Speaking as the only actual sadistic murdering rat bastard in this threAD, it pains me that you would be so quick to tar all the other single moms and generous kind hearted Texicans with that brush in this Boardman is Awesome thread. If you would just put everyone on ignore that hasn't pre-booked with you when they actually try to reach out and be nice to you that should solve the problem. Do you just RTM the blank spots where our posts aren't? Hopefully that we are not completely sick of your nonsense will come as some small measure of comfort to your fine ass, that you keep flashing. We only wish there was some way we could get WU to meat you, but he tends to get intractable at this point. I thinck he secertly misses Brooke Wild.

Everything I do that makes me happy is unhealthy. Now that being said.....

You're right. There is nothing we can "do" about it. .....but call you on your shit. You showed up in Houston with that nasty GPS attitude. Insulting and berating folks left and right and now shits gone south and you're cryin foul, playing the sympathy card. WAY whatever. See us Texans weren't raised like that. When we " come to visit " we usually wipe our feet on the mat and make an effort to speak to everyone in the room not kick the front door down and then piss all over the Persian rug. See how that works? Im a Texan and I speak MY mind. Also, I would like to take this time to decline your invitation to your M&G as I like to spend my time with folks who know how to behave like mature, respectful, humble adults. You're cute, but so are 99% of our Houston girls but they don't shove it down our throats every single mf'ing time they post. As far as "us" hurting your business you did that all by yourself. Take a bow, girlfriend. Cherrio, Yall....

(*edited for spelling and punctuation*) see, I have a brain Originally Posted by onehitwonder

OHW, it's not fair of you to land this much SHMB perfection in a threAD about Boardman's awesomeness! We all know how he gets when it is not all about him. Don't be telling folks that 99 % of the Houston girls are cute, because then the Dallas girls will want to be 99.5% cute and the San Antonio girls will want to be 99.6% cute. This will not end well. The Austin girls will send Artie Lang down here again to tell us they are really the cutest. So many flowers in Texas the magnitude of their beauty almost over whelms us. Sort of like that feeling we get in our non-heart after reading one of your posts. Did Val ever say she was sorry for calling you a boy?? We must have missed that...
onehitwonder's Avatar
There is soooo much I could "do" with the last sentence in your post, WayHARD, but I'll wait and see if lil mama's been payin' me any mind.......

But, no she hasn't. However, in her defense, I dont have my boobies plastered all over the place or my ass pressed up against the glass in my avatar. Remember, I have a brain also. I tend to use IT to win friends and influence people. My baby pic should have been a clue. Maybe she assumed I was gay/transgender. It happens. Like just the other day on a blo.....fuckshitdamn! (this playing the straight man ain't easy...)

Ya know, this type of obsessive behaviour isn't healthy, I mean you guys really sit in front of your computer all day and talk about the same shit, over and over with each other...sad really...

I posted a thread asking questions and from the get go you were rude. If this is what gets you guys off then keep on with your pathetic little posts, but know this....I'm not going anywhere, I will post on this forum anytime I want and there's not a damn thing any of you can do about it. So sorry you guys didn't get invited to the M&G I'm having, but I prefer to spend my time getting to know people who aren't sadistic narcs...

What some of you fail to realize, or perhaps you simply don't care?...But I post on these boards because I am a provider, I advertise here and there's not anything wrong with that, posting on message boards is how we make our money. Unlike most of you men who just post because you have no lives, I actually do, this is how I provide for my family. I am a single mother with an autistic child, so I will do whatever I need to to ensure bookings. Any of you with children should understand that, especially if they are special needs kids. So while it may be all fun and games for you to continue to write these ridiculous threads, have you ever thought you may be affecting business for a provider? You probably could care less, I like to think there is good in everyone, but the only thing the guys on this thread have shown me is cruelty...Does it make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside to constantly talk shit about me? Someone you know nothing about except that I'm British and speak my mind. I can understand how shocking it may be to you that I actually stand up for myself, because no one else on this board seems to, and that's sad..

I put most of you on ignore for a reason, because I care not for what you have to say. If you don't like my threads, then don't read them, if you don't like my blog, then don't read it either... Just leave me alone, I'm sick of this nonsense.[/QUOTE

Everything I do that makes me happy is unhealthy. Now that being said.....

You're right. There is nothing we can "do" about it. .....but call you on your shit. You showed up in Houston with that nasty GPS attitude. Insulting and berating folks left and right and now shits gone south and you're cryin foul, playing the sympathy card. WAY whatever. See us Texans weren't raised like that. When we " come to visit " we usually wipe our feet on the mat and make an effort to speak to everyone in the room not kick the front door down and then piss all over the Persian rug. See how that works? Im a Texan and I speak MY mind. Also, I would like to take this time to decline your invitation to your M&G as I like to spend my time with folks who know how to behave like mature, respectful, humble adults. You're cute, but so are 99% of our Houston girls but they don't shove it down our throats every single mf'ing time they post. As far as "us" hurting your business you did that all by yourself. Take a bow, girlfriend. Cherrio, Yall....

(*edited for spelling and punctuation*) see, I have a brain Originally Posted by Valerie

You aren't calling me on anything, as I have done nothing wrong. If anything it's quite the other way around, I've called a lot of you guys out on your shit, which apparently you're not used to... I didn't come in here with an attitude, I came in here asking questions and trying to contribute to the board, I only got defensive after being attacked by several of you for no reason...

You never got an invite to the M&G, so no reason to decline....You say you want to spend your time with respectful and mature adults? and your little friends you post with on here are no where near respectful or mature...more like children....

I'm not shoving anything down your throats, if you think just because I post it's because I somehow want to "shove my cuteness down your throats", then you are even more ignorant than I thought...

I have done nothing to hurt my business, I do what is necessary to run one. I have good reasons for posting on message boards, what's yours? To act like a dick to almost any woman who posts?

I'm not playing a sympathy card, and Im certainly not crying over a bunch of idiots, I was merely trying to explain to you why I wanted you guys to stop targeting me because I don't want to loose business because of it....because as I earlier stated, I'm a single mom with an autistic child to support, that's not me playing a card, that's the bloody facts. His behavioural therapy alone costs 2700k per month alone, so yea, I will do whatever I have to do to keep him in it so that when he get's older he will be able to maintain to normal life....So I take it VERY personal when someone like you tries to get in my way of making money...You mentioned in one post that you have a 2 year old yea?... So how would you feel if your doctors told you he was autistic, and that if you don't get him in therapy his chances of living a normal life would be shot to hell? If you were a good parent you would do everything you could to help your child...

If I wanted to play the "poor me card", trust me there are plenty of things about my life I could mention....Do you want me to start telling you about my daughter that died?? Her name was Isabella, I woke up one morning to find her body ice cold in her crib, she was only 6 weeks old.. I mean, you being a sadistic person should probably get a lot of enjoyment from knowing that...

All I'm trying to do is run my business, so the last thing I want is people like you trying to insult my every move...

But hey, you should be happy now, I am going to just cancel my trip to Houston, because I don't want to be anywhere near people like you.

Some of you guys are just sick.

-And I will be warning every lady I know, how you guys treat people, and not to even bother visiting your town.
notanewbie's Avatar
well at least we still have boardman.
Sisyphus's Avatar
If he's not blonde, toned and GFE I don't want to even speak to him... Originally Posted by Wakeuр
Boardman is blonde and DEFINITELY GFE! Toned...well, that's in the eye of the beholder, but seems a brit of alright to me! But...hey...when you look like the Stay-Puff Marshmellow Man...EVERYONE else looks toned.

Wow, Muffbro!
What an awesome welcome! I do want everyone to know that while I am already 70% booked I still have some room on my schedule. So if you want to spend some time with a seductive hobbyist with a great sense of humor, charm, wit and of course who is highly intelligent you can pre-book with just a twenty percent deposit. I take pay-pal.

And to you, Wakeup, before I put you on ignore, I am blonde. Don't be so cunty! Originally Posted by boardman
Welcome, fair Boardman! Alas...Pay-Pal & I are no longer on speaking terms...some people just can't take a joke! Would it be acceptable if I simply dropped off cigarettes, beer, & kitty porn at a pre-arranged location?*

*Not to be confused with my offering to the Prophet (rest his soul!) for bank favors & wisdom.

I went in. Nothing to write home about, but he seemed to enjoy it. Originally Posted by TexasGator
Aw man....please tell me you're just trying to keep this sweet young thing all to yourself by chasing the rest of the cats off...

I didn't pass screening, because I don't have legitimate references. F..k it; I'm going to see less reputable hobbyist. Originally Posted by UnderCoverDiva
Did somebody call for a less reputable hobbyist?? Look no further, [Ms. UCD], I'm your man!! No deposit? No references?....No problem!!

BM is holding a meet and greet when he gets to Houston. Everyone check your pms for the time and place....well everyone except WW, dh and WU.. Sorry guys. Originally Posted by TX Bulldog
I don't think I'm getting one either but...c'est le vie! C'est le guerre! C'est le ship!

What'd my man TR sing once? For all old enough to remember phonographic record albums....

When you lay your life down in them grooves
You're bound to get scratched up sometimes.
You can say what you will about me
Talk is cheap & I don't mind...

I put most of you on ignore for a reason, because I care not for what you have to say. If you don't like my threads, then don't read them, if you don't like my blog, then don't read it either... Just leave me alone, I'm sick of this nonsense. Originally Posted by Valerie
Most of these comments have already been addressed. So, I'll simply say a couple of politely as I know how...

First, and foremost, my empathies on being the parent of a special needs child. Been there. Done that. Have the t-shirt. Not quite on this level...but here's the thing. When it is YOUR "mini-me" making his/her grand entrance in the world & all is not can really turn your head around. When the other half of the creative team isn't in the mix, I'm sure it can be even more traumatic. Yet, it can be a wonderfully rewarding experience to make the choice to put the welfare of another ahead of your own. Hang in there & keep your head up! [since we're doing accents this morning, in my best Forest Gump] That's all I have to say about that...

Second, when things get sideways in this little thing of ours, there are a couple of options. You can take a great big swim in lake you...fume, pout, mope...whatever. OR, you can take it for what it is...realize all may not be quite as it appears...and move along.

I vaguely recall making such a suggestion once upon a time. I'm no Prophet (copyright dEErhunter, all rights reserved) but I had an inkling it might not go well. Alas, I was rebuffed...and called rude, to boot. Oh well. I now find myself now channeling my inner Chris Robinson.

I find it hard to shed a tear.
You brought it on yourself, my dear.
Wrong, yes I may be.
Don't leave a light on for me.

I won't be running to the mailbox to look for my invite to your gathering in my newly-adopted home barrio. But, just to show there's no hard feelings on my part...I leave a standing invitation to treat you to lunch on your visit.

Or, next month, in NYC...if that works better for you. I'll be in the neighborhood. My fav sushi joint in the world is there. Be my pleasure to share it with you, my treat!

Everything I do that makes me happy is unhealthy. Now that being said.....

You're right. There is nothing we can "do" about it. .....but call you on your shit. You showed up in Houston with that nasty GPS attitude. Insulting and berating folks left and right and now shits gone south and you're cryin foul, playing the sympathy card. WAY whatever. See us Texans weren't raised like that. When we " come to visit " we usually wipe our feet on the mat and make an effort to speak to everyone in the room not kick the front door down and then piss all over the Persian rug. See how that works? Im a Texan and I speak MY mind. Also, I would like to take this time to decline your invitation to your M&G as I like to spend my time with folks who know how to behave like mature, respectful, humble adults. You're cute, but so are 99% of our Houston girls but they don't shove it down our throats every single mf'ing time they post. As far as "us" hurting your business you did that all by yourself. Take a bow, girlfriend. Cherrio, Yall....

(*edited for spelling and punctuation*) see, I have a brain Originally Posted by onehitwonder
Note to self: Must.....not.....weaken. ..OHW. Wouldn' !!

Even boardman wouldn't piss on a Persian rug.
Just saying. Originally Posted by Htowner
Boardman might...I think it depends upon the current state of the litter box.

It's a heavy burden being a sadistic narc (WTF? with the narc part?) murdering rat bastard, worse to be one that cares just as much about all the single moms that post, provide or work completely UTR in Houston and the surrounding counties. It is even more heart wrenching that some of them have autistic or other types of special needs children too. As someone that has known that pain we find it stranger still that you would walk in and piss on those other mother's persian rug. Why do you hate persian rugs so much? Originally Posted by Wayward
You know Wayward, I was just about to say this reminds me of the time I.....huh??....wait???...what?? ? You mean there are actually OTHER PEOPLE's interests at stake here??????

Sunovabitch, I guess that local kid was right. What's his name? Don....something or other. Maybe somebody with more local course knowledge could jump in here....

You live in a house of mirrors
Reflecting your splendid isolation
You have so much of everything
Except for true consideration
The way you dance
The way you walk
The way you drive
The way you talk
The way you eat
The way you drink
The way you act
The way that you don’t think

It’s like there’s—
Nobody else in the world but you
Nobody else in the world
Nobody else in the world but you
In case you haven’t noticed
There’s lots of other people here, too
Wayward's Avatar

You aren't calling me on anything, as I have done nothing wrong. If anything it's quite the other way around, I've called a lot of you guys out on your shit, which apparently you're not used to... I didn't come in here with an attitude, I came in here asking questions and trying to contribute to the board, I only got defensive after being attacked by several of you for no reason...

You never got an invite to the M&G, so no reason to decline....You say you want to spend your time with respectful and mature adults? and your little friends you post with on here are no where near respectful or mature...more like children....

I'm not shoving anything down your throats, if you think just because I post it's because I somehow want to "shove my cuteness down your throats", then you are even more ignorant than I thought...

I have done nothing to hurt my business, I do what is necessary to run one. I have good reasons for posting on message boards, what's yours? To act like a dick to almost any woman who posts?

I'm not playing a sympathy card, and Im certainly not crying over a bunch of idiots, I was merely trying to explain to you why I wanted you guys to stop targeting me because I don't want to loose business because of it....because as I earlier stated, I'm a single mom with an autistic child to support, that's not me playing a card, that's the bloody facts. His behavioural therapy alone costs 2700k per month alone, so yea, I will do whatever I have to do to keep him in it so that when he get's older he will be able to maintain to normal life....So I take it VERY personal when someone like you tries to get in my way of making money...You mentioned in one post that you have a 2 year old yea?... So how would you feel if your doctors told you he was autistic, and that if you don't get him in therapy his chances of living a normal life would be shot to hell? If you were a good parent you would do everything you could to help your child...

If I wanted to play the "poor me card", trust me there are plenty of things about my life I could mention....Do you want me to start telling you about my daughter that died?? Her name was Isabella, I woke up one morning to find her body ice cold in her crib, she was only 6 weeks old.. I mean, you being a sadistic person should probably get a lot of enjoyment from knowing that...

All I'm trying to do is run my business, so the last thing I want is people like you trying to insult my every move...

But hey, you should be happy now, I am going to just cancel my trip to Houston, because I don't want to be anywhere near people like you.

Some of you guys are just sick.

-And I will be warning every lady I know, how you guys treat people, and not to even bother visiting your town.

*Yea, I have a brain too...Deal with it.*


Pensacola,FL 2/15-17th
Washington,DC 3/6-9th
Chicago,IL 3/15-17th
Manhattan,NYC 3/21-24th Originally Posted by Valerie

WTF a dead baby? and canceling the trip after ignoring Father Wayward's kind advice... did we just become a baby killer again? Seriously Val if you are 70% booked in a city and a couple of satirical threads make you snatch the food out of your child's mouth we are really sorry that you couldn't laugh at yourself even for a second. Best wishes to you and good fortune in each path you take in life. We wish you health, wealth and happiness.
I wonder if I am going to get my 20% deposit back...:rm_sperm :
TexasGator's Avatar

don'tcha just hate those fuckers?
targeting me because I don't want to loose business because of it...So I take it VERY personal when someone like you tries to get in my way of making money

All I'm trying to do is run my business, so the last thing I want is people like you trying to insult my every move...

-And I will be warning every lady I know, how you guys treat people, and not to even bother visiting your town. Originally Posted by Valerie
I really thought you were smarter than all of this. You give these guys that post on ECCIE way too much credit. How is a small group of guys in a city of a few million going to have a major impact on your business?

Why would you cancel a trip when you are 70% booked? That sounds pretty good to me. ECCIE isn't the end all for advertising. Throw ads up on P411 and Eros and you will have a 100% booked trip.

Please tell me what you are going to warn these ladies of? That there's a handful of guys that don't play nice. Okay, big deal. There are buttheads in every city, not just Houston.