Guested vs New Handles / Making the connection

Well said Mr Peabody!! Whispers time here has expired. Time for him to do one of the following:
1: stfu
2: grow up
3: move on
4: learn common civility
5: take a class in manners
6: start his own site and pay his minions to kiss his ass Originally Posted by nuglet
His minions have all hit the bricks and that "change the direction of co-ed" thingee bit the dust quite awhile ago.
Dare we say Whispers is irrelevant?

Time for Whispers to hit the trail...
There is no doubt that some ladies experience issues in their professional life that may make it necessary to make a fast exit from the community.

We have seen many ladies do so, only to reappear at some point with a new handle.

At times they let it be known either intentionally or unintentionally who they used to be.

At times a member makes the connection.

Shouldn't there be some burden of proof placed on a lady that repeats this process over and over and over that there truly exists an issue and even WITH said proof shouldn't there be some limit as to how many times she can recreate herself?

Come on now.

1 time?

At what point is it NOT obvious to staff that a lady is simply using the excuse to duck a consistently deteriorating level of service and growing propensity for drama that can affect the guys here?

The core purpose of the board is to allow information to flow that provides a complete overview to guys looking to make decisions about how to spend their hard earned money.

It really seems to place more risk on guys to get caught up in the personal ongoing repeating drama some ladies here live.

If a provider is truly concerned for her personal safety what the fuck is she doing back here over and over and over and over after fuck-up after fuck-up after fuck-up?

I would think even the women here that strive to maintain their reputations and a level quality of service would have reason to be fed up at times with this. Originally Posted by Whispers

There you go again. Thinking anyone gives a shit about anything you have to say.....

gfejunkie's Avatar
Dare we say Whispers is irrelevant? Originally Posted by Observing
Or a joke he just doesn't get and never will.

Skip_8's Avatar
Do we really care for the reasons of a name change.?
No, Not really.

What we do care is the same shit...rinse and repeat. It gets old and frankly needs to stop.

If you can't get your shit together after, ,say the third iteration...your ass needs to go or stay with whatever handle you picked.
Again, sometimes girls just want to change their name because they feel like it not because their shit is in any need of getting together. Maybe as people grow and change with time "BambiPowerFUCKS" doesn't sound like the name they want to describe themselves and perhaps five years after that "SerenitySin" doesn't work for them anymore.

Where does it stop? Are providers not allowed to change their hair color if enough guys saw her with the old hair color because OBVIOUSLY if she dyed her hair she must not have her shit together and must be running from a dysfunctional background?

Do we really care for the reasons of a name change.?
No, Not really.

What we do care is the same shit...rinse and repeat. It gets old and frankly needs to stop.

If you can't get your shit together after, ,say the third iteration...your ass needs to go or stay with whatever handle you picked. Originally Posted by Skip_8
One thing I have learned by being active on the boards is that some guys (trolls) on here literally make it a hobby of trying to find any kind of supposed undertones or hidden motives in the actions of providers. I.E:

-If she changes her name she must be trying to reinvent herself based on a bad reputation, bad reviews, in hiding, etc..
-If she dissapears it must be because of a health issue, a stalker, or is "hiding".
-If she doesn't show her tummy in photos it means she has a mommy tummy.
-If she is older than 30 or weighs more than 140 she's a used up old lady, or a whale.
-If she posts in snatch, coed, sandbox, or ISOs noticeably often she must be bad with money, desperate, or seeking attention, because clearly she doesn't have any.
-If she defends herself or speaks up, she has a bad attitude. If she doesn't, the rumors MUST be true.
-If she has rumors about her, they must be true.
-If she is in school she's unique and rare.
-If she has selfies in Prada and photos of champagne she's well off, if she takes selfies in her car or hotel room she's lower rank.
-If she has a boyfriend he must be her pimp, or probably doesn't know what she does.
-If she stays at a standard, plain hotel she's tacky and possibly has unsavory habits.
-If her rates are low, she must be _ _ _. If her rates are high she has GPS.
-If she's does or doesn't do anything that generates positive attention, she must be sleeping with a MOD for free.
-She's probably sleeping with a MOD for free.
-If she has several reviews by the same user, she must be writing them.
-If she has several new reviews in a short amount of time, she must be writing them.
-If she has lots of reviews she is banking, if she has little it must mean she sucks.

Blah, blah, blah.. the list goes on.

They can't comprehend that a provider would just do something because she felt like it, or didn't feel like it. Especially if they don't like something about a particular provider (which logically speaking is ad hominem, I believe?) Providers assume the same things about each other and about the men, it's not only the hobbyists. It's entertaining sometimes to watch the trolls fail trying to character assassinate someone, but most of the time I am just in disbelief at these keyboard kooks.
Yep, that about sums it up. I totally agree!

One thing I have learned by being active on the boards is that some guys (trolls) on here literally make it a hobby of trying to find any kind of supposed undertones or hidden motives in the actions of providers. I.E:

-If she changes her name she must be trying to reinvent herself based on a bad reputation, bad reviews, in hiding, etc..
-If she dissapears it must be because of a health issue, a stalker, or is "hiding".
-If she doesn't show her tummy in photos it means she has a mommy tummy.
-If she is older than 30 or weighs more than 140 she's a used up old lady, or a whale.
-If she posts in snatch, coed, sandbox, or ISOs noticeably often she must be bad with money, desperate, or seeking attention, because clearly she doesn't have any.
-If she defends herself or speaks up, she has a bad attitude. If she doesn't, the rumors MUST be true.
-If she has rumors about her, they must be true.
-If she is in school she's unique and rare.
-If she has a boyfriend he must be her pimp, or probably doesn't know what she does.
-If she stays at a standard, plain hotel she's tacky and possibly has unsavory habits.
-If her rates are low, she must be _ _ _. If her rates are high she has GPS.
-If she has several reviews by the same user, she must be writing them.
-If she has several new reviews in a short amount of time, she must be writing them.
-If she has lots of reviews she is banking, if she has little it must mean she sucks.

Blah, blah, blah.. the list goes on.

They can't comprehend that a provider would just do something because she felt like it, or didn't feel like it. Especially if they don't like something about a particular provider (which logically speaking is ad hominem, I believe?) Providers assume the same things about each other and about the men, it's not only the hobbyists. It's entertaining sometimes to watch the trolls fail trying to character assassinate someone, but most of the time I am just in disbelief at these keyboard kooks. Originally Posted by JadeRose
nuglet's Avatar
Again, sometimes girls just want to change their name because they feel like it not because their shit is in any need of getting together. Maybe as people grow and change with time "BambiPowerFUCKS" doesn't sound like the name they want to describe themselves and perhaps five years after that "SerenitySin" doesn't work for them anymore.

Where does it stop? Are providers not allowed to change their hair color if enough guys saw her with the old hair color because OBVIOUSLY if she dyed her hair she must not have her shit together and must be running from a dysfunctional background? Originally Posted by Leah Layada
That's ok, the johns "~ never~" change their handles to get away with shit, or do they? Time and again,
Whispers's Avatar
Again, sometimes girls just want to change their name because they feel like it not because their shit is in any need of getting together. Maybe as people grow and change with time "BambiPowerFUCKS" doesn't sound like the name they want to describe themselves and perhaps five years after that "SerenitySin" doesn't work for them anymore.

Where does it stop? Are providers not allowed to change their hair color if enough guys saw her with the old hair color because OBVIOUSLY if she dyed her hair she must not have her shit together and must be running from a dysfunctional background? Originally Posted by Leah Layada
You can change for whatever reason you want to change. But unless you are changing handles for a personal security issue there is not supposed to be any protection afforded a member in regard to their past. Your reviews and business practices, etc are still up for discussion.

At least that is the way it seems to have been explained.
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 06-22-2016, 02:34 PM
Who is this "Bambipowerfucks" & what is her menu like?
She's $5,000 an hour and only does bareback anal to attractive Japanese gentlemen. Not an Eccie member.

*I might be fucking with you.

Who is this "Bambipowerfucks" & what is her menu like? Originally Posted by Toyz
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 06-22-2016, 03:47 PM
You can change for whatever reason you want to change. But unless you are changing handles for a personal security issue there is not supposed to be any protection afforded a member in regard to their past. Your reviews and business practices, etc are still up for discussion.

At least that is the way it seems to have been explained. Originally Posted by Whispers
As it should be.

For name-changers of either gender (posting history being part of the "etc.").
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 06-22-2016, 03:58 PM
She's $5,000 an hour and only does bareback anal to attractive Japanese gentlemen. Not an Eccie member.

*I might be fucking with you. Originally Posted by Leah Layada

Isnt that an oxymoron?

They have exclusive clubs in Bangkok that cater to ONLY Asian men...

My littly white scottish ass couldnt even get past the door...although the mind numbing numer of Thai beauties everywhere else satiated my needs...
Skip_8's Avatar
Again...I don't care for the reasons as to the name change. It's the constant name changing that is the issue.

If you can't pick a name and stick to it after say three times, guess what, you get stuck with the last name. End of story. I don't make the rules but that would be a nice one to have.

Personally, I don't think handles should be treated as shoes or purses to be changed on a whim or based on how a provider feels the last couple of months. There's just too much data associated with a handle to treat it like a whore treats a trick or a trick treats a whore...disposable. Not only that, but it's confusing as fuck to try and juggle multiple past handles for say 100 ladies. It's too much noise to wade through for any given guy or mod for the matter.

You don't see most of us guys changing handles. The only guys doing that are the ones up to no good. Humpty is the exception, as I have always stated that he should be allowed to keep the Humpty Dumpty( let Humpty be Humpty) handle instead of having each new handle banned just because he talks about cream pies and crass subjects.

Sure, if a girl changes to a more suiting name, all old reviews and associated posts must be attached to the new name with the exception, of course, of a valid security reason.

As the OP originally stated, a valid security concern is a good reason to change a handle at any point in time.

However, when you see the same cycle being repeated way too much, as a guy you ask WTF?

It's like when a provider NCNS and says that her grandfather died for the 6th time or some other lame ass excuse. That's how it comes across.

Again, sometimes girls just want to change their name because they feel like it not because their shit is in any need of getting together. Maybe as people grow and change with time "BambiPowerFUCKS" doesn't sound like the name they want to describe themselves and perhaps five years after that "SerenitySin" doesn't work for them anymore.

Where does it stop? Are providers not allowed to change their hair color if enough guys saw her with the old hair color because OBVIOUSLY if she dyed her hair she must not have her shit together and must be running from a dysfunctional background? Originally Posted by Leah Layada
Whispers's Avatar
LOL. Be honest, you liked that post for him to frame him didn't you? Originally Posted by Leah Layada
Sum it up for the rest of us please. Is there a reason why you don't want to be tied to your old provider name?

You didn't leave us for anything to do with security did you?

Aren't you one of those that thought you coukd run away with one of the guys and over time the fact that you used to be a whore wouldn't be an issue and now you're back because it is a past that you can't escape?

You're well reviewed so your review history would only be a plus to you