Fake escort personas, blogs, websites

Alright!!! Today is pick on Woody day. Everyone dive in.
Well, I’m not even sure what Twitter is. Constantly in touch is something I can do without. I read the paper ever day and that’s it. No TV, no talk radio no surfing the net for God knows what. So I have no idea who we are talking about. What I do know is that if there is a way to make money off of something; someone will make money off of it. It’s just the way the world is.

As for fake escorts, I’m sure there are fakes out there. I for the life of me cannot see the upside to being a fake escort. I personally don’t have an issue with it, obviously, but the world at large does. It’s a secret and taboo world. If someone wants to take the time to create a fake escort site and or whatever else they are doing, I just can’t understand why. But, I’m sure it goes on everyday.
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Most of us think we are above average in spotting fakes.

Research suggest otherwise.

Think about it, people marry and then find out the person they married are not who they thought they were. This industry could be argued as a side shot of that misread.

I find a web-site like a University. Reading their fancy brochure can be quite misleading. You can spend a pile of $$ on a degree from hell.

So my answer is you never know. Not very helpful, I know. Originally Posted by WTF
Carrie is correct. The blogger/twit(erer) that LM was referring to seemed to think she was keeping a diary for a real princess.

And Carrie, those tumblr pictures are hotttttt! Originally Posted by pjorourke
I stand corrected; I should pay more attention next time.
She was fishing???? Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Nope not at all, it was all in laughter...she knows that I was a huge / big player in the 1998 to 2003 era.

....well, except for Woody...that guy is a nutcase. (I just decided it was your day to be picked on buddy...lol)
Not that I deserve it or not....but I have always been told I was "SPECIAL"......."ED".

Alright!!! Today is pick on Woody day. Everyone dive in.
You guys are two days late....LOL
Ok, now hold on everyone. Lynette, I know the blog you're speaking of, and I heard talk of her "outing" as well. My question is: was this outing found to be accurate? Who has outed her and what have they found? Is she really some used-car dealer in Poughkeepsee with an active imagination and an intimate knowledge of the escort industry? I've followed her blog forever, and "fake" is not a concept I would associate with the information distributed therein, nor with her writing.

Granted, I don't know the woman, but the cries of "hoax" seem to me an all-too-easy conclusion generated by the offended and envious. What ground would she (or he) gain as an infiltrator of the escort biz? She already knows a ton! Read any of her essays- each reveals a considerable knowledge about the inner workings of the industry, written with a voice that is part-adventurer, part sex-educator, part lifelong student of sex.

I'm very curious to know-- what is this outing??