Elizabeth Warren as Big of a Draw in Ohio as Hillary Clinton

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Well, well, well. We shall see, won't we boys? I'm excited to see the results of this upcoming election! The more I see the current polling results, the more excited I get!!! Originally Posted by SassySue
I wouldn't rely on polling data for your so-called inevitable result.

they have been wrong on Brexit and they have also been wrong on trump on his margin of victories.

the polls appear to be under-polling (people are lying what they are thinking) & over-weighted with with too many democrats.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Warren has not endorsed Clinton, so she probably won't be Vice President. Like I said, they have different views about Wall Street and bankers. You didn't read my post #23. I actually wanted Bernie Sanders for President. I realize she is backed by Wall Street; I just feel she is the lesser of two evils. I am a Democrat, so naturally I won't vote GOP, and Trump scares me. Originally Posted by SassySue
so you're willing to vote for Hilliary Clinton, a very corrupt person as a lesser evil.

your thinking reminds me of the Louisiana governors race in the late 1980's, with the match up with a corrupt Governor Edwin Edwards vs. a racist, David Duke.

Justice Dept. finally got the goods on Edwin Edwards and he went to jail

so, I guess your bumper sticker slogan is 'vote for the crook, its important'