The Federal Reserve System and JFK

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
The plot to kill Lincoln was a definite conspiracy. Other members of his cabinet were targeted. Booth did not act alone. You don't piss off the international bankers and get away with it.
lustylad's Avatar
The plot to kill Lincoln was a definite conspiracy.... You don't piss off the international bankers and get away with it. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
How do you get away with being even ditzier than your flaky, libtarded, self-contradicting and conspiracy-obsessed girlfriend?
I B Hankering's Avatar
The plot to kill Lincoln was a definite conspiracy. Other members of his cabinet were targeted. Booth did not act alone. You don't piss off the international bankers and get away with it. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Be that as it may, Booth, et al, were not affiliated with any Wall Street bankers or financiers, and Greenbacks were not the raison d'être.

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Yep, she is!

The only consistency in her posts is 1) she is a victim, and 2) bankers are to blame for every evil in the world.

So bankers killed Lincoln to get rid of fiat money, and they killed JFK to protect fiat money.

Reminds me of how the libtards blamed the bankers for reckless lending causing the 2008 recession, then turned around and blamed them for the slow recovery because they weren't lending enough.
Originally Posted by lustylad
interesting theory on this turnaround.

Lincoln's fiat money, I assume its because they didn't have a bank in the USA controlling the country's currency.

Kennedy's fiat money, I assume its because they didn't want to lose control of the currency.

hmm seems control is an issue with these people.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
that thing with the lincoln assassination and the greenback connection is a new one for me.

In Lincolns time... there was no central bank. and they did not rescind its use.

Congress withdrew the greenback in 1865 at end of civil war, only to revive it later in the long running greenback currency wars.

there were people who opposed the idea of the greenback and fought bitterly against it. 1/2 of the population was for it & against it.

Greenback Party comes to mind.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Lincoln, like it or not, as a victor, he was the last victim of civil war.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
interesting theory on this turnaround.

Lincoln's fiat money, I assume its because they didn't have a bank in the USA controlling the country's currency.

Kennedy's fiat money, I assume its because they didn't want to lose control of the currency.

hmm seems control is an issue with these people. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Ya think?