What about older Providers

Thanks, RJ, but don't fall for the hype... Come to Dallas and see for yourself what The Caitie Mae Experince is all about Originally Posted by Caitie Mae
I'm not hard to convince.

You're up there on my very long Dallas list
Logan135's Avatar
I am a fan of quality providers regardless of age but I do agree I've had less issues with scheduling and communication with the more mature ladies for the most part. Also a big thanks to theotherguy1 for starting this thread otherwise I wouldn't have found Caitie Mae's showcase.....she's my new hobby crush : )
  • MrGiz
  • 07-14-2016, 09:50 PM


Her listed age is merely a suggestion of what you're "looking at"!!


Her Body is Easily, the Ninth , Tenth , and Eleventh Wonder of the World!!
gimme_that's Avatar
Experience is one of the best teachers! I can ride a dick without stopping in Asian cowgirl until he cums!!! Never could do it before, cardio helps me a lot with that! so I run miles so I can ride dicks longer! Lol Originally Posted by BabyDallass
But you 25 years old.

And this is principally why I see ladies in their twenties and thirties mostly. If I do see a ladies past fourty she can't look her age especially facially. Body would be second. Mature ladies in bulk hate on top positions like Asian cg. Weak legs and bad backs and excuses. No matter a woman's age I'd still want her to be able to be a top notch pro and have the same stamina and agility no matter her body type.

I've seen a few ladies over fourty......most have been great experiences. Are they personable yes. Professional of course. Can they keep up physically in miltihours with their younger counterparts in bulk majority wise . . . . . . oh hells no. They make those age requirements to see them for a reason.......same as preset rules for uninterrupted sleep on overnights.

I'm in my thirties now. Past most ladies age requirements for ladies 40 and above. In my experience......most don't want to be physically challenged by slightly younger men. They prefer guys much older with less need for service who are moreso into ambiance than performance. They like a routine and having more quality control almost like a dom of how the session goes. Some are jaded to the game and have done it so long they are harder to please. Some don't get wet naturally anymore unless they have copious lube. Theres benefits and disadvantages to every age.

Ideally I would like to see ladies my own age range going forward. But as I start to get older I notice more and more the ladies capable of the experiences I prefer tend to be under younger l. I wouldn't mind different it just is what it is.
DallasRain's Avatar
quote----most don't want to be physically challenged by slightly younger men.

LOL not ALLL young guys.....I saw a 25 year old last week,and I rode him so hard he was worn out after 15 minutes.....and I was still ready to ride more!! So this "old woman" still got it!!!
I must totally disagree with you on most points. Most of the ladies that I have been with over 40 are in way better shape than the young one. The only reason they look like they do is that they take care of themselves. The young one don’t work out, are in consider, and don’t care if you have a good time or not. I have had numerous young ladies get tired on top of me or just refuse to do it that way. The first thing they tell you is their favorite position is doggy or missionary. I am not saying all the over 40 women are great but some of the women over 25 are worn out and they do nothing to take care of themselves. The young ones believe that you should be thankful to be able to talk to them with “your old ass”. The biggest reason that women and men over 40 are in really good shape now are because they work to be there. Ginger is not going to let me get anywhere near her but if you get a chance you need to get an education by seeing her or Felina locally. It will change your fucking world. I will confess if you get some 19 YO she may have that new fresh look about her but they look that way because they are fresh not because of anything they did. You are correct even with the correct genes and 40+ are not going to look as fresh as a 19 YO. It’s the difference of a fully restored classic car that has been taken care well compared to a brand new Toyota with less than a 100 miles on it. The classic will not only keep their value but it will keep going up but the Toyota loses value when you drive it off the lot. Will confess that the Toyota does smell nice.
gimme_that's Avatar
I understand your posts. They have to be in better shape obviously as we get older. But older providers tend to be more critical and have a lot of skepticism going into new appointments. For me I guess coming from a younger demographic......if I see a lady over fourty I still want her to be relatable and not out of touch with current culture and trends. She can't be too old school......bUT she can't be wearing baby phat and styles of dress the younger ladies where for flair. There has to be a balance.

Being single. In my normal dating.....its such an advantage to be in my thirties. I can date any age range. 18 to 45. Ladies over forty who arent providers I admire their confidence, they are career focused, sexually adventurous, and can fuck your lights out on a bad day.

In the hobby not so much. The ones that fit all my criteria as far as providers tend to live in other cities and rarely travel. Now throw in the fact that some also don't see black men, or do multihours due to family obligations and it makes things more difficult. They are very critical on who they see when you younger. They ask questions to younger clients they never would ask clients who are older. They are less spontaneous and don't like surprises. Again I feel they are moreso into the routine. Even the reviewers of the same ladies tend to all have the same outlook of what a session entails. With all the experience it's just seems weird that they aren't more chameleon to different types of clients than they tend to be.

I find milfs sexy. But ones that have the same looks and appeal of their younger counterparts are few and far between. There's always a disclaimer and asterisk attached until you luck up and find the right one.
BabyDallass's Avatar
Well, I'm actually 26 and to me I don't picture myself as "young" in this hobby. I workout daily and watch what I eat! You cant fit everyone in your stereotypes, because not all girls are the same! if your in this business and don't take care of yourself by working out and eating right. It's almost like, why do it?
Well, I'm actually 26 and to me I don't picture myself as "young" in this hobby. I workout daily and watch what I eat! You cant fit everyone in your stereotypes, because not all girls are the same! if your in this business and don't take care of yourself by working out and eating right. It's almost like, why do it? Originally Posted by BabyDallass
I agree with you 100% BD but you know for yourself that you are the exception to the rule in all things. There are very few young or old women that look as good as you do. GT and I are both being general in our statements. Neither group fits his nor my opinion completely we are talking about a small microcosms of the provider population. This is just a little banner that has nothing to do with statistical facts. I could say that young providers spend all their free time partying, not getting enough sleep, eating the wrong things and setting on the couch texting, which is not always true. He could say that older provider have dryer skin, have no energy, and don’t care any longer but that also is not always true. The purpose of my initial post was my surprise as to how well so many of the over 40 providers looked. They will be the first to tell you they are not 21 anymore and to have a body like yours takes them twice as long in the gym and more dietary constriction but some of them do it. The current environment is different than at any time in the recorded history of the world. Kids are doing things at a younger age than we ever thought it possible for them to do it but on the flip side of that adults are doing things at an older age than we ever thought it possible. People half your age are doing things you can’t and people twice your age are doing things you can’t. Just an observation not an accusation.
big boi terry's Avatar
I've found that it's not just an older provider that doesn't want to be challenged. Some of the younger providers fall into the same category. I've had the pleasure of visiting BD, Ginger, and Dallas, and as far as I'm concerned, all 3 were top notch. In other words, I wouldn't hesitate to see them.

But I've been with both younger, and more 30ish types that told me that I made them work to hard for their money, so I'm on their do not see list. Thankfully, that list is an extremely short one. So I believe that it's totally up to the providers, and what type of approach they have to the hobby.

Some of the younger ones don't really care about the experience that they provide you because face it, someone is always going to contact them because they're hot.

Maybe I shouldn't say they don't care, but because calls will come, it's not as big a deal to them. But with the more mature providers that I've met, all have been great. Dallas can scare the hell out of even younger men because she's so insatiable. Ginger was just plain sexy as hell to me, I'll never forget because she was talking, and I was ready to rip her clothes off, and once she did, I was not disappointed, extremely high sex drive. And of course, BD speaks for herself.

So all that I can say is that I don't discount a provider because of her age, legal that is, because I love them in their 20's,30's,40's, and on one occasion, her 50's, and she hung in there like a champ.
gimme_that's Avatar
I've found that it's not just an older provider that doesn't want to be challenged........

But I've been with both younger, and more 30ish types that told me that I made them work to hard for their money, so I'm on their do not see list. Originally Posted by big boi terry
It's the polar opposite for me while trying to see ladies over 40 for overnights. So that may be why I'm more at a disadvantage booking them versus the guy that just books an hour or two at a time. Since I'm honest and straightforward about my expectations that age group majority wise always considers it just too much work. The ones that are chameleons to every type of service type whether it be gfe and pse mixed together are few and far between.

The younger ones all but expect and know certain meets are a bit more challenging than others. I just don't like the fact in the hobby it seems more times often than not I'm restricted to younger age group for the experiences and performance I prefer.

Once you screened, you talk to gain personability, and you figure out her preferences it's not so much a big deal for those older providers. Once your frank and forward and tell them you want to see them for a full night and you have a lot of stamina, have multiple orgasm, and want copious amount of sex and mutual pleasure.......they are the main age group that ain't with it or they aren't into it.
big boi terry's Avatar
I totally forgot the point that you stressed. And I would imagine that you are correct with the overnights. I've never done an overnight, and highly doubt that I would, so NOW I get where you're coming from. When I'm truly turned on by a provider, even at my age, I can have pretty good stamina, but that's more like me running a race of 800 meters, while you're talking about the whole 1600. Yes, there would be a difference lol.

Well, my hats off to you, in my younger days the 1600 was easy, but I've settled in to a very good, and competitive 800, and I'm content with the providers that can do it with me lol.