High School Wrestler Refuses to Take on Girl

TexTushHog's Avatar

TTH, is anyone ever not considered stupid by you if you don't agree? Originally Posted by Boltfan
Presumably he knows that women compete when the seasons starts. Why sign up if he's not going to compete in a certain percentage of the matches?
Presumably he knows that women compete when the seasons starts. Why sign up if he's not going to compete in a certain percentage of the matches? Originally Posted by TexTushHog
That is exactly right. They do know that at some point they will be matched up with a female. These guys need to get over themselves.. seriously.
Sisyphus's Avatar
Well that kid is stupid in my opinion. I don't buy the whole "its against my religious values" either. This reeks with chauvinism. Originally Posted by Bebe Le Strange
Of course! Never mind what he said. Never mind what everyone else directly involved said about him. If we wanted to know what he was REALLY thinking...we should have asked you!!

I have a friend who is a martial artist and boxer. She has won many tournaments and has the trophies and pictures to show for it over the years. I had an opportunity to watch her box the ears off a guy in mixed martial arts / boxing. There are many women who are very capable of competing in these types of sports with men. Originally Posted by Bebe Le Strange
Because one ridiculous argument by analogy deserves another...

I have a female friend...fights as a bantam-weight...one HELL of a boxer! Trains & boxes professionally. Knocks out women who outweigh her by 20lbs. Trains with guys & holds her own. Hell, I wouldn't want to run into her in a dark alley!!

Now...if she fights Nonito Donaire, she's gonna get her ass kicked. The coolest thing about her...she's smart enough to know that...appreciate that...and realize that doesn't take one single THING away from her accomplishments or make her one ounce less of a professional fighter.

Presumably he knows that women compete when the seasons starts. Why sign up if he's not going to compete in a certain percentage of the matches? Originally Posted by TexTushHog
That is exactly right. They do know that at some point they will be matched up with a female. These guys need to get over themselves.. seriously. Originally Posted by Bebe Le Strange
Did either one of you ever bother to read the article from the OP in the thread? In the 85 year history of the tourney exactly two girls managed to qualify. Tough luck for the kid they both happened to qualify....this year...in his weight class. He "defaulted" against the other girl who qualified this year when he drew her in a separate meet 3 years ago. He doesn't have worry about running into her in the "consolation" bracket though...she was pinned in her first two bouts & is out. He could, conceivably wind up against this girl again if they both advance through to the finals of the "consolation" bracket.

NEITHER one of the girls involved had anything bad to say about the kid. The immediate girl's father had nothing bad to say about the kid. The mothers of other wrestlers in the tournament had nothing bad to say about the kid.

Somebody needs to "get over" themselves alright, it's you two...
Hawkeye's Avatar
After finishing third last year, Joel Northrup was a favorite to win state in his weight class. In Iowa, there are approx 6,700 male wrestlers participating at 318 schools. There are 40 girls. That's right, 40, participating in wrestling at 25 schools. That's just over one half of 1%. In the 20 yrs girls have been wrestling in Iowa, this is the first season that girls have qualified for state. Btw, that is the real accomplishment here. To say that he should not have partcipated just doesn't make sense.

Not only did he stand up for what he believed in, more than once, he did it with grace, and respect. He also did it in 100% compliance with the rules. It's a personal choice. I would not have made the decision that Joel Northrup did, but I'm proud of this kid.
You mean he didn't whine about how unfair it was?
Sisyphus's Avatar
After finishing third last year, Joel Northrup was a favorite to win state in his weight class. In Iowa, there are approx 6,700 male wrestlers participating at 318 schools. There are 40 girls. That's right, 40, participating in wrestling at 25 schools. That's just over one half of 1%. In the 20 yrs girls have been wrestling in Iowa, this is the first season that girls have qualified for state. Btw, that is the real accomplishment here. To say that he should not have partcipated just doesn't make sense.

Not only did he stand up for what he believed in, more than once, he did it with grace, and respect. He also did it in 100% compliance with the rules. It's a personal choice. I would not have made the decision that Joel Northrup did, but I'm proud of this kid. Originally Posted by Hawkeye
I don't necessarily agree with his stance...but, at least, he's been consistent & he's handled himself with class. He's been complimentary about both girl's wrestling abilities. He doesn't "forfeit" when he's drawn them. He "defaults"...he simply explains why he won't wrestle them & leaves it at that.

It's his right to do so...and accept the consequences whether I - or anybody else - agrees with him or not. That is what he has done.

I really do hope it's him talking about his own beliefs...and not parroting his folks. It would be a shame for him to fall on his sword like that over what somebody else believes. On top of being what seems like a decent kid intent on trying to do what he honestly believes what's right...he's apparently a talented little wrestler to boot!

You mean he didn't whine about how unfair it was? Originally Posted by pjorourke
Not as far as I can tell...so far.
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  • 02-21-2011, 11:19 PM
I don't necessarily agree with his stance...but, at least, he's been consistent & he's handled himself with class. He's been complimentary about both girl's wrestling abilities. He doesn't "forfeit" when he's drawn them. He "defaults"...he simply explains why he won't wrestle them & leaves it at that.
Originally Posted by Sisyphus

NEITHER one of the girls involved had anything bad to say about the kid. The immediate girl's father had nothing bad to say about the kid. The mothers of other wrestlers in the tournament had nothing bad to say about the kid.

Somebody needs to "get over" themselves alright, it's you two... Originally Posted by Sisyphus
What if he hadn't wanted to get on the mat with a person of color or a Jewish person or a gay person. Would it then been ok to say he was stupid for not doing so?

I understand why he didn't but isn't there a philosophical question in here somewhere?
TexTushHog's Avatar
Still seems awfully silly to put in all that work and pull out because of antiquated beliefs based on an immaginary angry man in the sky whether the percentage is 0.5% or 50%.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Well that kid is stupid in my opinion. I don't buy the whole "its against my religious values" either. This reeks with chauvinism. Women spar with men in all sorts of sports including martial arts. She looked completely matched with this boy. Too say that it is a loose loose for the boy is ridiculous. He had an opportunity to wrestle her and possibly win, and he used his religion as an excuse for an out. I have a friend who is a martial artist and boxer. She has won many tournaments and has the trophies and pictures to show for it over the years. I had an opportunity to watch her box the ears off a guy in mixed martial arts / boxing. There are many women who are very capable of competing in these types of sports with men.

Edit: Women who get into these sports and compete with men know what they are getting into. Wrestling is not sexual regardless of hand placement for positioning. What is next? A guy saying he won't wrestle with a gay guy? Because of his "religion".. lmfao What a cop out. Originally Posted by Bebe Le Strange
Yeah, it’s chauvinism. It’s the same kind of chauvinism that leads proper gentlemen to open doors for ladies or motivates a gentleman to give a lady his seat when there are no other chairs available. In the scheme of life, choosing not to compete in a high school wrestling match will not bring an end to the universe—or to this young man’s life. Just perhaps, wrestling females did not number among his personal goals in life. Who are you and TTH to dare criticize him for that? The boy is happy with his decision, and that is all that matters. One needs hip-waders to navigate through all of this BS Humanist condescension.
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  • 02-22-2011, 07:00 AM
. The boy is happy with his decision, and that is all that matters. . Originally Posted by I B Hankering
What if it had been blacks or Jews or Gays? Would you be so proud of his decision. Thats all I'm asking?

Is this such a hard question to answer?

. One needs hip-waders to navigate through all of this BS Humanist condescension. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
A Humanist has to wade through condescension all the time. Your side condems them to hell.....and cry like a titty baby when we question that absurity. You cats can subtely dish it out but have hell taking the reality that you turn to a doctor when you are sick and not ......
Naomi4u's Avatar
Presumably he knows that women compete when the seasons starts. Why sign up if he's not going to compete in a certain percentage of the matches? Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Well maybe he forgot ha ha. The boy made a good decision. He should be respected for it and not blasted for it.
Naomi4u's Avatar
That is exactly right. They do know that at some point they will be matched up with a female. These guys need to get over themselves.. seriously. Originally Posted by Bebe Le Strange
Oh geeez...
I B Hankering's Avatar
What if it had been blacks or Jews or Gays? Would you be so proud of his decision. Thats all I'm asking? Is this such a hard question to answer? Originally Posted by WTF
It wasn’t, so the point is moot.

A Humanist has to wade through condescension all the time. Your side condems them to hell.....and cry like a titty baby when we question that absurity. You cats can subtely dish it out but have hell taking the reality that you turn to a doctor when you are sick and not ...... Originally Posted by WTF
[IMG]file:///C:/Users/BMORRI%7E1/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtml1/01/clip_image001.gif[/IMG] Originally Posted by WTF
Perhaps being reincarnated as a dung-beetle is more to your taste?
Perhaps being reincarnated as a dung-beetle is more to your taste? Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Wait! You mean WTF ISNT a dung beetle?
WTF's Avatar
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  • 02-22-2011, 08:21 AM
It wasn’t, so the point is moot.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
It is not moot if you have the balls to discuss it. It is moot if you don't.

But that is your choice. I thought some might want to discuss the deeper philosophical question. I thought this forum touted their deep thoughts. Guess not.

Perhaps being reincarnated as a dung-beetle is more to your taste? Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Such a Christian attitude you have there brother I B..