DNC Night 2 theme - Adultery

SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Sorry! You are ignoring the reality ....

#1: HillariousNoMore put him in her proposed administration, just like he put her in his!!! #2: He's giving a "character testimonial" and his "character" and "testimonial" on her behalf are fair game ... in court or out of court!

He's a proven LIAR by a Federal Judge who held him in contempt for LYING and he was LYING UNDER OATH about his affairs with GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES!!!

His "reputation" is an ISSUE!

If you were able to "get the truth" .... 3/4ths of those people in that center wouldn't give her the time of day had she not been his WIFE! The facilitated his preying on women, trashed the women who were his victims, and trashed the people who supported those women who were victims.

She owns what he was and is! Originally Posted by LexusLover
If Clinton's reputation sexual affairs are fair game then so are those of Trump. I voted against Clinton twice. I believe he committed perjury, although some people do not (see link below).


Bill Clinton had the HIGHEST final Presidential approval rating of any President since Harry Truman:


I personally think Bill Clinton the politician would be an asset to any administration. Most people on this forum are, to put it mildly, conservative Republicans who won't concede that a Democrat has ever done anything positive.
  • DSK
  • 07-27-2016, 08:33 AM
Thats cool gfejunkie. The man lied about getting some head from a secretary. One would think the members of this site would be more understanding about that type of situation. Its not like he said POW's arent heros or anything. Originally Posted by clitlicker7
Well, you are right about people on here shouldn't criticize for merely being unfaithful. However, sexual harassment is fair game - Monica worked for The President!!!
LexusLover's Avatar
If Clinton's reputation sexual affairs are fair game then so are those of Trump. I voted against Clinton twice. I believe he committed perjury, although some people do not (see link below). Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
I have been consistent since the Lewinsky story broke into the public media of these two things:
#1, he lied about it and later lied about it under oath in a court proceeding , and
#2, it was classic "sexual harassment" by virtue of using is superior position of authority on the job to obtain sex from a subordinate.

The first is perjury, which impacts on his credibility by virtue of it being a felony involving moral turpitude.
The second is ground for termination of any superior and/or executive, whether in the private or public sector.

You saw just what happened "Aires" with Fox. It is my understanding he just "asked"!

The relevance today is: #1 and #2, he shouldn't be allowed back in public life in a position of trust; it impacts directly on his credibility when he was describing Hillarious and their "love affair"; and his repetitive predator behavior contradicts the "wonderful" relationship he described in their "love story"! As for the relevance to her ... she has expressed he will be a part of the administration on an "intimate" level (probably the most as far as presence is concerned) and his lack of credibility is consistent with hers ... He's as much a liar as she is one.

We just finished 8 years of lying, so we are to endure 4 more? The FBI director has confirmed HillariousNoMore lied about the emails, and the Judge confirmed that Bill lied about having sex in the White House ... WHILE HILLARIOUSNOMORE was in the other end of the HOUSE! Two serial liars wanting back into the White House and back on the Government payroll!
I B Hankering's Avatar
If Clinton's reputation sexual affairs are fair game then so are those of Trump. I voted against Clinton twice. I believe he committed perjury, although some people do not (see link below).


Bill Clinton had the HIGHEST final Presidential approval rating of any President since Harry Truman:


I personally think Bill Clinton the politician would be an asset to any administration. Most people on this forum are, to put it mildly, conservative Republicans who won't concede that a Democrat has ever done anything positive.
Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator repealed Glass-Steagall and signed off on NAFTA.
LexusLover's Avatar
Well, you are right about people on here shouldn't criticize for merely being unfaithful. However, sexual harassment is fair game - Monica worked for The President!!! Originally Posted by DSK
LexusLover's Avatar
Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator repealed Glass-Steagall and signed off on NAFTA. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
While Hillary was ...... "CHANGE MAKING"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The only thing she ever "changed" were the shoe boxes in her closet in the White House in which she hid the subpoenaed cancelled checks in the WhiteWater investigation/scandal that she said she couldn't find!!!

Other than "her story" about the classified emails ... every time it fell apart!

Bill didn't know about DNA ... and Hillary thought she could only have one email account on one IPhone!!!! Two peas in a dumbass pod.
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 07-27-2016, 01:41 PM
LexusLover's Avatar
$50 a night ... for acting in a circus dressed in propaganda materials.

WTF happened to THEIR MINIMUM WAGE? $15 AN HOUR?????

This shit can't get much better .....

Have all the White People seats been filled?
TheDaliLama's Avatar
yAttachment 552505 Originally Posted by R.M.
That's rich...
Munchmasterman's Avatar
I'm sure he's an expert on it ....

.... What did Bill do with the deposit he received from the BILLIONAIRE?

Swallow or spit?

I think that was just after Ken Lay gave him a facial. "Quid Pro Quo"! Originally Posted by LexusLover
I always like the real and full story better.

As The San Francisco Chronicle reported in 2002:
Enron's tentacles ran so deep into Washington's political establishment that 71 sitting senators and nearly half of the current House of Representatives received Enron money during the last decade, including some who are now investigating the company's bankruptcy.
And The Hartford Courant noted:
The company also was generous with state and local candidates from both major political parties. Its tentacles were wrapped around high-profile figures in several administrations.
The attempt made in the piece of netlore quoted above to deflect blame from the Bush administration and dump it onto the Clinton White House includes some major inaccuracies, such as the claim that "the Enron chairman stayed at the White House 11 times" during President Bill Clinton's tenure in office. But as Brendan Nyhan revealed in a 2002 article, Enron CEO Kenneth Lay was never an overnight visitor at the White House during the Clinton adminstration — although, according to Nyhan, "Lay did, however, stay at the White House when George H.W. Bush was president."

As well, given the General Accounting Office's investigation into connections between Enron and Vice President Dick Cheney's planning of Bush administration energy policy, "the corporation's access to the administration at its highest levels" apparently continued well after Bill Clinton left the White House. According to USA Today:
Enron spent nearly three times as much money lobbying the Bush administration in the first half of 2001 as it initially reported.

The collapsed energy-trading company spent at least $2.46 million on efforts to influence energy and budget decisions and support its international ventures, according to an amended lobbying report Enron filed with the House and Senate on March 1.
As for the supposedly shocking monetary figures bandied about ("Enron gave $420,000 to the [Democratic] president's party over three years. It donated $100,000 to the president's inauguration festivities."), those numbers don't come close to matching what was reported about Enron's contributions to George W. Bush and the Republican party in The Hartford Courant:
Since 1989, the Houston-based energy broker and its employees have made more than $5.7 million in contributions to federal candidates and political parties, nearly three-quarters of it to Republicans. Enron was George W. Bush's biggest contributor in the 2000 presidential campaign.
Nor do they match what The New York Times uncovered:
Enron, Arthur Andersen and Vinson & Elkins, a Houston law firm, are among the most generous contributors to Mr. Bush's 2000 presidential campaign. Enron has given more than $700,000 to Mr. Bush since 1993; no company has given him more. In addition, Enron's chairman, Kenneth L. Lay, was one of the "pioneers," raising more than $100,000 for Mr. Bush's e-mail campaign, and he and his wife gave a total of $10,000 to Mr. Bush's Florida recount fund. Enron and Mr. Lay also contributed a total of $200,000 to Mr. Bush's inaugural festivities.
LexusLover's Avatar
That's rich... Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
The dust hasn't even settled from the last fraud scheme uncovered ....

... now they crank up another!

And she hasn't even accepted the nomination yet or Bill have a drink of water?
gfejunkie's Avatar
That's rich... Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Paid conventioneers, paid protesters. Who in Philadelphia is not on the take?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You believe that? Removing people? HAHAHAHAHAAAA!

How many of them were part of the JFK assassination plot?

You're as stupid as Drumpf thinks you are!

LexusLover's Avatar
I always like the real and full story better. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Where is it?

You are about as good at story telling as Bill the Predator!!!

Here's A LINK: The Ken Lay and Enron connection to Bill Clinton began in 1993 ...


.. His chair in the oval office was hardly warm! The deep relationship is described as:

November 1993: Enron Power Plant Creates Demand for an Afghanistan Pipeline

The Indian government approves construction of Enron’s Dabhol power plant, located near Mumbai (Bombay) on the west coast of India. Enron has invested $3 billion, the largest single foreign investment in India’s history. Enron owns 65 percent of the Dabhol liquefied natural gas power plant, intended to provide one-fifth of India’s energy needs by 1997. [INDIAN EXPRESS, 2/27/2000; ASIA TIMES, 1/18/2001] It is the largest gas-fired power plant in the world. Earlier in the year, the World Bank concluded that the plant was “not economically viable” and refused to invest in it."

"1995-November 2001: US Lobbies India Over Enron Power Plant

Enron’s $3 billion Dabhol, India power plant runs into trouble in 1995 when the Indian government temporarily cancels an agreement. The plant is projected to get its energy from the proposed Afghan pipeline and deliver it to the Indian government. Enron leader Ken Lay travels to India with Commerce Secretary Ron Brown the same year, and heavy lobbying by US officials continue in subsequent years."

The Clinton Administration was supporting the Taliban in the mid-late 1990's. There was an Enron meeting in Sugarland, Texas, with the Taliban reps negotiating the pipeline deal when Clinton fired rockets into Afghanistan .... Lay was at the White House asap to ask Clinton what the hell was going.

Bush was Governor ... not President at that time.

You still guzzling the KoolAid!!!!

And do yourself a favor .... don't go all big blue to try to distort or hide the truth.

The Ken Lay/Enron shit has been known about since BEFORE THE INTERNET ... and in the Houston metro area/oil business for YEARS .... The Clintons were up to their eyeballs with him!

Sending the Commerce Secretary over .... Bill Clinton THREATENED India through the SOC if they didn't make the deal with Enron and Ken Lay (The company was owned by Enron).

You got it just backwards .... Clintons were first, then Bush.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
You believe that? Removing people? HAHAHAHAHAAAA!

How many of them were part of the JFK assassination plot?

You're as stupid as Drumpf thinks you are!

LMAO! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Yeah....they are removing the first shift and replacing them with the second shift.