Trumps smear on HRC's health backfires.

bambino's Avatar
You are a hair splitting baby. Comey said what he said. Why dont you go to work at the FBI and show them how its done then. He went into great detail as to why they were not charging her and said if she was still employed as the Secretary he felt she would have been reprimanded. Its over and your team looks foolish for going on and on over it. Originally Posted by MT Pockets
And you're an insufferable little douche bag. She lied, she can't remember, she destroyed devices and used bleachbit to destroy emails. Comey was told to stand down. He did. But he still gave the bitch a strong public reprimand. Only stupid fucks like you think she's clean. But her destroyed emails show up more than she does. She's practically in hiding. She can't give an honest press conference. And there's more to come. This could be a calamity of epic proportions for the Democrats. Now go fuck yourself Pocket Pool.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
And only worthless bags of human feces like you think this is as big a deal as ... Benghazi?

Whatever happened to that?

Grip, Grip. Grip.


Now run home to your Mommy, you heap of dung.

Sad. Very sad. Trust me...
bambino's Avatar
And only worthless bags of human feces like you think this is as big a deal as ... Benghazi?

Whatever happened to that?

Grip, Grip. Grip.


Now run home to your Mommy, you heap of dung.

Sad. Very sad. Trust me... Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
You are an ignorant, rasict, misogynistic, stupid, cocksucking pig. This I can tell you.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Comey left out one detail. He values his life.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You are an ignorant, rasict, misogynistic, stupid, cocksucking pig. This I can tell you. Originally Posted by bambino
You can't hurt me, fat SLOBBO.