I find it quite curious that when a

It's "to" dipshit. Originally Posted by bambino
Jeez professor Bimbino, please don't take too many points off my essay paper for incorrect grammar. I really need to pass ECCIE 101.
It was supposed to be doo doo- you know the fecal matter that you come from and smell like that's what I was referring too you dipshit. Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt

The "c" is all the way across the keyboard from the "o"... Your game is weak 0zombie, real weak...

bambino's Avatar
Jeez professor Bimbino, please don't take too many points off my essay paper for incorrect grammar. I really need to pass ECCIE 101. Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
You need to quit Eccie like you said you were.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I find you to be very hypocritical, who are you to talk bad about anyone you are a 57 year old hooker whore? If young women follow your footsteps and become whores until retirement age we will be in deep doo doo. Do you pay taxes on your illegal occupation ? Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
WeeEndowed, you are a classless bastard. You are willing to "use" providers, but if one dares express an opinion, you call them names and deride them. That's a hypocrite for you. The choice of profession these ladies make bears no reflection on their ability to view a situation and form a valid opinion. Many providers, like RM, are quite intelligent, although it doesn't take a genius to hand you your ass. When you post your typical Democrat bullshit talking points, it's like you've pre-packaged your ass to be handed back to you. This must cause Fisting Chaps some consternation when he arrives to fist your Lubed Wideass, but I digress. You can disagree with the lady on her opinions (you'll be wrong, but you can disagree) but when you attack her profession, in which you partake, you show yourself to be a woman hating clod. You have sexual insecurities based on gender confusion.

So, why don't you keep your promise, disable your account, and GTFOOH. you have nothing to offer. You're not interesting. Your not intelligent. You're an asshole.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Blacks commit crimes and they're convicted. Cops commits crimes and they walk. Pretty big difference. ;-)

Oh stop it already, you know as well as I do that if these "so called" victims didn't have a mile long rap sheet already, (if that sounds too PC, thats to bad, as we do have to look at human nature and the aspect of the biological human response of fight or flight) the police would not go into the situation with a "protect my behind" attitude. Do you honestly think that police leave their homes in the morning, give their children and wifes/SO a kiss and don't want to return home the same way left, i.e. mentally and physically?

Some blacks commit crimes and they are guilty, period, some cops "commit crimes" and if found guilty or maybe just a matter of my previous notion on the "fight or flight", which could very well be the situation of the female cop in Tulsa, as some people just don't handle extreme stress well, I would actually put myself into that category. LOL

Obama won and your demonization narrative failed. If Hilary pulls through then cry me a river about the narratives floating in your head.

Demonize?? hardly, whenever Conservatives opine on any given topic that doesn't "sit well" with you, we are "racists", absolute nonsense, let me ask you, as you do appear to be an intelligent gentleman with some critical thinking skills and possibly a black man. Is the black man in a better situation today or 8 years ago????

If Hilary pulls through then cry me a river about the narratives floating in your head.

If Hillary pulls through, we are all in deep doo doo, what with a 500 percent increase in "refugees", alone, (think even 01% ant us dead) Iran with its 150 million buckaroos building their nuclear bomb to put an end to all the infidels, civil war, even Americans at odds with one another. Yea, you'll be "crying me river" alright. Originally Posted by Cherie

I pitched you a clean pop up and you still let the ball come down and hit you in the face. What gives?

First off I called no one a victim. I merely said when blacks commit crimes they get convicted whereas cops commit crimes they walk.

2ndly - not concerned at all with this failed attempt at introducing fight or flight in this context. I guess it's only fight or flight feelings when dealing with blacks huh? If they can't handle being in cop line of work without thinking every black person they encounter is the boogie man then they need to find another line of work. Fact is all reasonable thinking people already know what's going on. The KKK infiltrated the police force decades ago because it was the most obtainable job for the least educated that still allowed them to kill N-words and it's carried over till this day.

3rd - You can have your view without being considered a racist. However, it's no secret that most whites that are in opposition to Obama is because of race. In fact 99% of posters in this forum are against Obama because of race. The irony is that these same idiots are likely die-hard Christians. LOL Where was the Tea-Party when Bush was wrecking the economy? Nowhere to be found. These fringe groups are nothing but racist groups that need to be sent packing back to the stone age.

4th - all the rest of that political ideological driven drivel about (Iran, refugees, civil war, etc) is just that so I will let you bask in it. No comment.