Whadday drink? (not what you think)

Wayward's Avatar
Because there is a certain amount of look at me! look at me! In any National Coed post, we'll start with my stupid human trick, we can down a 12 oz beer in about 1.4-1.5 seconds. Do six in a row or a pitcher or two at the same speed and you win a few bar bets. We are the size of a building with legs so we never really get drunk unless enjoying several chilled water glasses full of vodka with olive juice, then more often than not someone has to call SWAT. The days of ordering an ice cube shot glass with an imported vodka chilling in a champagne bucket are long over. North of forty power drinking gets kind of silly, just for us, I try not to cast judgment on others vices.

While this lovely creature is kind of slow, it's a hell of lot better than any picture of Father Wayward.

Now days I might enjoy one glass of wine, but more often that not, it's just iced tea or water.
I prefer the sweetened iced tea...its a southern thing...
I can't have just one, one turns to ten, every time. I like some nice pretentious, imported mineral water, sparkling or still, depends on how rich the meal is, a twist of lemon or squeeze of lime, again depending. 112 days sober, and counting.
I can't have just one, one turns to ten, every time. I like some nice pretentious, imported mineral water, sparkling or still, depends on how rich the meal is, a twist of lemon or squeeze of lime, again depending. 112 days sober, and counting. Originally Posted by elpimpo
Congrats on the 112 days. Here's hoping today is added on. And so is tomorrow...and the next day...and so on and so on.
112 days sober, and counting. Originally Posted by elpimpo
Good for you! You have made it past the grueling 90 day mark. Keep it up. It seems there are quite a few of us on ECCIE.
Sisyphus's Avatar
The question was "...with dinner", no?

With a meal, I'm a vino guy. Traditionally, a nice red...but a very good friend is making a white wine drinker out of me as well!

Cocktail before? Gotta go vodka & club soda. I can manage one or two & still function & it doesn't leave an impression on the palate for the meal.

Cocktail afterward? Depends on what's doing.... A nice port with dessert. Otherwise....an Irish coffee or a single-malt Scotch...the latter if a good cigar is an option.

ELP, good for you, sir!! Keep on keepin' on!! I was a binge drinker in my younger days. I've been fortunate in that I seem to have mellowed with age. I try to keep paying attention. The day I decide it's a problem for me...I'm right there with you on the Pellingrino!!
I don't do public, but it's the guys choice, or mine is jack Daniels
If u r asking Originally Posted by Sweet N Little
Wow, in a previous lifetime I was all about Jack on the rocks and easy on the rocks... However, now I will drink wine if that's the lady's choice. If she wants a cocktail, give me an ice cold Corona!

offshoredrilling's Avatar
I voted wine. But what wine depends on the meal. If it was Asian, Plum Wine. Hot dog or burger, beer.
I'm an tea kinda gal