What the hell does this have to do with Black Lives Matter? If those scum are caught they will get sentenced and go to prison. Black lives matter chief complaint was people who commit murder and apparently get a slap on the wrist i.e- the police.
If you are trying to insuiate that Blacks have a problem killing other Blacks, go look at the figures: If you are White you have an 85 chance of getting killed by another white, if you are Latino you have a 93 percent chance of getting killed by another latino, most Italians I know who were murdered it was by the hands of another Italian, but have you ever heard of Latino on Latino crime? White on White crime? Italian on Italian crime? Probably not- who the hell cares about the crime rate in the "shithole called Chicago". Whites overwhelmingly commit the most rapes and sexual predator crimes. Whites have by far the highest suite rate and **forbidden substance** rate. Why is such a privilege race killing themselves at a rate far higher than other minorities? Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
Really dude? Obviously you've never been to Chicago. Every major city has its slum area. There is more nice and great areas in the city than slum. Your name calling in all of your rhetoric really says who you are. Obviously you haven't grown up from the lousy little playgrond you came from and quit trying to act so tough behind your keyboard because it's just making you sound more pathetic than I'm sure your really are.