If Anybody Cares, 8 Murdered, 43 Wounded This Past Week End In Chicago

badhusband's Avatar
What the hell does this have to do with Black Lives Matter? If those scum are caught they will get sentenced and go to prison. Black lives matter chief complaint was people who commit murder and apparently get a slap on the wrist i.e- the police.
If you are trying to insuiate that Blacks have a problem killing other Blacks, go look at the figures: If you are White you have an 85 chance of getting killed by another white, if you are Latino you have a 93 percent chance of getting killed by another latino, most Italians I know who were murdered it was by the hands of another Italian, but have you ever heard of Latino on Latino crime? White on White crime? Italian on Italian crime? Probably not- who the hell cares about the crime rate in the "shithole called Chicago". Whites overwhelmingly commit the most rapes and sexual predator crimes. Whites have by far the highest suite rate and **forbidden substance** rate. Why is such a privilege race killing themselves at a rate far higher than other minorities? Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt

Really dude? Obviously you've never been to Chicago. Every major city has its slum area. There is more nice and great areas in the city than slum. Your name calling in all of your rhetoric really says who you are. Obviously you haven't grown up from the lousy little playgrond you came from and quit trying to act so tough behind your keyboard because it's just making you sound more pathetic than I'm sure your really are.
MOST of the people killed by cops are not innocent bystanders.

Most of those crimes in Chicago are not innocent bystanders you fucking prick. Yes there are times when a bullet goes stray, but for the most part it's gang bangers killing other gang bangers or drug dealers killing other drug dealers. Read the news Bimbo these are not "good people" Chicago for the most part is gang and drug infested and sorry if you are dumb enough to join a gain or deal drugs- 2 places you are going to land- prison or the grave. Stop acting like the majority of the murders are innocent bystanders.
I guess you think in Mexico when the Cartels kill people that everyone involved is innocent? Most times the people they have killed or some how connected to the drug trade. Same thing with the Mafia. Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
Do you think the crime rate in Russia would drop IF they did have a large black population? ROFLMAO

Do you actually think the crime rate would DROP if we moved all the US blacks to Russia?

I can see the headlines now, "Russia Cuts Murder Rate In Half By Allowing All Chicago Blacks To Immigrate, Other Countries Intend To Follow Suit"

Do you think your stats are somewhat more important than mine ? You live in that shithole call Chicago not me. What was chicagos crime rate before blacks populated the city? You do recall the prohibition days with Al Capone? pull up the crime rates in those days where there were very blacks.

You every looked at Russia's crime rate ?
Russia has zero blacks and although Russia has less guns than the United States they have a much higher murder rate even thought they have strict gun laws. Can't blame Russia's high crime rate on the black now can you ? Have you been to Paris or London ? Both those cities are very dangerous I been to both numerous times and a lot of whites commit crimes. The crime rate in Switzerland has steadily been increasing and they have a ridiculous high rape rate guess what race is responsible for the high rate ? Even back in my country of Italy crime is rampant even in Rome.
For you idiots to think that crime in America is mainly because of blacks shows howbyou guys are racist fucks come to Italy with me - I will take you to cities with no blacks and I assure you would be mugged, beaten or even raped Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
To funny COG, literally LOL...

What does "insuite" mean? Then you mention that "Whites have by far the highest suite rate". Are you saying that whites rent better hotel rooms? What the fuck are you talking about?

You are a moron. Isn't your two weeks up? Or were you lying about that, too?

Fucking idiot. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy