New York Times: Trump Paid No Federal Taxes For 18 Years

lustylad's Avatar
The New York Times story has over 5000 comments already!

Most of them are far more intelligent than anything Sissy Chap or LubedAss have ever posted in this forum!

Here is another comment:

"Taking a loss across years is acceptable practice.... The fact that his was so huge doesn't really make a difference. A loss is a loss. I never thought I would find my self defending Donald Trump, as I despise everything he stands for, but I'll have to give him this one."
lustylad's Avatar
The New York Times story has over 5000 comments already!

Most of them are far more intelligent than anything Sissy Chap or LubedAss have ever posted in this forum!

Here is another comment:

"I am amazed this is a surprise to people. Deductions are allowed to be carried forward if you cannot use them in the current tax year. It makes ethical sense that this practice be legal...."
lustylad's Avatar
The New York Times story has over 5000 comments already!

Most of them are far more intelligent than anything Sissy Chap or LubedAss have ever posted in this forum!

Here is another comment:

"The NY Times merely extrapolated out an amount to come up with a sensationalized number of years he COULD HAVE avoided taxes, but they have no idea. If Trump's loss in 1995 was 916 million, and then he had a profit of 917 million the next year, all of those losses would have been eaten up by the profit and he would have paid taxes on 1 million in NET profits.

It's what EVERY company in the entire country does when they have a year in which they lost money.

I can't stand Trump, but this is a horrible distortion of the facts intended only to evoke a response from an electorate that is ignorant of tax law....

With the hard times newspapers have gone through in past years, it would be interesting to see what the NY Times' losses have been, and how they used those up with subsequent profits. Maybe we should be calling for a release of their tax returns."
lustylad's Avatar
....and to you Trump apologists and sympathizers please spare me the excuses. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel

Now here's question for YOU, Sissy Chap - what's YOUR fucking excuse for being such a clueless, knee-jerk lib-retarded political hack who is completely ignorant about taxes????

(As well-documented by my last six posts in this thread - and thousands of comments on the NYT story!)
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
The New York Times story has over 5000 comments already!

Most of them are far more intelligent than anything Sissy Chap or LubedAss have ever posted in this forum!

Here is another comment:

"The NY Times merely extrapolated out an amount to come up with a sensationalized number of years he COULD HAVE avoided taxes, but they have no idea. If Trump's loss in 1995 was 916 million, and then he had a profit of 917 million the next year, all of those losses would have been eaten up by the profit and he would have paid taxes on 1 million in NET profits.

It's what EVERY company in the entire country does when they have a year in which they lost money.

I can't stand Trump, but this is a horrible distortion of the facts intended only to evoke a response from an electorate that is ignorant of tax law....

With the hard times newspapers have gone through in past years, it would be interesting to see what the NY Times' losses have been, and how they used those up with subsequent profits. Maybe we should be calling for a release of their tax returns."
Originally Posted by lustylad

Calm down old man. The fact is we're just touching the tip of the ice berg. This is but one example of why he has no legitimacy. It's one thing to take advantage of tax loopholes but it's a another ball game when you're not paying taxes because you're a dumb fuck when it comes to running your business. What kind of smart business man loses a billion dollars in a good real estate market year? LOL a dumbass that's who.

Also this jackass during the last debate started talking about how bad the American infrastructure is. He mentioned airports, bridges, etc but here's the thing though; if you're not paying federal taxes you have no say about anything in this fucking country. He's not paying taxes and hasn't for 20 yrs which makes him nothing but a taker. He HAS to shut the FUCK up on this he cannot complain or say a fucking word about anything since he's not paying a fucking tax. I don't want to hear shit from this clown. OK. Pay some fucking federal taxes and then talk to me about how bad the airports are.
lustylad's Avatar
Calm down old man. The fact is we're just touching the tip of the ice berg. This is but one example of why he's (sic) has no legitimacy. It's one thing to take advantage of tax loopholes but it's a (sic) another ball game when you're not paying taxes because you're a dumb fuck when it comes to running your business. What kind of smart business man loses a billion dollars in a good real estate market year? LOL a dumbass that's who.

Also this jackass during the last debate started talking about how bad the American infrastructure is. He mentioned airports, bridges, etc but here's the thing though; if you're not paying federal taxes you have no say about anything in this fucking country. He's not paying taxes and hasn't for 20 yrs which makes him nothing but a taker. He HAS to shut the FUCK up on this he cannot complain or say a fucking word about anything since he's not paying a fucking tax. I don't want to hear shit from this clown. OK. Pay some fucking federal taxes and then talk to me about how bad the airports are. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Hahaha... thanks for proving how clueless you are again, ChappedAss! Trump pays a ton of taxes. He lives in New York City which has the highest taxes anywhere. He pays more in tax on a single real estate transaction than you will collect in welfare and public dole payments over your entire miserable, jealous lifetime!

And he pays more in gasoline taxes to erect a single building in Manhattan than you and your worthless DNC buddies will EVER contribute to the public fisc. Gas taxes go straight for infrastructure, you ignorant fuck.

But hey, if you really want to parrot your failed, pathetic lib-retarded talking points, you should do it right! Call up Fauxcohontas Warren! The two of you miserable fucktards can picket Trump Tower on Fifth Avenue waving your pitiful "YOU DIDN'T BUILD THAT!" signs!

You're a fucking loser, Sissy Chap! You always have been, and you always will be!

Heck, from the posts I made above (#28-33) it's obvious you're even an embarrassment to thousands of liberal NYT readers!
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Hahaha... thanks for proving how clueless you are again, ChappedAss! Trump pays a ton of taxes. He lives in New York City which has the highest taxes anywhere. He pays more in tax on a single real estate transaction than you will collect in welfare and public dole payments over your entire miserable, jealous lifetime!

But hey, if you really want to parrot your failed, pathetic lib-retarded talking points, you should do it right! Call up Fauxcohontas Warren! The two of you miserable fucktards can picket Trump Tower on Fifth Avenue waving your pitiful "YOU DIDN'T BUILD THAT!" signs!

You're a fucking loser, Sissy Chap! You always have been, and you always will be!

You're even an embarrassment to thousands of liberal NYT readers! Originally Posted by lustylad

Correction. He pays sales tax on the dildo's he buys for Melania to shove up his ass. However, he still pays NO FEDERAL TAX and as such has no claims to how good or bad this country is. If he is paying Federal taxes as you claim then he should have no problems proving it by releasing ALL of his tax returns. I've single-handedly shown you have no clue. Now you're resorting to and relying on comments from the web. Are you that clueless and hopeless. Oh wait

LexusLover's Avatar
The fact is we're just touching the tip of the ice berg. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
What "ice berg" ... I thought global warming had melted them all??

Who is "we" ... both of your genders.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
^ yawn
lustylad's Avatar
He's not paying taxes and hasn't for 20 yrs which makes him nothing but a taker. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Correction. He pays sales tax on the dildo's (sic) he buys for Melania to shove up his ass. However, he still pays NO FEDERAL TAX... Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
You're a fucking liar, Sissy Chap. You're spewing innuendo just like your sleazy slimy pal Dirty Harry Reid did. Go back and read post #33, you willfully ignorant jackass. You and the NYT writer are FALSELY EXTRAPOLATING from a document that is 20 years old and MAKING UP what you think Trump earned since then. The NYT is now practicing yellow journalism. But you've always been a clueless political hack and a fucking loser, Sissy Chap. You always have been, and you always will be!
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Get mad all you want old man, you can deny the lie but you can't deny the truth. This guy has no voice on this issue and he's as un-American as they come. He's a taker and has no right to opine about anything in this country the bastard doesn't pay Fed tax.
LexusLover's Avatar
You're a fucking liar, Sissy Chap. ... you pathetic loser! Originally Posted by lustylad
lustylad's Avatar
Get mad all you want old man, you can deny the lie but you can't deny the truth. This guy has no voice on this issue and he's as un-American as they come. He's a taker and has no right to opine about anything in this country the bastard doesn't pay Fed tax. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Who's mad? I'm just laughing at your ignorance and lies, Sissy Chap.

You make things up and call it the truth. Here's the truth, loser - Trump is a BUILDER. He builds things. You're a taker. You've already taken it up the ass multiple times since you started this thread.

And be careful who you call "un-American", you insolent slut. There is no one in this country who is less patriotic than your bitch. Even one of your liberal NYT readers mentioned it today:

"Does sending classified material over an insecure network the public didn't know that you had created count as patriotism? When a US spy is hung in Iran after his identity was indirectly revealed in one of these emails, does that count? How about disclosure of satellite secrets or drone attack schedules? Patriotic? Ever hear that loose lips sink ships?

Does setting up this alternate system of communicating all your work messages through a system that will not be discovered when FOIA requests for production of work product come in sound patriotic to you? FOIA--Freedom of Information--is supposed to allow the public (you and me) to see what our officials have been doing with our tax money. Hillary designed this to make sure we would not see that. For 2.5 years the FOIA requests for her emails languished, as State could not find ONE SINGLE Hillary email.

The law requires that officials preserve their work product for future scrutiny. Hillary not only hid hers, but, when discovered, destroyed records of her activities at State.

Does that just reek of patriotism to you?"
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Who's mad? I'm just laughing at your ignorance and lies. You make things up and call it the truth. Here's the truth, loser - Trump is a BUILDER. He builds things. You're a taker. You've already taken it up the ass multiple times since you started this thread.

And be careful who you call "un-American", you insolent slut. There is no one in this country who is less patriotic than your bitch. Even one of your liberal NYT readers mentioned it today: Originally Posted by lustylad
Please you're not fooling anyone. Like Trump you can't control your temper and the way you post proves it. You lack self control and because you do by default it makes you close minded and unreasonable. People like you are angry VERY angry and can't think straight. I imagine you're pacing back and forth in your house right now yelling "Sissy Chap" you folks are completely unreasonable and unhinged people.
lustylad's Avatar
Please you're not fooling anyone. Like Trump you can't control your temper and the way you post proves it. You lack self control and because you do by default it makes you close minded and unreasonable. People like you are angry VERY angry and can't think straight. I imagine you're pacing back and forth in your house right now yelling "Sissy Chap" you folks are completely unreasonable and unhinged people. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel

Nice try at deflection, but not even close. I've been enjoying the US Ryder Cup win this afternoon. Now looking forward to Sunday Night Football.

For you to call anyone on this forum "close minded and unreasonable" is truly rich! As for "self control", you're the prickly twerp who melts down at the slightest challenge to your paranoid posts about "corporate masters" lol.

Your ass must be very sore right now, Sissy Chap. I can always tell when you tap out - you start deflecting so you can lube up and move on to another topic. Sad, really.

How are those DNC social-media-troll checks looking these days? Do they cover your therapy bills?