She is spot on!
Originally Posted by GP
And I also agree and their pulled completely out of context, but thats unimportant .Its always a fascinating double standard, and its no more evident here.The same people that love to preach civility and demand people to be tolerant and polite, seem to be always the first to call people "ignorant" and more of the like(I dont have to list them all, just carefully read all posts before this,anyone with an open mind will see what i mean)It doesn't bother me that someone would call me ignorant, its their rite to say that, it just scares me that too many of these hypocrites always seem to meander their way into government jobs that any self respecting hard working person would never want, and then these people try and push their misguided agendas on real hard working people.Parasite after parasite thats never took a risk with their own money ,or had the balls, to step out and create a job to earn their way.Too many people spending too much time figuring out their next free ride off the back of someone that actually has a backbone, its all very sick and disheartening.Thank GOD that there is strong,confident, sexy, intelligent right (correct) thinking WOMEN cause they are the only ones with BALLS enough to save this country.