Arizona Republic Newspaper receive death threats from Trump Supporters.

Guest123018-4's Avatar
If the media reported it then it is a lie.
Nothing to see here.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
There was a real small story a couple of days ago about the Clinton office in New York getting an envelope of white powder. Too bad the office workers made use of it before it could be analyzed. In any event, it didn't get any traction. Probably just another false flag operation.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Lube, you really do these google searches? I've never seen anyone work so hard to be a classless asshole. Threaten me, Fatass Phony. If you thought I was going to show up, you'd be in hiding for weeks.
Lube, you really do these google searches? I've never seen anyone work so hard to be a classless asshole. Threaten me, Fatass Phony. If you thought I was going to show up, you'd be in hiding for weeks. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
You are the last person in this forum I am worried about- carry on.