Trump Supporters Will Break Down Faster

Guest123018-4's Avatar
All Trump is is not hillary. nuff said.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Increase the minimum wage and that way you will get Americans applying for those jobs. I can guarantee that the wages will not dramatically go up if illegals are deported. Ever heard of the legal immigrant? Not all of them are doctors, nurses and scientists. Ever heard of the aging American worker? Ever heard of the young American worker that doesn't have any education and skills? No matter what the wages will still be relatively low for traditionally low paying jobs UNTIL the government acts. BTW, many illegals don't speak English well which is a requirement for a lot of jobs and this helps to free up American, English speaking labor for better positions that allows more productivity in the labor market. In other words, this law of comparative advantage facilitates wages going up for having specific skills. The profits from utilizing cheaper immigrant labor will help to expand a company which means the hiring of more personnel that will be paid more depending on their skill set. Therefore, the economy will grow further. Companies are able to offer cheaper prices for their products and services because utilizing cheap immigration makes it economically possible. Waiters and maitre d’ staff are able to make a good living because immigrants work in the kitchen and keep the restaurant business profitable through inexpensive pricing.
Originally Posted by WolfWhistle

Then why did the labor shortage in North Dakota lead to a 100% increase in wage pay, Wolfie? Isn't a "100%" wage increase not "dramatic" enough for your stupid-ass, Wolfie?

In the heart of North Dakota's Bakken Formation lies a free-market poster child—a spot where fast-food workers earn multiples of the $7.25 federal minimum hourly wage.

"We've got people at $13, $14, $15 at the crew level." Management positions fetch as much as $20 per hour,
Jon Munger said about his Williston, North Dakota, Hardee's franchise.


Then why did the labor shortage in North Dakota lead to a 100% increase in wage pay, Wolfie? Isn't a "100%" wage increase not "dramatic" enough for your stupid-ass, Wolfie?
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
LMAO, it's North Dakota. There is nothing there!
Get off your fucking soapbox, wolfboy. Unless you want to keep losing elections by being such a condescending asshole.

Ever heard of environmental lobbyists? How much money did Tom Steyer piss away on hildebeest's failed campaign? Funny how you never talk about that. You only want to demonize those evil oil & gas boys (the ones who deliver 2/3 of our energy needs, every day of every year). Why do you think hildebeest stuck her foot in her mouth and offended every resident of West Virginia, whether they work in coal or not? She did it to kiss Tom Steyer's corrupt, libtarded lobbyist ass!

And you still haven't addressed my pie chart. Reality check, right? How is it that after DECADES OF MASSIVE SUBSIDIES renewables only supply 10% of our energy consumption (with wind and solar only covering a puny 2.5%)? Not a good track record, dicknose. And you're whining that "coal cleaning technologies are very expensive" after pouring billions of taxpayer dollars into failing Solyndras? You confidently assert "coal will never be clean" - and you know that how? Even your own link contradicts you:

"Let's be clear. We should continue research into making coal cleaner--that fuel will be a vital part of our energy mix for decades."

Thanks to fracking, natural gas is going up much faster than renewables. Funny how you don't mention that either. Coal's share is going down primarily because of natural gas, not renewables. Originally Posted by lustylad
Why would I care about winning elections? I am freaking John for Pete's sake. Every heard of environmental lobbyists with deeper pockets than the oil and gas companies? I did address the pie chart. You can't read. Hint, hint OIL AND GAS LOBBYISTS!!!! Ask a scientist if coal will ever be clean. Sigh. "We should continue research" doesn't mean the oil and gas companies are going to do that. Probably not because it costs too much and depletes their profit. Natural gas is cheaper than coal. Renewables are still relatively expensive but that will change once the technology is further developed. Technology for the traditional sources of energy haven't improved that much by leaps and bounds. Natural gas does harm to the environment like coal does. Coal is going down because of four reasons: gas is power efficient, gas is more competitive than coal, gas is more flexible kind of energy, and regulation forces coal facility shut-downs. However, coal will remain a fixture because of developing nations, such as China and India.
I B Hankering's Avatar
LMAO, it's North Dakota. There is nothing there! Originally Posted by WolfWhistle

There was a labor shortage with $15 per hour for minimum wage jobs without a government mandate, Wolfie. It's called "capitalism", Wolfie.

When there's a glut in the labor pool, Wolfie, it drives down wages. Illegals cause a glut in the labor pool, Wolfie. Illegals drive down wages, Wolfie.

There was a labor shortage with $15 per hour for minimum wage jobs without a government mandate, Wolfie. It's called "capitalism", Wolfie.

When there's a glut in the labor pool, Wolfie, it drives down wages. Illegals cause a glut in the labor pool, Wolfie. Illegals drive down wages, Wolfie.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Read my links. BTW, economics is not a science. In your language, shit happens.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Read my links. BTW, economics is not a science. In your language, shit happens. Originally Posted by WolfWhistle
When there is a labor shortage, wages go up without a government mandate, Wolfie. When there's a glut in the labor pool, Wolfie, it drives down wages. Illegals cause a glut in the labor pool, Wolfie. Illegals drive down wages, Wolfie. It's the law of "Supply and Demand", Wolfie; it explains why "shit happens" the way it does, Wolfie.
When there is a labor shortage, wages go up without a government mandate, Wolfie. When there's a glut in the labor pool, Wolfie, it drives down wages. Illegals cause a glut in the labor pool, Wolfie. Illegals drive down wages, Wolfie. It's the law of "Supply and Demand", Wolfie; it explains why "shit happens" the way it does, Wolfie. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Shit happens means that uncontrollables can factor in which will throw a wrench in your silly economics theory. Well I guess the world does need a sucker to make it profitable afterall.
lustylad's Avatar
Why would I care about winning elections?

First, you say you want to save the planet. Now you say you don't care. Make up your fucking mind. Or don't. I'm fine with you and your ilk losing elections from now 'til kingdom come.

I did address the pie chart. You can't read. Hint, hint OIL AND GAS LOBBYISTS!!!!

Ducking the question again, douche-bag?

I will condescend and TRY to understand your argument - you're saying although renewables have received huge subsidies and direct taxpayer assistance for decades, oil and gas lobbyists have somehow killed off every new technology and innovation that resulted from it? You're losing me, wolfpuke. How does that work again?

Ask a scientist if coal will ever be clean. Sigh.

Thousands of scientists go to work every day to develop cleaner coal technologies. Wanna tell them all they're wasting their lives? They wouldn't do it if it was a dead-end.

"We should continue research" doesn't mean the oil and gas companies are going to do that. Probably not because it costs too much and depletes their profit.

Oil and gas companies invest primarily in oil and gas, not coal. Coal company profits are depleted because jackasses like Odumbo have been saddling the industry with higher costs and impossible mandates to drive them out of business.

What I don't get is this - you're cool with letting the renewable folks suck on the government teet all day long, with little to show for it. But you expect the coal folks to fund 100% of their own research. Here's a better idea - divert some of the money we keep pissing away on renewables into government-funded clean-coal research.

Technology for the traditional sources of energy haven't (sic) improved that much by leaps and bounds.

FRACKING is a game-changer, a leaps-and-bounds advance! It has revolutionized the oil & gas extraction industry world-wide! Stop embarrassing yourself.
Originally Posted by WolfWhistle

Your ignorance is staggering!
Your ignorance is staggering! Originally Posted by lustylad
All of your rebuttals were already answered by me!!! Can't you read?????????????? Finally I did mention other three reasons besides regulation why natural gas was beating out coal. Again can you fucking read????????????????
lustylad's Avatar
All of your rebuttals were already answered by me!!! Can't you read?????????????? Finally I did mention other three reasons besides regulation why natural gas was beating out coal. Again can you fucking read???????????????? Originally Posted by WolfWhistle
Meltdown much?

My reading is fine, wolf-girl. You haven't answered a thing. It's obvious you're in way over your head here.

But thanks for playing. Now run along.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Shit happens means that uncontrollables can factor in which will throw a wrench in your silly economics theory. Well I guess the world does need a sucker to make it profitable afterall. Originally Posted by WolfWhistle

You're stupid, Wolfie.

"If desire for goods increases while its availability decreases, its price rises. On the other hand, if availability of the good increases and the desire for it decreases, the price comes down." Ibn Taymiyyah, 14th Century.
lustylad's Avatar

You're stupid, Wolfie.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
It's amazing... another babbling economic illiterate. This sentence made me burst out laughing:

In other words, this law of comparative advantage facilitates wages going up for having specific skills. Originally Posted by WolfWhistle
Economists use the term "comparative advantage" to analyze trade between nations, not wages.
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